Showing posts with label City of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City of God. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2024

What Have We Done


A Typical Baltimore Street Scene

Nothing good, American cities didn't used to be the urban hellhole wastelands they've become. But maybe you doubt me and think "it's always been this way." No, it hasn't, here's a few before and afters:

Good work, Kansas City!

And well done, Council Bluffs. Now everything's better.

Yet more awesomeness from Kansas City.

And McKeesport's made some startling improvements! NICE.

But why, Milwaukee, live in a city when you can live on a road?

But I won't go on. Look up pretty much any US city, do a before and after search and you'll find they've been gutted and wrecked. And the point is this, we don't have to live this way and we shouldn't. Our cities and towns should be beautiful and they're not. Problem. Solution?

Kick out the degenerate nihilists who've captured our schools and teach that some excrescence by Damien Hirst's just as good as a Rembrandt. In other words, reclaim objective aesthetic value, and we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Form, proportion and all of that have been worked out long ago, return to this.

Just Look How This City Was Improved

Likewise, remembering the simple maxim that roads are for travel, cities are for living, plan accordingly. For example, Waxahachie has a pleasant, enjoyable center, such as it is for a small town. Why? Because the City Fathers in their wisdom rerouted industrial traffic out of down town and, lo and behold, this now flourishes.

Again, back in the '70s, the urban planning genius patrol in charge of Calgary, Alberta, were fixing to drive a highway along the Bow river through Inglewood. They were stopped, and Inglewood's now a congenial place to stroll around, albeit hideously overpriced thanks to Justine Trudeau.

Random Educational Meme

So, let's take our towns and cities back and make them beautiful again. We should not have to live surrounded by the brutal ugliness of Hell, and you'll note: The Left, in its rage against bourgeois oppression tore down its architecture, and the result? Now only the rich can live where everyone else once dwelt. There's a moral and an axiom there, if you care to draw it.

Architecturally Yours,


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Inspirational Sundays

Well, well, well. Who's to blame for not one but two mass shootings right on the heels of the epic fiasco of the DNC debates? An old pal from the Rustbelt, aka Detroit, supplied the answer. It's the President's fault for "openly fomenting hatred of Latinos."

Flummoxed, I went right to the source, Eva Peron, "Did 45's brazen, literal racism towards people of color, towards mujeristas from the countries of Latin and South America, cause the tragedies of El Paso and Ohio?"

Eva replied with typical heart-winning candour.

Do not be ridiculous. These were crazies, freaks, a mental health issue. One, a deranged socialist and Devil worshiper who loved the so-called "Fauxchahontas," the other? An eco-nut. Deranged.
And why blame guns? Are they more deadly than in 1947? Why so many shootings now as opposed to then?  Is it the gun's fault? No, it is the person, the people, society. This has become sick."

Chastened, I returned to the City of God and pondered the devolution of the West. It's a strange and abhorrent thing to watch the collapse of an entire civilization unfold before your very eyes.