Friday, September 8, 2023

Typical Texas Army Scene


This has something to do with spacecraft, apparently, which is a very fine thing, and so good for the young 'uns to get out in the field and practice their skills. Well done, good job, but here at Dallas Light Cavalry Command we take a broader, more inclusive approach.

Yes, send everyone, Signals included, out into the field to do their job. Go on boys, set up that FOB/Command Post complete with off-planet comms. Do it at night even. And while you're at it we'll send in a few teams of the Red Hand Gang (dates me) to light up the night.

Point being, even if you're not combat arms be ready to be so, and training should reflect that. Imagine, there you are, setting up a satlink and all of sudden some Spetznaz guy comes storming through. Current doctrine, apparently, says destroy your tech with an incendiary grenade and Gaia be with you.

Well, it's all very easy to be an armchair general and perhaps that's all we'll ever be because all of our wars are fought by proxy, forever. If you believe that you'll believe anything, but your call.

Ad Multos Annos,


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Take Note You Heathen


The Nicene Creed. Heretics wilt and melt before this and pull weird stunts.



A Sign


Every Thursday evening I climb in the rig and drive to Lake Whitney and Mission #2 to say Mass. It's a good drive, taking you over the dam with the mighty Brazos on your left and the lake, sparkling in the sun, to your right. Overhead, the sun beams down from a vast, blue Texan sky.

everywhere a sign note fresh weld

Hot as Hades you mutter, pulling into the church car park, and there it is, a sign saying Priest. Huh, this is new, some kind church person has made this to remind me of who I am and to warn everyone of the same, don't take the priest's place, don't even think it. 

I tell you, they're good people at this church and good job sign maker. You'll note the Cross of St. George inspiring us all.

Slay the Dragon,


Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Well, kind of. Two big branches fell from two big pecan trees into the back yard of the Compound, doubtless the victims of climate change and or global warming. I looked at them, hanging and lying on the parched, cracked earth of this part of North Central Texas.

If only we'd paid more tax and made our Illuminati NWO Vizier Satraps even wealthier than they are already. Why then, none of this ecological catastrophe would've happened. As it is, we'll have to get in there with carbon guzzling chainsaws and sort that pecan wood out, maybe tomorrow.

Speaking of Satraps, did you know that in late antiquity the Byzantine authority set up on the Palatine Hill in Rome, in the very palaces of the Emperors. Imagine them, looking out from decayed imperial grandeur on the vast ruin field of what had been a city of a million inhabitants.

Reflecting on this, along with Gregory the Great, Pantheon bronze and the Phocian Column, to say nothing of Justinian and Belisarius, I walked the dog to the Pick 'n Steal through a golden Texan sunset. Beautiful, and I thanked God for it, Providence is quite a thing.

That in mind, hope everyone had a great Labor Day and sang the Internationale unceasingly.


Sunday, September 3, 2023



A terrible disaster's unfolding at a remote lake bed in Nevada where some 70,000 seriously rich hippies are trapped in a quagmire of toxic mud. The wealthy tech bro hippies expected a freak fayre of no-holds-barred hedonist fun but all they got was rain, which turned the alkaline dust of Burning Man's famous "Playa" lake bed into a poisonous wasteland.

Festival coordinators have shut down entrances and exits and advised "Burners" to "shelter in place," urging the hippies to conserve food and water. The White House itself has been advised of this impending disaster. Oh dear, plague.

Unafraid, the hippies plan to run naked through the mud tonight on their way to worship a burning man effigy, set up at the center of the desert, now swamp, art commune. Good luck, hippies, alkaline mud, lye, is a caustic agent which burns. Then there's fairy shrimp.

Rumors that Monkeypox, EColi, and Ebola have broken out among the Burners are entirely that, vicious rumors, as are reports that this year's Burning Man is about as successful as Fyre.



What A Good Day!


In some dioceses you don't want the bishop to visit because the prelate in question is an enemy of the One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church they hypocritically profess to uphold. In short, they're raging heretics, you don't want them around. 

That in mind, thank God this isn't true in the Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth where we're blessed good bishops who stand for the Faith. So it was a joy to welcome Bishop Reed to the Missions today.

There were adult Confirmations in both churches, a real blessing, and then, after the second service, a great potluck of a feast at Mission #2. What a good result and no, there weren't any liturgical dancers or wymxn priestess figures at either church, that's not allowed.

In related news, the dog just tried to eat a nasty book by the repellent Rosemary Radford Ruther, Sexism & God-Talk. He nearly threw up, poor animal, perhaps that'll be a lesson to him.



Saturday, September 2, 2023

Hood's For Trump


The whole hood's for Trump, apparently, but why? Oh, surely it wouldn't be because of the spectacle of a crew of self-serving elites enriching themselves on the pubic dime at the expense of poor people. Hey, forget about that, we've got trans bathrooms, now you're all civil rights good. How puke making, here's a video via an old pal in the UK:

Personally? I don't think El Jefe has a snowball's chance in Hell of getting elected and I also think that's a dam shame. You see, we don't have elections anymore, we have installations. But hey, feel free to disagree and odds on the fighting monkey.

And while you're at it, please sort out Georgia, it's become an issue.





When people think Austin they mostly think "hippy" and keep on walking, totally understandable. But not so fast, punters. St. Francis Anglican Church on Oak Creek is definitely an exception to the rule, and I know this because I visited the church this morning for Mass and the institution of their new Rector.

What a friendly, warm hearted congregation and I was taken aback by the quality of the music, led by an excellent little schola cantorum (choir), really very good and, sadly, all too rare. Then, after an edifying 1928 BCP Mass, we retired to the church hall for a delicious lunch of several sorts of sandwiches and a good time was had by all, not least the church's many children.

Well done St. Francis, and congratulations on finding a faithful new priest and pastor. I feel the future is bright for this faithful parish and will pray to that end. Speaking of bright, it might be a good idea to compliment the church's beautiful Crucifix and Tabernacle with six tall Office Lights. Use existing candelabra for Benediction, sort of thing. Just a thought.

Then, uplifted by the experience, I drove back down murderous I35 to the buccolic rural haven of the Compound only to discover my dog eating a German Bible. "Take that, Luther," he seemed to say, chowing down contentedly on the "Paper Pope." He was suitably reprimanded.

Wicked Bible devouring dogs aside, if you're looking for a friendly, traditional, family oriented Anglo-Catholic church in Austin check out St. Francis. What good and faithful people.

God bless,


Friday, September 1, 2023

More Art


I saw this on Facebook and loved it. You might too, or not, that's up to you. Speaking of which, do you think good art expresses eternal, mythic truth? Likewise bad art, its opposite. That in mind, we are warriors in a battle of Good against Evil, Light against Dark, and in that battle we have the heavenly aid of the Angelic Force. So take heart.

Sursum Corda,


Art is Important


Inspired by a fellow mind-blogger, UK patriot and art philosopher, I reflected on the medium. Art, I thought, ahem, deeply to myself, is an important thing, it reflects the value and belief of the people who make it. It's sacramental if you like, "an outward and visible sign of an inward or spiritual grace" or lack thereof.

Good Art

And "lack" is just it. Today's art, if it even bears the name, is mostly utter, total rubbish. Worse than that, it actively works to tear down and destroy our aesthetic sense; as materialism attempts to destroy spiritual values such as love, truth and honor, modern art attempts to destroy our sense of the beautiful and true. It is therefore hideous, degenerate and perverse. This assault on our senses is fittingly embraced by satans like the Podestas and Marina Abramovic.

Bad Art

Have you noticed how much this so-called art costs? You have to be very wealthy to afford it. Now consider Satan's deceit. Surround yourself, in your elite monied sophistication, with visual images which degrade and spit on everything that's right and true, which spit on you. And while you're at it, congratulate yourself on your aesthetic brilliance, so far above the common men you hate, as you hate all life, perhaps even your own. 

Good Art

What a vicious trick! Look at us, so wealthy, so privileged, so surrounded by hideousness. "What," says Our Lord, "shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul." Exactly.

Bad Art

We, on the other hand, who value life, truth, beauty and freedom under God, look to art which reflects those values. We believe in spiritual, non-material truth and the beauty of it.

Good Art

This, gentle readers, will win out, we are assured of that. 
