Showing posts with label Preussens Gloria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preussens Gloria. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Bit of This And a Bit of That


Do you get emotional at funerals? I do, despite officiating at hundreds or even thousands of them over the years. That said, you're no use to the grieving party if you're some kind of weepy emotional wreck, you have to be strong for them. And so it was this morning as we buried a friend and Christian brother at Mission #2. He died too young, at 61. Rest in peace and rise in glory.

That in mind, take note, all you pastors, you're no use if you're a teary-eyed nightmare. Sure, empathy and emotion are very fine things and we applaud your sensitivity. Well done, you have a heart. But what possible use in, say, the hospital room are you if the people you're there to console have to console you? None whatsoever. You're there to be a rock instead of a soggy mess of tofu and soy.

Judging by the current crop of hospital chaplains this isn't taught in seminary. Admonishment aside, the funeral went well and I drove to Dallas to check on Ma LSP, who's recovering well and should be home tomorrow.

not utterly corrupt, not for a second

In other news, Democrat mayors are all upset that Texas is sending them busloads of migrants, New York City's received some 57,000 over the last year and Eric Adams doesn't like it, at all. This "behavior (is) morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers," fulminated NYC's Eric Adams. NYC's mayor went on to accuse Abbott of racism because targeting "black run cities."

Uh huh. All the world thought your city was a sanctuary city for immigrants, Eric, so shouldn't you be welcoming them with open arms? Or are you so morally bankrupt as to be an utter, total, racist hypocrite. Ah, but what happens when Latinos move into areas like South Dallas? The blacks are driven out, notoriously.

so completely not corrupt

The Democrats, when you think on it for a second, have executed cruel calculus. Viz. We'll replace the failing, useless, unproductive, criminal black demographic, who we're aborting and gaoling, with immigrants from across the Rio Grande, all in the name of tolerance and, well, votes. Bad news for Eric Adams, Lightfoot and associates, your hold on power and money is about to be reset, by people who speak Spanish.

Bold LBJ call, DNC, immigrate your way to everlasting power. But here's the thing, do Spanish speaking people automatically vote Rainbow Communist? I leave you with Chile.

how very Latinx
