Monday, September 23, 2024

P Diddy

Have you heard of genius pop mogul rapstar P Diddy, aka Sean Combs? Perhaps you have, Diddy's a big fan of the DNC, boosting Obama, the Magic 0, Hillary and, lately, Deep State Kamala. But here's the thing. Diddy, bless him, was apparently running some kind of supercharged celeb sex ring. Per Breitbart:

According to the Tampa Bay Times, the alleged parties, a.k.a. “Freak-Offs” or “F.O.s,” occurred at some of the swankiest hotels in Miami, Atlanta, New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. “Sex parties so brutal that the young women and men lured into attending them would often vomit and pass out from being drugged, beaten and raped, sometimes for hours on end,” the outlet described them as.


That's our Diddy. He's been denied bail and we have to wonder at the blackmail list. Behold your beloved rulers? Good luck. And of course Harry and Meghan aren't part of this, at all. Diddy's on suicide watch in gaol, go figure. Maybe the cameras will magically turn themselves off.

Don't say Epstein,



  1. Does not surprise me one bit. But like Epstein and his side-chick, P-diddy will get charged and everyone else famous or infamous or political or politically connected will remain anonymous and uncharged.

    That is, if it stays Federal. Now if the Great State of Florida charges the guy, all the others might get charged or at least named.

    This is like all the rumors of Pizza-Gate, elites in NYFC were using pizza codes to order minors. Of course the elites and the eneMedia all say that it didn't happen, until many many arrests proved it did.

    Or NXIVM, which wasn't real according to the elites and the eneMedia, until it was proven to be quite real and quite nastier than the 'false rumors.'

    What's next, elite cannibals? Not proven false, and the elites and enemedia are still working hard to hide any actual proof or discredit any actual whistleblowers.

    Or Satanists in Power, which we have lots of photo evidence yet the elites and eneMedia keep telling us we're taking it all out of context and it isn't real.

    1. JFK didn't kill himself. Or did he, because he bucked the Mafia, Castro, the Military-Industrial Complex and Dear Old Dad?

      Winter Kills by Richard Condon lays it all out, fictionally. Oldie but a goodie.

      "Spring seduces,
      Summer thrills,
      Autumn sates,
      Winter kills."

    2. I'd forgotten about NXIVM, Beans. Nasty.

    3. What excellent prose, Wild!

  2. I hear that two of his kids have complete access to the pedo list so maybe that will be his life insurance policy.

    Beans- a local priest has said that ritual cannibalism will be Satan's mimicry of the Blessed Sacrament.

    1. It always has, like some of the darker rumors from elite clubs like the Hellfire Club in England.

      And then there's the whole 'eat your placenta' thingy that the liberals started pushing in regards to natural childbirth. Blech.

    2. Let's see the "client list," DOS.

    3. Good call, Beans. Lest we forget, people tell me that ALL of the pre Hispanic Sth American peoples were cannibals, without exception. Their northern brothers weren't a whole lot better.

      When Cortez and the crew came upon them they figured, correctly, I think, that they'd met devils.
