Showing posts with label what fresh rainbow hell is this. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what fresh rainbow hell is this. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

God's Pronouns


I always thought they were He/His. Oh well, now we know. And here's some social media back up from the inclusively shrinking ACOC (Anglican Church of Canada).

The excellent Anglican Samizdat exclaims, "Antediluvian throwbacks like me who have always thought of the Holy Spirit as 'He' had no idea that the third person of the Trinity had undergone a gender transition." Yes indeed, but will there be a special baptismal rite for the pneumatic sex-change? Perhaps in England.

In related news, have you noticed how the aggressive chevrons on the LGTBQ++ flag are eating up the original rainbow? Like some kind of... takeover.

In the meanwhile, the same people who gaily fly this flag are championing all out war with ORCFORCE. Vicious rumors that trans refugees attempting to flee the Ukraine have been turned around and sent to Ost Front are entirely that, vicious rumors.

Over the Rainbow,