Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lest We Forget


Apparently this:

Is equivalent to this:

In the mind of the Cackling Whore and her 

Thought Patrol Coaches. 

Is anyone fooled? I surely hope not, because if you are you're severely troubled, mentally. Just look at that guy with tattoos and bison horns, like the loathesome Jamiroquai. Yes, there he is, subverting OUR VERY DEMOCRACY, like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor but so, so very much worse.

Have you noticed the how the Left gets ultra shrill, superlative and histrionic about... nothing? Almost as though they need to manufacture crises to keep the fervor going.

Red October,



  1. Bison Guy cannot be random. I’m not saying he was knowingly in cahoots with Them (not that “They” exist, of course), but it’s not coincidence that he’s covered in “white power” tattoos. From the top, you’ve got the Valknut, then what I’d bet my own personal left nut is Yggdrasil, and finally Mjolnir. Germanic/Norse symbols, and therefore automatically “white power”. Bison Guy clearly represents the imminent danger continually presented by The Dread Trumpian Right!

    I know that’s ridiculous. None of the three shambolic sacks of shite on the right of the photo present (grooming, clothes, posture) as conservatives, but They aren’t normal people, psychologically. There’s a medical saying “when you hear hoofbeats, don’t assume it’s zebras.” Well, to the persons who claim to be terrified of the Jan Sixthers, hoofbeats obviously mean Cossacks coming to get them, for no reason at all.

    1. Mike, have you noticed the way our Beloved Rulers fund, support and arm the Old Gods in Ukraine? It's hardly a secret, have a look at their morale patches, handily Old Norse velcroed on.

      Bison Boy? Maybe an outlier asset? Who knows, but we do know that law enforcement held his bison hat up until recently, and it's been returned to owner.

      Viz. Zebras. If you discover one of them dead in the ranch pool, call the foreman.

  2. I have yet to forget.

    But then, after visiting the USS Arizona Memorial at the age of 7, I haven't forgotten Pearl Harbor either.

    As to the deep threat of Jan 6, the only real threat are from the politicians and media members that keep pushing Constitutional rights violations against people who didn't.

    1. Beans, J6 was such idiotic, wicked, evil, deceitful agitprop. Poor guys caught up in it, in the DC Gulag. Hideous.

  3. Sadly the propaganda may work. As the saying goes, the difference between the old Soviet Union and the United States is that in the U.S. people believe the propaganda.
