Thursday, September 19, 2024



First it was pagers, those totally forgotten by everyone bar Hezbollah comms devices. There you are, in Beirut, fixing to page your ter pal and then, boom. Dam, who knew Mossad had rigged your pager to the Hezzy supply chain, but they had. Bad day for Hezzy, no doubt about it, but was it over, like Joe Biden or a bad Taylor Swift song? No, the op intensified.

Yesterday saw walkie talkies, cell phones, solar panels, radios, household appliances, you name it, all exploding on our Jihad pals in Lebanon. What can we say? A brilliant op, no doubt about it, and it reminds me, on a lesser scale, of a Sergeant back in the '80s.

Our convo went something like this: "There we were. We knew the shooter's location and his weapon. All we had to do was swap out his ammo with rounds that'd explode in the chamber. Boom, job well done. But command said no."

I guess that Irishman got lucky, Hezbollah? Not so much. RWA comments: "The way this operation combines truly malicious cruelty and personalized precision is real art, perfect terror attack. The demoralization alone must be worse than the kinetic impact."

Quite. Leaving aside the knotty issue of the safety of your electronic devices, will they explode if you post a mean tweet, what's your take on Israel's latest Lithium Offensive? Mine is this. If I were Israel facing an existential threat (Thank God you're not - Ed.) I'd go full on defeat the enemy, no holds barred. Pagers, walkie talkies, smart fridges, EVs, phones, tablets, wifi speakers, you name it, all fair game.

Point being, if you're in a state of war, see Israel Oct 7, do it to win. That said, does Operation Pager cross the line into unjust war and ethically invalidate itself. I don't think so, but you might. Feel free to disagree.

Advance to Contact,


Wednesday, September 18, 2024



C'mon, LSP, those old chairs aren't gonna respray themselves! Ain't that the truth, and they are old, a set of Francois Carre chairs which belonged to, I think, my great great aunt great grandmother. Or something like that. Carre patented the design in 1866 (!) and it became popular in the 1920s and '30s, on account of its Deco style, and the chairs were made in the US into the 1940s. I think mine are '30s, but that's a guess.

O Miserable Offender

Regardless, they grace the front porch of the Compound now, doing their bit to lift the tone of the place. But, and here's the thing, they're made of metal, notoriously, and what happens to metal when it's exposed to the elements on a Texan porch or any other porch? It rusts.


This means you have to take care of the chairs, maintain them, lest they oxidize themselves to death like, say, Detroit or the US Navy. That in mind, I met the issue head on with a scraper, 100 grit sandpaper and Rustoleum industrial grade white enamel spray paint.

1st Coat

It's a fun job, if you like scraping rusty old paint off of metal chairs, sanding them down, cleaning them off and applying spray paint in pretty much triple digit heat. But the end result? Most satisfying, it feels good to restore beautiful things, even if they're only chairs. 

So, one down, two more to go. And I know, do it properly fella and take the metal beasts to a shop for a sandblast and maybe a powder coat. Hey, that's for later. In the meanwhile, DIY.



Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Oops - No More Kebob For You


Look, all we we were trying to do was set the time, you know, across the board, and then... boom. Sorry, no more kebob for you.  See, what they did was remote explode all these Jihad pagers, that's right, they, big international Jihad, were using encrypted pagers to talk. Now they're not, they're all Jihad exploded, all three thousand of them. What a bad day for Hezbollah, what a good day for Israel.

Who uses pagers anyway? 

Your Old Pal,


Monday, September 16, 2024

Missed Again


So here we are, another day, another assassination attempt on EL SENOR. OK, to be expected and par for the course, but this time the would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh wasn't a sad, bullied, gender dimorphic DemTeen, but a 56 year old Ukromaniac DemBoomer with full blown TDS. So much so that he went larping as a sniper with a view to shooting Trump while he played golf.

The whole thing's curious, to put it mildly. Yesterday's Trumpian golf play was apparently "off the record," so how did Routh get access to 45's occult schedule? In similar vein, Routh was rejected by UKR authority to serve in the International Legion but attempted to recruit soldiers, not least Afghans, to fight against Russia. 

He worked in Kiev and met with the Helsinki Commission in DC to achieve that end, and even featured in an AZOV recruitment video, no less. See below. That in mind, how was he not known to our Beloved Rulers; Vindman, no one's looking at you, not for a second. But here's the thing.

Why are all these assassin wannabes so utterly rubbish. Remember how the semi-troon tried to take out 45 with some kind of AR, clearly visible from a roof? And now Routh, who so desperately wanted to get kinetic despite never having served, much less fought; well, there he is, on a golf course, with an SKS. Excuse me, that's your sniper rifle?

Don't get me wrong, I love shooting my SKS, big fun, awesome weapon, and the bayonet's fun to stab dinner tables with, but pro-assassin sniper rifle? No, it is not. So what's up with this. Is there a bad, bad competency crisis at US agency level or... was this a UKR GUR FSB hit job, run independently of their US handlers? Per Armchair Warlord:

Second assassination attempt on Trump in two months.  This time - allegedly - by someone deeply involved in recruiting foreign fighters for Ukraine.


And if the GUR or SBU are implicated in this plot, Putin needs to take a number and move to the end of the line.


Or something like that. In the meanwhile, EL SENOR lives to fight again another day and monumental, industrial scale TDS has been arrested and charged with firearms offences. Huh, far out, the news cycle doesn't get any less weird.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Over


You were going to vote Trump like a sorry fool and then that dream died. Yes, smash hit celebrity superstar Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala, the Candidate of Joy. Wow, now all you idiot Nazis will have to change your vote from the Orange Fuhrer to La, who is not a Kackling Whore. So take that, autocrat Fascists, it's over.

In related news, Russian strongman Valdimir Putin has told the world that deep strike attacks by Western supplied and guided missiles on Russian territory would be counted as an act of war. Let that sink in, an act of war. Two questions.

1. Can we fight such a thing, given off-shored manufacturing and more seriously 2. Should we fight it at all. 

In answer to the first, I'd argue doubtful. To the second? Why should any American soldier lose his life in defense of Blackrock? Why should anyone at all die so that Larry Fink & Co can get even moar richer than they are already?

You know, because if Russia wins in the Ukraine there'll be this trans genocide and everyone in Europe will live in the Soviet Union and have to go to church and worship icons instead of going to trans bathrooms. And Blackrock and its buddies will lose a whole lotta cash.

Genius celeb Taylor Swift's socialist, private jet net worth is estimated at 1BN$. Not shabby!



Saturday, September 14, 2024

The True Cross


Today's the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. You may recall that Constantine's Mother, Helena, recovered the True Cross in Jerusalem, where it was rightly venerated until the heathen Persians sacked the Holy City in the early mid-7th century. Emperor Heraclius retook it in 628 AD, only for the savage Moslems to overtake his victory and conquer the holy city in 638 AD.

Heraclius, perhaps the last of the classical Roman Emperors, saved the Cross from Mohammedan fanatics, however, a large fragment remained in Jerusalem and was rescued by the first Crusaders, who venerated the relic and took it into battle with varying degrees of success.

I find the history or legend of the relic fascinating and compelling, that's me, but reflect on the words it points to, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." 

Again, "Whoever would save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it." And lest there be any doubt, "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Reflect on that.

Here endeth the lesson,


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just Cleaning Some Guns


Here's the thing, dear readers, guns are great but they're not going to clean themselves, and unless you get more and better servants you have to do the job yourself. Such is life, and whoever said it'd be easy? Rigors of this mortal coil in mind, I took Break Free, cleaning rods, some kind of gun oil and all of that to a CZ 20 Drake and a Ruger American .22.

The CZ's new, and some say a 20's a gauge for LOSERS and GIRLS, as opposed to the mighty 12. I say no, there's nothing wrong with a 20. 1. It's light, quick to presentation 2. Doesn't bust your shoulder up 3. Get's the job done with elegant sufficiency. Or, as a UK punter put it, "If shotguns were invented today they'd be 20s." He has a point. Going after something larger than dove? Load a more powerful round. Hey now, plenty of that around. Thanks, shotgun tech.

In other news, I've been thinking, please don't laugh, and came up with a really good idea. Here it is: Let's INVADE RUSSIA. 

Like it? Pretty clever, right?



Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lest We Forget


Apparently this:

Is equivalent to this:

In the mind of the Cackling Whore and her 

Thought Patrol Coaches. 

Is anyone fooled? I surely hope not, because if you are you're severely troubled, mentally. Just look at that guy with tattoos and bison horns, like the loathesome Jamiroquai. Yes, there he is, subverting OUR VERY DEMOCRACY, like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor but so, so very much worse.

Have you noticed the how the Left gets ultra shrill, superlative and histrionic about... nothing? Almost as though they need to manufacture crises to keep the fervor going.

Red October,


Fine Art America


What great art, produced in our very own country. Has there been a finer American commander and gentleman? I don't think so, but feel free to disagree.

In other news, 45 didn't seem to do so well against the Cackling Whore last night and seemed tired and off his game. Am I wrong? The Whore, on the other hand, was lively, tip-top and full of whorish sneers. No word salad for this whore, just sharp talking points delivered through earphones masquerading as earrings and a Disney ABC interlocutor who refused to confront her loose woman lies.

Will the nation be fooled? Who knows. Will we produce another Lee or someone like him? Perhaps courage will rise to danger and we will. In the meanwhile, things don't look too bright, pray that changes, perhaps the fate of the world is in the balance.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024



A friend reminded me that the person who comes over as most likable wins the debate. It's not about facts, arguments, reason or anything like that. My, we've most certainly devolved.

OK, this semi-lame post was a welcome excuse to deploy Blondie's awesome Rapture. And what's wrong with that?



Sunday, September 8, 2024



Phase 1. Get Turkey Runners, thanks to new neighbors hating "dirty old rugs." Rip out hideous old industrial 1980's carpet from stairwell. Marvel at overengineered installation. Save underlay, this will come in useful later.

Phase 2. Clean stairwell, remove tacks and staples from previous installation. Sand wood treads with fine grit, maybe you sweat as you do, no one ever said this would be easy. Clean the stairwell again, brush it down, wipe it off, and then stain the treads with MinWax or similar. No "rule."

Phase 3. Cut old underlay to size, it mustn't overlap the runner you're about to lay down, obviously. I used a set of industrial scissors for this task, you might use something else, and that's OK, your call. Underlay sized, staple those pads down. I used an Arrow range stapler and T50 staples, .5" 12mm.

Phase 4. Yes, this is a complex operation, it's now time to roll out Rug #1 down the length of the stairwell. Start at the top, securing the Old Persian with staples. Word to the wise, you don't need to overdo it, three staples per tread should work.

Phase 5. The final, lower staircase. Underlay in place, start at the bottom and work upwards to the landing. Once there, fix your rug to the floor with a handy stapler and behold, a job well done. Now you have anciene regime Persians lining the steps of the Compound's stairwell. How can that be bad?

Well, the photos don't do these old tribals justice, but still, what a nice result. My neighbors scorned them. I find that hard to believe, yet here we are.

Your Pal,


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Corrupt As Hell And Maybe More So


Yes, beloved rulers, we're looking at you. Net worth Nancy Pelosi, at least 25 MN$, Dick Cheney, that lovable old grandpa, 150 MN$,  John Brennan, our good old friend of democracy in the CIA, just a pathetic 3 MN$ So much for small fry, what's Hillary worth? A mere 120 MN$ Now we're talkin'! And El Senor 45-47? 

Wow, a catastrophic 7.5 BN$. Yep, you read that right, billion. Dam, and he isn't even a politician, he's just incredibly rich and loves America. The others, Pelosi, Cheney, Clinton, Kamala, Biden et al have lots of money too, though not at the same stratospheric level as El Senor, Musk, Bezos, Gates or Soros. But here's the thing, and I mean this.

El Senor, for all his Pompey Redivivus, loves America, and this is fitting for a President. The others? Not so much if at all, bought off for mere millions. You will note, dear readers, that Trump is not a politician. You will also note that back in the day, MPs weren't paid, and if you didn't own property you couldn't vote.

They weren't complete idiots, back in the day.



Friday, September 6, 2024

Spies Who Lie

That'd be at least 51 of them, all of whom went on the record saying Hunter Biden's laptop and associated scandal was Russian "disinformation." You know, like a sinister GRU plot to overthrow our free and fair elections. Remember that? 

Fast forward to today and Hunter Biden's pled guilty to tax fraud. Not a good look, and where does prosecutorial evidence come from, admissible in court? Well goodness gracious, from Hunter's laptop no less. What does this mean?

That US INTEL was and has been captured by the Democrats? Shurely not, mine's a triple G&T, bar persyn. That Hunter's indictment and guilty plea are a feature of a bizarre Kremlin Game of Thrones power play? Perhaps. Or maybe we're just being lied to, constantly, semper, ubique, all the time.

As we reflect on these hypotheticals, keen-eyed Biblicist readers may remember that Satan is the Father of Lies.

James Clapper's net worth is estimated at a paltry 5M$ Socialist Buyed-Off-Bucks. Or maybe he wasn't bought off, maybe this evil old man and his pals really believe it. As always, you be the judge.

Your Ruggish Pal,


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Is Putin Apex Troll?


You may have missed it, but smiling Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin came down hard on the side of Kamala Harris, America's "joy" presidential candidate. Speaking on Thursday at the Eastern Economic Forum, Putin praised Harris for her "infectious" laugh.

“Our favorite, if you can call it that, was the current president Mr. Biden," said Putin, “He was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. That’s what we’ll do too, She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her." 

The evil, unhinged, psychotic, Hitlerian, corrupt, ignorant, foolish, barely coherent (Ahem, Biden/Harris? Ed.) autocrat went on to say that US governance is "up to the American people."

"Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice," Putin stated. "As for the favorites, it is not up to us to determine that. It is, after all, the choice of the American people."

Well there you have it, is it? I'm in two minds. On the one hand, no matter who wins some kind of vote theater the unelected apparatus of the State and its billionaire backers remain in charge. On the other, if enough people were to vote for a real change maybe there'd be one.

OK, don't hold your breath, but hats off to Vladimirovic for top-level trolling. You'll have noticed the Dems are already rolling out the tired old muh Russia elections wheeze. Will it work round two? Will an incoming Trump 47 be investigated for years as a Kremlin agent, head of CHAOS, SPECTRE and CEO of GRU?

I doubt it, that comedy line's set sail over the horizon. But not to worry, we still have our proxy war in Ukraine, and maybe Blackrock welcomes Sweden's new war campaign:

Like wow, and NATO military, not least our own, worries about a recruiting crisis. Huh. Far out. As one pundit put it, "Surprised that ad hasn't been cancelled for its lack of an identity chevron."



Wednesday, September 4, 2024



Keen-eyed observers of the religious scene may have noticed the stirring of what looks very much like the beginnings of a revival in the Catholic sphere. This year's Eucharistic Congress in the US, the first in some EIGHTY years, is a prime case in point. A great outpouring of faith, not least sacramental.

In Europe? Perhaps something similar, see Cologne's Te Deum, numerous pilgrimages and the flourishing of "ancient faith communities," i.e. people who actually believe and attempt to practice, by the grace of God, the Faith handed down by Christ to the Apostles. We call it orthodoxy. Is this some kind of sea change?

Maybe so. For decades, the Church is monumentally slow, we've been stuck in the ersatz groove of the now ancient, ahem, modernist rebellion of "church renewal." 

Get rid of Altars, Liturgy and all of that triumphalist, elitist music; replace the glory by felt applique banners, guitar playing nuns, liturgical dance, trans marriage, rainbow flags, abortion, and wymxn priestesses. All the colors of the rainbow. Then watch the people applaud and fill the pews.


Except that they didn't, they left the Church in droves, and who can blame them. Why join a Church which reflects your disbelief back to yourself? And that's just it; the people who vandalized and continue to vandalize the Body of Christ, the Mystici Corporis, are faithless apostates who've swapped out the truth of the Gospel for some kind of pathetic watered down, pseudo-pious Marxism. Or, to call out the perverse unicorn in the room, for homosexual sex. 

Enough, stand against this iniquity, and tell your priest to put that Altar back against the wall. Maybe concrete it in.

Ad Orientem,


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Rest in Peace


My Mother-in-Law died last Saturday after a long and very difficult illness. She did so with the Rites of the Church, and many thanks go out to the faithful priests in Calgary who were there for her and her family. 

She was a most forgiving person but tough for all that, growing up in Corsicana during the War. She once said to me, "When I was that age I thought there wasn't a horse I couldn't ride." Respect.

Her Requiem is set, tentatively, for next week. Please pray for the repose of her soul. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.



Monday, September 2, 2024

No Worse Enemy - Language!


Alright there boys? Mind how you go, 


Because Awesome


Carry on kids, no "rule," gettit?

Your Total Friend,



One of my neighbors died last year, a fine Southern lady who lived in a beautiful house, as you'd expect, and I'd always admired the old Turkey rugs running up her stairs. 

So, when the house went up for sale I asked her daughter if I could buy those rugs for the Compound, yes, it has a stairwell too, which was in need of Moslem runners. She said maybe, but thought the rugs were a "selling point."

Yes, yes indeed, there was a logic here I couldn't refute, but she kindly said she'd tell the new owners about LSP interest. Lo and behold, as of this evening the incoming owners gave me the rugs; they didn't want them, those rugs were not for them.

Now they lie on the Compound's stairwell. Do they fit? Yes, they do, in just the right proportion and with extra length to spare for a maybe 6'+ hallway runner in the upper story of the Manse. OK, excellent, ruggery is go in LSPland, but what about the existing carpet and what lies beneath it? 

Serious question because who knows what damage 1980s vandals might have done to the wooden infrastructure of the stairs. You know, plywood glued onto original pine flooring, sorta thing. Worrying. But there was no need to worry. The original stairwell is pretty much undamaged and only needs a clean and polish and carpet tack removal. Not hard. Next step? Clean the ruggery. 

Ma LSP, who knows a thing or two about rugs, says Woolite or similar, matched with a soft brush and a garden hose does the trick. That sounds scary to me, but I'll do a test run on a portion of the Moslem stair covering and see if it works. 

If not, a stern beating followed by a hoover. Next? Remove the nasty old carpet, repaint the walls of the stairwell, clean and polish the wood of the stairs as appropriate, and then lay that rug down.

This, dear readers, is my plan. Will it be easy? I recall no one ever saying life would be.

Gun Rights,


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let's Rock


Here we go now, turn it up, and before you scoff and sneer, can you ride? You know, like a horse.

Just asking,


PS. With apologies to WSF and all of you who've forgotten more riding stuff than I've ever learned. Still. Ride on, eh?

PPS. Some music kid turned to me, 25 years ago at least, and asked, "Where's the Bass, man?" I looked at that fool in my flat in Bloomsbury and he looked at me. Mona was on the juke. There was a silence. You'll be glad to know there wasn't a single head butt and no firearms were involved, not even the notoriously hidden Derringer in GJ's dubious custody. Boom, Hey Mona. Take that. Cheers, and if that's opaque, better yet :)

Your Best Pal,


Go On - Attack Israel You Moslem Savages


Hamas Attacks Ravers

So. Six Jewish hostages were just found shot in the head by the IDF in a tunnel somewhere in Gaza. Now help me out. On October 7 Hamas paragliders (!) drifted down onto Israeli kibbutz raves and kidnapped all these young people, ravers. One minute you're listening to dance music, the next you're hog-tied to a dirt bike and driven into a tunnel in the Gaza Strip.

Like, wow. Imagine that happening in Texas. MS 13 paradrops into El Paso and carries off men, women and children to... tunnels underneath Jaurez. And they demand, give us El Paso and the border or we kill them. After all, it's Mexican territory, stolen by the gringo. What d'ye think we'd do, in such a case?

HAMAS shot this civilian in a tunnel, what utter scum

Wipe. Them. Out. Utterly. With extreme prejudice. Probably set up a buffer zone in Mexico to boot. That in mind, why should the Jews in Israel behave any different? They're in a war for their very survival, and if they don't prosecute that to the best of their ability, i.e. by killing Hamas and its supporters, then they're traitors to themselves.

OK, we get IDF logic, which I pretty much support, I have friends in that crew, but still we have to ask. Why did the IDF allow the Hamas outrage to occur in the first place and, again, why did they do it in the first place knowing that retribution would be on an unprecedented industrial scale?

Get Down On It Boys

Serious questions, and if you know the answers, and even if you don't, feel free to enlarge.

All Best,


A Short Musical Sunday Sermon


Let's have this back. After all, we need the Bosphorus and Constantinople, psuedo-Caliph Erdogan regardless. But guess what, we won't regain the glory of the Faith until we embrace it.  Christians, wake up, and that's it, that's the sermon.

Ad Orientem,