Who is this blue haired freak?
Just a Democrat Congresspersyn from Connecticut.
Rosa DeLauro was elected to Connecticut's third congressional district in 1990 and has remained there ever since. DeLauro's worth a nifty $3MN, which isn't bad for a socialist on a paltry taxpayer funded salary of 174K. Whether DeLauro's a man or a woman or something in between is open for debate.
Straight outa MacBeth. Where's her cauldron?
Maybe she has a great personality?
Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, the band from The Muppets, probably had groupies. The drummer, Animal, makes more sense than the congressional it.
I thought it might have been Taylor Swift. You know lefties do not age well.
More of a "what" than a who, don't ya think? Horton hears a What.
“Old Spock” in drag.
Jamie farr Klinger from mash
Houda, that's an excellent call.
I guess, WSF, beats me.
Ain't that the truth, Mr. woodsman. What a freak.
Infidel! You're not a... Swiftie?!? Well I can't blame you, just look into those mean little eyes and get a migraine.
Totally agree, Mr Wild.
Mike, YES.
You're being kind, Anon.
She is a Lizard Person whose human skin suit is showing signs of wear, she will need to return to the underworld/hollow earth to replace her skin suit.
A Reptilan, Doktor? Interesting.
Just a crazy bitch from hell! She represents a bunch just like her!
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