Showing posts with label Glock 21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glock 21. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cooking With LSP, Korhai Al Mexicani

"What?" you splutter indignantly, "You can't cook with LSP, that's totally absurd." Not so fast, High Tories, you can cook with LSP and here's how.

Chop up an inch or so of ginger and throw it in a korhai, or a pot, with appx 4 tbls of vegetable oil. Then add 3 minced garlic cloves and stir it about. 

Don't burn the garlic like some kind of fool. Enjoy the aroma and add 1/2 tsp of turmeric, 1 tsp coriander, 1 tsp cumin, as much chili powder as you like and salt and pepper to taste. 

Squeeze in some lemon, stir and if needs be add a little water to stop everything grinding to a burning, sticking halt. Keep stirring for a short while and if this starts to get boring, look at your gun, safe in the knowledge you're protected against dangerous ingredients.

Satisfied with your culinary genius, add a couple of chicken breasts, cut into chunks. Fry 'em up until they're white all over. Then add two diced whole tomatoes, skin on, along with a couple of jalapenos (I recommend 2 or your Al Mexicani curry will taste too Mexicani) and simmer until the tomatoes dissolve.

Let it simmer for around an hour, adding water if the beast threatens to dry up, which it shouldn't. While you're doing that, don't listen to Motorhead, or Werewolves of LondonAnd when it's done?

Eat your scoff like a warrior. And don't fear the reaper,


Friday, January 5, 2018


Do your guns still work, for that matter, do you still know how to use them? There's one sure fire way to find out, go shooting and that's exactly what we did.

An AR15 performed flawlessly, putting rounds down range like a proper little heater, likewise a Glock 21. Well done, Austrians, you've produced a good 'un.

Speaking of pistols, I've noticed people have a tendency to shoot low with the Glock and some say that's because of the ergonomics of the grip. With that in mind I aimed slightly high and shot, ahem, slightly high. Excellent pistol and I always enjoy its explosive .45 ACP power.

We finished off with some .22 plinking against various threats including a bottle cap, someone's discarded Coors Lite can and our ancient enemy, unicorns.

It's argued that unicorns are harmless, mythical, noble creatures. We disagree, they're a right menace, just look what they've done to San Francisco and Austin. And the moral of the story?

Shooting is great, so get out in the fresh air and do it more often.

Gun rights,


Friday, December 29, 2017

Fire It Up

There's the fender, the "dogs" and the ancient fire tools from the time your ancestors conquered this land, or bought them in a street market in Brussels or Oklahoma City or wherever; doesn't matter, dammit. Where's the fire?!?

I've argued this for years, "Clean out the flu, light the fire; it'll be better, warmer." But no, a feeble gaslight rules.

Now that we've had a year of MAGA this should and must change. Real fires, please.

America First,


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


In Aberystwyth you're not allowed to shoot Glocks or AR15s because they're far too dangerous. So when my brother drove over from Dallas, where he's taking a vacation from "Aber", I loaded up the rig with some deadly assault rifles and a couple of .45s. And off we went to the range.

First off, we tackled a green silhouette at 30 and 50 yards with a banned-in-the-UK carbine, topped with a Primary Arms red dot. It's a fun gun to shoot and my brother did well, handily putting down the green terrorist. Take that, paper aggressor, you lose.

Note Cooking Glock

Then it was time for some banned-because-Brits-can't be-trusted-with-pistols Glock action. Mostly against steel plates at 10, 18, 24 and 30 yards. Big excitement as the workmanlike bit of Austrian engineering roared in the hand with explosive fury. Great enjoyment.

The best shots of the day went to my brother, who scored a series of headshots at 100 yards against the green enemy. Not bad, given no magnification and a dot.

Moral of the story? Shoot more.

Gun rights,


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cooking With LSP?

Can you cook with LSP? That's a very good question and I thought I'd put it to the test with some Country Style Ribs. More chops than ribs but whatever, they're cheap. Then I noticed that we'd all been here before.

Perhaps, I thought, the addition of a Glock 21 would change things up enough to warrant a separate post. Would the pistol improve the recipe? Yes, like Deep State Mueller adding to the WaPo's hoax machine, the Glock helped.

As I browned off the chops, deglazed the onion, garlic, celery, carrot, tomato paste, bay leaf base with apple cider vinegar, then yes, for sure, the Glock helped. Everything felt more secure, this was going to work.

Then, when the house smelled of the delicious aroma of simmering pork and the time came to add this awesomness to a plate of mashed potato, did the Glock win out? Yes, it did, because these Country Style Ribs were better than ever and twice as good.

Moral of the story? Cook with a pistol, maybe a Glock, your call, there's no "rule."

Weapons sorted, eat your scoff like a warrior. And that's cooking, with...


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unicorn Hunting School

One of the things English visitors to the compound like to do is hunt unicorns with deadly pistols and assault rifles. You see, they can't do that in the Old Country, because unicorns are protected and it's far too dangerous. But it's open season on the horned predators in Texas, so we loaded up the rig with weaponry and headed to the range.

The unicorn hunting evolution went well, with a brisk warm-up against steel plates, playing cards (thanks, LL), some pound coins and a couple of silhouettes. Watermelons featured too. And guess what?

The new pound coin doesn't stand a chance against a Glock 21, a .38 Special, an AR15 and a Ruger American .22. Then we got on the unicorn. Let's just say this, it met its match. 

Vicious little things, unicorns, they'll gore you with their horn so don't hesitate before squeezing the trigger.

Well done, JS and H. You are now unicorn hunters, good shooting.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Shoot! It's Spring

The day didn't start off well; I wasn't happy about the marketing stunt Walmart had pulled on its T shirts. These have been rebranded as "Extreme Sports Temp," in the hope that no one notices that once good T shirts are now flimsy rubbish. Way to go, Marketeers. So, to put things straight I put some guns in the rig and headed out to the range to celebrate the first day of spring.

As always, it was great to get out in the country with the guns, in this case an AR15, a Glock 21 and a Ruger American .22. Nothing too adventurous, just some relaxing target practice in the sunny Texan spring. And some pest control.

That's right, a unicorn had sneaked into the range and had to be dealt with. They're a menace, I tell you. Just look at their horns, they'll gore you, given half the chance.

So I didn't waste any time dealing with the threat. Will 5.56 and .45 take down a unicorn? Yes, they will and the Glock 21 proved especially effective at neutralizing the deceptively fluffy enemy at close range. Take that, unicorn.

Herd control over, I finished off with some gentle plinking against the range's steel plates. Remember to breathe, was my note to self.

Shoot over, it was time to head back to the Compound, mission accomplished and a good day had by all, except the unicorn. You can watch aspects of this curious adventure here.

Gun rights,


Friday, February 24, 2017

Shoot The Glock

So you get up, shower, say your prayers, walk the dog and buy a coffee from the local pick 'n steal, then you visit the sick; congratulations, you're on task, but what next?  Get out in the field and shoot, obviously.

I chose a Glock 21 because I like it, you might favor another weapon, like a .357 Magnum and that's fine. There's no rule. 

Targets were simple. A steel turkey at around 50 yards, steel plates at 25 and a Gatorade bottle wherever I felt like putting it. Fine, but did I still know how to shoot? Good question.

In the end, yes, but it took about half a box of cheap Federal .45 ACP to get back in the swing of things. BOOM. Tink. Down goes the turkey and BOOM, take that, Gatorade bottle as you fly through the air. The steel plates met their match too, once I'd warmed up. Boom, tink, swing.

Satisfying and, for me at least, exciting. There's something about the explosive power of a handgun that gets the adrenaline up, big fun. Still, if you plan on hitting your target you'd better practice. I reminded myself of that today.

Of course all this is banned in England, but not to worry, Brits. Nanny State will protect you.

Gun rights,


Monday, January 23, 2017

Escape Shia LaBeouf Go On Retreat

In a desperate attempt to escape the millionaire socialist antics of Shia LaBeouf, I'm driving to Lake Dallas and our annual clergy retreat.

It'll be good to get away on the peaceful shores of the lake and enjoy the company of faithful clergy. There won't be any priestesses, clown liturgies, interpretive liturgical dance and Islamic calls to prayer.

Go on, shoot the Mohammedan rug

There won't be any women's marchers wearing weird hats. Neither will there be super rich commie protesters like Shia LaBeouf, stoking up fauxtrage.

I'm looking forward to it.

God bless,


Thursday, January 12, 2017

MAGA Shines Upon Texas

The MAGA Light shines brightly in Texas, perhaps because Rick "He May Be A Fool But He's Our Fool" Perry is the nation's new Energy Secretary. Well, there was plenty of energy spilling out of the heavens on the way to Mass this evening.

And there was steak, which is cheap and plentiful in Trump's America. I mean for goodness sake, you can buy a solid Threeper for $15 at the commissary.

MAGA At Every Level

I like Strips, seared in heavy metal, brought to heat in a 400* oven and served with whatever. Maybe vegetables, maybe not. Some, most, would call that winning. Unless they're Austin vegans who live off tofu, bark, nuts and other people's money.

Austin Hippies Goofing Off

They scorn the MAGA Light, like Soros, who lost a billion big ones after the election. Bad luck, George, you lose, Trump wins.

Hangin' At The Tower

In other news, Le Pen was seen in the Golden Tower. Who knows, maybe France will become great again, too.

Ban the Burqa,


Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Years Day

So what's it like in Texas on New Year's day? Well, it's not bad. First things first, go to Mass and celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name. As you do, reflect on the power of the Name, Jesus, God Saves. How does this correlate to the Tetragrammaton, the unspeakable Name of Yahweh? 

Random Kitchen Drawer Glock

Perhaps it's that in flesh, incarnate; the unspeakable become speakable, man divinised, finite and infinite as one in the person of the God Man, Jesus. Whatever the case, his Name is stamped or engraved upon our names and I preached on that theme. Of course the idea is to live up to that, by the grace of God.

The Watcher

Then, Masses over, you head back to the Compound for a feast of leftovers and the happy thought of our current crew of self-serving millionaire socialists being kicked out of power.

Good work, America. You didn't elect The Witch.

Maybe there's hope for us all yet.



Monday, December 12, 2016

The Vatican Goes Green!

Pope Francis' Vatican has issued tough new directives requiring priests and seminarians to go green and take the "emerging planetary crisis" seriously by having an "ecological conversion."

Rome's eco-directive, called "The Gift of the Priestly Formation," goes on to state that “it will be necessary for future priests to be highly sensitive to this theme and, through the requisite Magisterial and theological guidance, help to acknowledge the appeal, immensity and urgency of the challenge we face.”

Typical Global Warming

Here at the Compound we take the urgency of the War on Weather very seriously indeed. That's why we favor the workmanlike Glock 21 and its 13 rounds of .45 ACP stopping power, capable of unnerving accuracy in the most adverse weather conditions.

A Glock and a Spyrderco in the War on Weather

Some prefer the mighty .357 Magnum, but here's a thought.When the emerging planetary crisis has taken 6 rounds and you have to reload, the Glock 21's still firing.

Lead downrange, in the War on Weather.


Monday, November 21, 2016

Let Them Eat Steak

you have the steaks... you have the wines... and all of that. Donald Trump

It's a brave new dawn in America, as oppressed people everywhere shake off the shackles of oppression and get down to the serious business of pounding the mahogany to the tune of steak and wine.

Both of these are affordable now, thanks to Danaldus Magnus, and here at the Compound we took advantage of that, scoring a "Threeper" of New York strips at Walmart for $15 bucks. Yes readers, that's right, 5 dollars a steak and guess what, they were delicious. 

Seared for a minute a side in an iron skillet and put in the oven at 400 for 3 minutes. Did Marmite butter feature? Sure it did, along with egg and chips (French Fries).

Was it tasty? Yes it was, as tasty as the Network Heads and their millionaire socialist, comsymp, agitprop shills in the media getting a beating in the Golden Tower. 

“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed…" Right on, Magnus.

The next day, the Team got out in the field with a couple of deadly assault rifles and settled into some serious business. Just you, the country and the guns. Sorry, rainbow rider losers, there's freedom in that.

Gun rights,


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Safe Space

A friend from England was discussing America's gun laws and how they might not work in the UK, "Think downtown Romford on a Saturday night, throw guns into the mix and Boom! They'd all be dead, innit."

Piers Morgan Being Appalling Somewhere in England

Even the most ardent firearms enthusiast might have to concede a point, though I bravely countered with "being able to defend yourself is a hallmark of a free society." Picture the scene, you're strolling down a street in Soho looking for fun and up saunters Piers Morgan, all raced up from Champagne and Gin at the Groucho. So Whaddya do? Call the police?

Alien Gear

That's a negative, by the time London's Finest arrive it's too late. No. You pull out a Glock like a free man and shoot it dead, but you can't do that in England, which brings us back to America.

It Works

In this country you can defend yourself and I'd argue that qualified persons should carry in order to defend the unarmed citizenry against bad actors, like Piers Morgan and Lena Dunham. My friend agreed, "It's like a duty."

Safe Space

With that in mind, my carry weapon's a Glock 21. I know, I know, it's not a .357 Magnum or an awesome Kimber, but whatever, the Glock's all business and gets the job done. What's the job?

Creating a safe space, obviously.

Gun Rights,