Showing posts with label morons don't see the difference between men and women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morons don't see the difference between men and women. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024



So, we're gonna defeat Russia, coz we know the difference between men and wymxn, except we don't. It's a moot point for the genius patrol that runs our polity, but perhaps this Russikie infovid adds sword clarity:

Yours, pointedly, 


Go on, mess with her, just try that and see how it works out, I dare you

PS. Look, I know there's a whole "point" v "slash" thing going on. But here at the prestigious if irreg DLC we favor BOTH. Ask Melania, Hon. Colonel. Just saying. 

And by all means throw your Guinea down against the Monkey and see how it plays. He's a vicious beast,  I have to tell you, and perhaps Fortuna is on your side. Unlike, tragically, General Lee at Gettysburg. 

PPS. Melania rules.