Showing posts with label 7 by 7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7 by 7. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Just Take A Day Off

Unlike our adversary the Devil, I try to take a day off on Monday. It doesn't always work, far from it, but today it does, at least so far. And what a day it is, sunny, clear, bright Texan weather, a lull before the ferociously incoming heat of summer. Beautiful, and with it, lazy Mexican music floats across the air from Eduardo's yard only to meet Seven by Seven and Riding a Raid. I tell you, it's a veritable battle of the bands.

Speaking of which, d'ye think 47's got a chance at defeating the pernicious, partisan, fraudulent, unconstitutional lawfare being waged against him by off-the-hook rogue judges? It seems he's appealing to SCOTUS, good luck with that, but perhaps the old I'm going to ignore you gambit's the best play. Who knows, situation developing.

Not unlike the war in Ukraine, curiously. Word has it that UKR reps left their peace meeting in Riyadh "thunder faced." Who knows, maybe they were told the US cash spigot's about to be turned off. Or not, let's see. That in mind, I don't recall voting to spend a single penny on the Cocaine Fuhrer. Regardless, grilling's on the menu for later.

Roger Out. 
