Showing posts with label Californians move to Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Californians move to Texas. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

City of Screaming Tires

A churchperson's truck developed a mysterious flat, and the relative that was going to fix the tire had a blow-out on the way to do so. He rolled his truck and miraculously no-one was killed, though the vehicle was totaled. So I offered to help.

After getting the wheel off, the reason for the flat was obvious. A big spike had embedded itself in the tire, ruining its performance.

Similar, when you think of it, to all those classified documents that found their way into Hillary's secret server, wrecking her chance to travel along the road to becoming the world's most powerful woman, ever.

Californians Trying to Break Into Texas

We loaded the wheel in the back of my truck and took it to a used tire store in Slap Out, and got a new tire. As we waited, I looked at my tires. Lo and behold, the driver's side front tire was worn down to the metal. I got that fixed, too.

I reflect on this adventure from the front porch, after drinking a coffee and saying Morning Prayer. I haven't seen any Californian illegals coming down the street, begging and hustling, but if they do, I'm armed. With a Glock 21.

And that's country life, in Texas.


Monday, August 31, 2015

Texas Border Overwhelmed By Migrant Surge!

A wave of immigrants threatens to overwhelm Texas' already hard-pressed border, as an unprecedented surge of Californians attempt to enter the Lone Star State.

Californians Attempting to Enter Texas

An estimated 600,000 Californians have swarmed into Texas, trying to escape deteriorating living conditions in the one-time Golden State, which is characterized by drought, oppressive taxation and soaring costs of living.

Militia Defend Texas Border

The flood of Californians has caused citizen's militias to mobilize in defense of the border, and what they see as Governor Rick Perry's failure to secure his state from the unprecedented surge of Californian immigrants.

A Makeshift Camp of Californians

"Rick's alright," stated one militia commander, on the condition of anonymity, "But he's not the sharpest stick in the pack. He invited all these Californians here thinking they'd boost the economy and vote for him. 

Fire on the Mountain

"All they do is thieve, trash everyone's land and lay around high all day. They won't even vote for him, they're like a Trojan horse. That's why we're mobilizing, to close our border with California and stop this threat. We don't want Texas to turn into some kind of shakedown street."

Californian Border Surge

Governor Perry invited Californians to move to Texas in 2013, stating that it was "impossible to start a business in California." It appears that his invitation has been answered.

Typical Austin Park Scene

The City of Austin is estimated to be at least 92% Californian.

Your Pal,