Friday, September 29, 2023

Prince Philip Hero


We all need heroes and how lucky we were to find one, in Prince Philip.

Dam straight. 

What a man.

Leftists really hate him because look at Fascist who fought literal Fascists. But hey, reason ain't their strong suit.

All hail Prince Philip,


St. Michael Defend Us In Battle

I think it was Gladstone or someone like him who said, "As it now stands, no power on earth can save the Church of England." The Grand Old Man had a point, that year maybe ten people and a dog turned up for Mass at St. Paul's Cathedral in London on Easter day. But that was then, in far-off C19, today?

Gladstone's words apply not just to the venerable if shrinking  COE but to the entire, Godless, corrupt, malfeasant, inverted, insane culture we live in. No earthly power can save it, problem. Solution? We need heavenly power to save us. So here's a prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.


This Archangelic prayer in mind, do you think apostate earthly power, which is at heart demonic power, can withstand the terrible swift sword, the implacable, all-bright, relentless blade of divine truth wielded by the angelic host? No, like smoke, like chaff, like the dross it is, it will be blown away.

Do you think God has prolonged the time? It is clear, to me at least, that he has, as foretold, and the message is clear, repent, "turn and live."

Your Friend on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel,


Thursday, September 28, 2023

Well Here We Are


Typical Compound Scene

Have you noticed the accelerating insanity of the present age? Of course you have, we're $33T in debt at interest to a cabal of banksters. POCs are going full chimpout in Philly, young women are cutting their breasts off because "freedom," our southern border's open, a gang of corrupt crooks are in control of our governance and we're funding a proxy war to the tune of billions and on and on.

Oh dear, this is why we can't have nice things

Now here's the thing. This country is majority church-going Christian, so why did we allow atheist satanists to ban prayer in public school (state school, UK bros), Baphomet worshiping nihilists to trans our kids, and Net Zero hucksters to live in our airspace. Oh, and enshrine a blasphemous parody of marriage as some kind of constitutional right.

General Lee, Man of God

Why? Because we've been asleep at the wheel and that's got to stop. Here's General Lee, above.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Evening Prayer


Look here, you heathen, it's important to read, mark and inwardly digest the Word of God because His Word informs our word, the thoughts of our hearts. And this means, in the first instance, making the actual effort to read the, you know, Bible.

Good job, we've got this far, but how to do it, what's the training program? Try this, Morning and Evening Prayer in which you're taken through the Old and New Testaments, canticles, psalms, epistles and gospels and on, and all within the framework of a daily discipline of prayer.

Maybe this seems boring to you, as in "prayer, how very boring." Think again. If you want to confront and fight evil, gear up for the higher battle, against the demonic powers of the air, of evil in high places. And you can do all of this, or part of it, in the Daily Office. 

I like the 1928 BCP form and you might too. I tell you, give it a spin and you'll be rewarded. Not kidding. Say the Office.

Your Old Pal,


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The War On Cash


Everyone knows Cash is King but what happens when the Man comes around and bans it? So what, you say, gleefully tapping your cheery little plastic digital id on the nearest Starbucks payment scanner. So what? So a lot.

Say, by way of wild conjecture, that you're a Canadian trucker who protests against the government in Ottawa, which is a kind of town in Ontario. The government doesn't like this and tells your bank to freeze your account. Hey presto, all of a sudden that happy little card doesn't work any more and guess what, you can't buy anything. No, don't even think of cashing your paycheck because you can't, there is no cash. Look at you, unperson.

Again, try to imagine a scenario in which you're a political figure in England, say, Nigel Farage, and you're saying things against the ruling political class, let's call it the Uniparty. How very brave. Sorry, buddy, Coutts & Co. have debanked you and good luck paying for anything with all the paper you've hidden under the mattress, traitor.

You get the point, whether you agree with the truckers, Farage or anyone else, and the point is this: A cashless society opens the way to tyranny and it's just a step away from CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) in which all your spending is under government scrutiny. Of course we all know that'll be utterly benign.

On point, I was shocked last time I was in London (UK, not Ontario) to see how hard it was to purchase anything with cash. Notable exceptions were Cordings in Piccadilly, who loved it, and a  coffee stand outside Embankment station, Blues and Royals, I think. More shocking still was the reaction of some of my friends, erstwhile and present anarchists no less, they didn't seem to see the issue. Scotland was better, but still.

I tell you, we're sleepwalking into something bad here, a tyrannous digital cattle pen. Perhaps Texas needs to issue its own gold backed currency by way of leading the world to freedom and fiscal sanity?

Just a thought,


Pater Noster


Jesus taught us to pray, Our Father, Pater Noster. Here's wisdom from Austin Farrer:

CHRIST taught us to pray for daily bread in saying the Pater Noster, and added some comments to the prayer. He taught that for the very reason that God is our Father and we his family, it is fitting that we should seek our bread from his hand. We say the Pater Noster in this sacrament, remembering how Christ went from the Last Supper straight to Gethsemane, and prayed to his Father there in the spirit of a true Son. Abba, Father, he said, asking for the wholesome bread of life if he could have it, but willing to receive the bitter cup of death and shame if it was his Father’s will. St. Paul says that it is the Spirit of Sonship, overflowing from Christ to us, which speaks in our hearts when we say Our Father. We kneel with Christ in Gethsemane to say that prayer, and even then it is not truly said unless Christ says it in us through the Holy Ghost.


St. Paul says that it is the Spirit of Sonship, overflowing from Christ to us, which speaks in our hearts when we say Our Father. We kneel with Christ in Gethsemane to say that prayer, and even then it is not truly said unless Christ says it in us through the Holy Ghost.

Amen to that,



And for all you Latin dogs:

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.


They say the Devil, like an English schoolboy, hates Latin. 

Monday, September 25, 2023



"And yet the continent of Africa can barely do better than worked wood beams 500,000 years later." My dear Anon, you strike right to the dark heart of the matter. 

"See you at the Club" aside, Anon is commenting on this. And this, private jet flying, carbon spewing, multimillionaire socialist, green guru Kerry. Here he is:

Green Leader. Roger that.



Gold Bar Bob


Gold Bar Bob (right)

Federal prosecutors have indicted Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and his wife on a series of corruption charges following the discovery of $480,000 in cash at his home and $100,000 in gold bars. A further $70,000 was discovered in a safe deposit box. Much of the cash was stashed in clothing and closets.

Wow, that's a solid chunk of change, Gold Bar Bob, it surely pays to be a Senator. But everyone knows this, they're all at it in the hallowed halls of our great constitutional non-republic. So what broke the kamala's back in this instance of cash-in-envelope skulduggery and fiscal malfeasance?

Perhaps the sheer, low level, greedy audacity of it all. Gold Bar Bob broke Washington's Goldilocks rule, as in just a spoonful of porridge not the whole dam pot. Zero comments:

(Gov. Newsom (D) recently warned) “If that’s the new criteria, there are a lot of folks in a lot of industries — not just in politics — where people have family members and relationships and they’re trying to parlay and get a little influence and benefit in that respect. That’s hardly unique.”

If these allegations against Menendez are proven, then he violated Washington’s Goldilocks rule. It would mean that Menendez pursued gifts with a reckless abandon, endangering others whose corruption was more circumspect.


Quite. And again:


In a town known for a certain finesse in influence peddling, Menendez broke with industry custom by allegedly accepting direct items like gold and a car. This is classic bribery stuff. There was no labyrinth of shell companies and accounts — just crude old-school corruption, with cash stuffed in clothing and gold bars squirreled away for a rainy day.

Where corrupt figures often refer to getting their beaks wet, Menendez allegedly took a headlong plunge into this pool of corruption. This city has not seen such low-grade alleged bribery since former U.S. Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) was found with $90,000 wrapped like a po boy in his freezer.


Dammit, Gold Bar, looks like you broke the rules, fella, and now you have to pay. But look, <700K is hardly serious graft or remotely unique in your industry and that's just it. Per Zero again: 

In the end, the problem is not Menendez. It is the array of other politicians who enabled him while dismissing his reputation for corruption. To use Newsom’s words, Menendez is “hardly unique” for cashing in on his position. That is precisely the problem.


Gold Bar Bob, who identifies as he/him, protests innocence and claims all that cash and gold was simply the result of careful saving over thirty years of political life. 

Good call, Bob, we believe you.



Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Sermon


I won't preach because I've already done that, but here's Tucker via ZeroHedge:

Weltwoche: In general, what gives you hope in a rather worrisome time, looking into the future? 

Carlson: That the stakes have suddenly gotten so high that smart people are rethinking their assumptions. I see it all around me. I see people all around me asking themselves, “I used to believe this. Is it still true? Was it ever true? What is the truth?” People are focused on questions of truth and falsehood, I think, much more deeply than they ever have been, and that's a good thing.

I also see an awakening of spiritual awareness and religious faith in the United States that I think is great. Not everyone is reaching the same conclusions that I'm reaching, but that's okay. It's better than thinking that Amazon's going to make you happy, because Amazon is not going to make you happy, actually. That's not true. That's a lie. And more and more people seem to be concluding that it's a lie, and I think that's a great thing.

There's this idea that somehow the main threat to our happiness is from religious people. That's absurd. The main threat to our happiness is from people who think they're God. They're the dangerous ones. If you think that you're God, there's no limit to what you'll do because you think you're the final arbiter, you're the final judge, you're all-powerful. That's terrifying.


The main threat to our happiness is from people who think they're God. They're the dangerous ones. If you think that you're God, there's no limit to what you'll do because you think you're the final arbiter, you're the final judge, you're all-powerful. That's terrifying.

Yes indeed, and while you may not agree with everything Tucker says in this interview I'd argue he's right on target in the above. The people who have convinced themselves of their power, that they have no God but themselves, are the ones to be feared.

You'll note and Tucker highlights this, that they are liars at every level, as is their agitprop mouthpiece which was once a free Press and now exists as a satrap Quisling of unholy, demonic power.

I tell you, their Leader is the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning.

Stand Firm,


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Oh Really?


"What is also striking about recent findings is that pro-Russian sympathies are not merely emerging in the countries of southeast Europe - Orthodox Christian and traditionally more sympathetic to Russia, including non-EU Serbia - but in the historically Catholic West Slavic countries as well, like the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And perhaps Croatia, with Croatian president, Zoran Milanović, having previously criticised Western nations for supplying Ukraine. That is before we get to nearby Hungary."

"It is worth remembering that a cultural Iron Curtain very much divides the EU and Europe between a liberal West and a conservative East. Hard as it may seem to accept in the West, for many in Central and Eastern Europe, Moscow represents a bulwark against what many see as a Godless and permissive Western world. For good or ill, this is likely informing attitudes towards the war."

Huh, who'd have thought it,