Showing posts with label Nutbag Dandy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutbag Dandy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Clown Force Multiplier

Already smarting from defeat in northern Ukraine, Russian forces face a new threat as they begin a new offensive in Donbas. Yes, US boots on the ground in the "can you see your belt buckle" shape of MSNBC reporter turned empty chest rig warrior Malcolm Nance.

stay frosty Nutbag

Codenamed Nutbag Dandy, Nance served in the US Navy as a Chief Petty Officer where he translated foreign languages. Now he's in the Ukraine as a force multiplier. "I am here to help this country fight," said the hefty leftist journo, "This is an existential war and Russia has brought it to these people and they are mass murdering civilians, and there are people here like me who are here to do something about it."


Nance, who is not a fop dandy buffoon, is coordinating asymmetric warfare from Lvov, lending his bulk to the Ukrainian Army as part of a "Foreign Legion" of international volunteers, none of whom are Nazis. Nutbag Dandy described the Legion, slamming detractors:

"It is literally a multinational force of men and women who are here to defend Ukraine... they were here for the right reasons.Tell them to shut the f--k up since they’re obviously p-----s who have never been in combat." 

Nutbag was a cryptographer in the Navy and he's "done talking." Malcolm's net socialist worth is an estimated $1-5 million. 

Are we at pyramid peak weird or will it get weirder still? Money on the monkey, what?

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