Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Over


You were going to vote Trump like a sorry fool and then that dream died. Yes, smash hit celebrity superstar Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala, the Candidate of Joy. Wow, now all you idiot Nazis will have to change your vote from the Orange Fuhrer to La, who is not a Kackling Whore. So take that, autocrat Fascists, it's over.

In related news, Russian strongman Valdimir Putin has told the world that deep strike attacks by Western supplied and guided missiles on Russian territory would be counted as an act of war. Let that sink in, an act of war. Two questions.

1. Can we fight such a thing, given off-shored manufacturing and more seriously 2. Should we fight it at all. 

In answer to the first, I'd argue doubtful. To the second? Why should any American soldier lose his life in defense of Blackrock? Why should anyone at all die so that Larry Fink & Co can get even moar richer than they are already?

You know, because if Russia wins in the Ukraine there'll be this trans genocide and everyone in Europe will live in the Soviet Union and have to go to church and worship icons instead of going to trans bathrooms. And Blackrock and its buddies will lose a whole lotta cash.

Genius celeb Taylor Swift's socialist, private jet net worth is estimated at 1BN$. Not shabby!




  1. Re: Voting. Fat chance, Parson. (Sorry for the language.)

    Re: Lobbing missiles into Russia. Of course it would be an act of war.

    God has said America WILL be saved. IT SHALL BE SO. We need to believe and pray and declare.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, we have to wonder about the democratic miracle of voting.

      Bless you.

  2. If you have a toxic relationship followed by a bad breakup, you probably had the bad fortune to fall in with a nasty guy. If you’ve had a dozen, or 37, or 109 bad breakups maybe you’re the problem. (Not looking at Tay Tay as I type this. Nope.)

    On the subject of singers and tone-deaf (oh the irony) idiot endorsements, did you see that clip of Jagger on Trudeau? No, not that kind of “on”. I’m talking about Fidelito, not Maggie.

    But of course we should all be willing to die for a Fink, Parson! Why else were we put on this earth, other than to serve Finks? Or Schwabs, or Soroses, or Gateses. (Man, that sounds like Gollum dialog: “What’s it doing with its Gateses, Precious? Sneaking and undermining. Always sneaking, nasty little Soroses!)

    1. Mike, it seems that Justine has finally, at last been found wanting. Do you remember his wife leaving him? For a man?

  3. Newsweek just reported that the guy who attacked Trump today was a Ukrainian agent, or at least a sympathizer. He is clearly anti-Russian fanatic. This happened before to the President of Slovakia earlier this year after he stopped supporting the Ukro-Nazis.

    1. It's almost a pattern, NW. Routh is a right Ukromaniac with full-blown TDS. But why take an SKS to the fight? Larping?

  4. Taylor Swift. Floating around is a claim 80% of her songs are about losers/failed relationships. Then the snide remark she is currently dating her next album. Then her signing off her endorsement of Cackles as "Childless Cat Lady". Her, or Cackles, or both?
    Breaking news about the shooter on Trump's golf course. It appears, for once, law enforcement and the USSS got this one right. Should get him many more votes, assuming the Postal Service can deliver the mail in ballots in time to be counted and the election officials actually count the ballots.

    1. Right on, WSF, but what kind of shooter was he?

  5. I may not have coined the snide "currently dating her next album" remark but I certainly approve that message.

    She's a soft-core pron version of Lady Gag-me and/or Madona and nothing more, if you ask me. She hath abandoned the fan base that got her noticed at the beginning of her career for the thirty pieces of bazillion likes and shares of pop-kultura fame and fortune, and now she's got herself yet another high-profile boy toy to keep her amused as she progressively ages, the next of many. "Next!" is what the barber always says when finished with the last one, ain't it? Another haircut, or scalp if you prefer, the newest in a series of coon-skins nailed to the wall, as LBJ famously once said. Those "accomplishments" entitle her to a political opinion, a megaphone and a soap box. I guess.

    "Shut up and sing" as Laura Ingraham once said, perhaps not so famously.

    "For what shall it profit a (wo)man, if (s)he shall gain the whole world" etc. and etc.

    1. Good call(s), Wild. Try, my friend, to not look into her migraine eyes.

  6. If Swift is throwing her support to the whore, maybe I should reconsider my position. Although, I must admit that I've never heard one of her songs.
