Thursday, September 5, 2024

Is Putin Apex Troll?


You may have missed it, but smiling Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin came down hard on the side of Kamala Harris, America's "joy" presidential candidate. Speaking on Thursday at the Eastern Economic Forum, Putin praised Harris for her "infectious" laugh.

“Our favorite, if you can call it that, was the current president Mr. Biden," said Putin, “He was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his supporters support Ms. Harris. That’s what we’ll do too, She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her." 

The evil, unhinged, psychotic, Hitlerian, corrupt, ignorant, foolish, barely coherent (Ahem, Biden/Harris? Ed.) autocrat went on to say that US governance is "up to the American people."

"Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice," Putin stated. "As for the favorites, it is not up to us to determine that. It is, after all, the choice of the American people."

Well there you have it, is it? I'm in two minds. On the one hand, no matter who wins some kind of vote theater the unelected apparatus of the State and its billionaire backers remain in charge. On the other, if enough people were to vote for a real change maybe there'd be one.

OK, don't hold your breath, but hats off to Vladimirovic for top-level trolling. You'll have noticed the Dems are already rolling out the tired old muh Russia elections wheeze. Will it work round two? Will an incoming Trump 47 be investigated for years as a Kremlin agent, head of CHAOS, SPECTRE and CEO of GRU?

I doubt it, that comedy line's set sail over the horizon. But not to worry, we still have our proxy war in Ukraine, and maybe Blackrock welcomes Sweden's new war campaign:

Like wow, and NATO military, not least our own, worries about a recruiting crisis. Huh. Far out. As one pundit put it, "Surprised that ad hasn't been cancelled for its lack of an identity chevron."




  1. I heard the Putler “endorsement” this afternoon and laughed. As in LOL as they say.

    As far as Sweden’s new offensive goes, here’s a Scandi song. For totally mysterious reasons you can’t Google up a translation here in the Land of the Free. But the gist is: They force all sorts of abominations on us “in the name of love”.

    PS Re Black Rock: “kill a commie for mommy” is sooo outdated. All the cool subhuman cattle now say “Kill a brother for a Fink”.

    1. Mike! Bouncy pagan musicke! Enjoyed that. Then there's Rainbow Sweden. Huh, they're gearing up to fight a great big war on behalf of the Rainbow? Like, really?

      A former Boss once said to me, "Don't believe you're own marketing."

  2. Well, it's been known for decades that some of the Dem's cash came from the Kremlin, so..

    As to what will happen if Trump is allowed to be sworn in, he's bound and determined to break the power of the entrenched bureaucracies. By defunding, depopulating and deporting said bureaucracies out of Washington DC. Which, if the department lies under the Executive Branch, the President has every right to do.

    Department and Bureau heads of Executive Branch departments and bureaus supposedly serve at the pleasure of the President.

    We shall see.

    1. Beans, I reckon it's a cold day in Hell that Trump get's sworn in. If he does? Chaos, obviously. Let's see which way the Army goes, not least the Guard.

  3. I don't get it. Why would Russia go to all the effort of undermining our Democracy when the Democrats are more than happy to do the job for them.

    1. Infidel, I hate to state the obvious but... PUTIN is ENDORSING KAMALA.

      You see?

    2. Why? Because he's covering all the bases. If Kamala wins, he can say he endorsed her. If Trump wins Putin can say he helped undercut her.

      Either way he wins. He can be seen as bigger and better than Kamala, and also be seen as a serious player with Trump, who he knows won't back down to him.

      And it amuses Putin. He's had a lot of bad knocks over the last 2 years and has to get his jollies where he can.

  4. It's Russia, Russia, Russia, again, Marcia!

  5. Have your fun, but if you sort through QueMalla's syllable salad, much of it is straight out of Marxist-Socialist doctrine. She grew up in a socialist/communist household and it was the air she breathed and the water in which she swam.

    1. Ritchie, are you saying the Anointed Queen of the Free World is a... COMMUNIST?

      Report yourself, immediately.

  6. Though Puti Bear is smarter than the average bear, he is still lacking a faithful side kick. Maybe KH will be up for the job in November.
