Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rainbow Europa Will Defend Ukraine


Rainbow Garden Fortress Europa will defend plucky little Zelensky's Kiev Junta now that 47's said no. Great, but how? Here, check it out, have a look:

We live, my friends, in the most remarkable time.



PS. In related news, my eldest tells me he dreamt yesterday of a BLACK WOLF who savaged our dog before we shot the ferocious beast with ARs. Make of this what you will.


Jim said...

While we didn't have dancing when I was in basic training years ago, we did have music. We sang while marching in step and the lyrics were decidedly NSFW.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

How much training time was required to make that video?

RHT447 said...

+1. If you have someone who can sing cadence like this, it will carry you for miles.

LSP said...

We didn't sing, Jim, but sometimes there was a band.

LSP said...

Nice link, RHT.

LSP said...

WSF, imagine that crew on Ost Front.

Wild, wild west said...

What in the wild world of sports was THAT nonsense? Comes to mind Slim Pickens' famous line from Blazing Saddles about a certain type of dancers from Kansas City.

LSP said...

Quite a thing, eh, Wild. Behold the armed fortress of Rainbow EU.

Handy Handsome said...

Ya know......I just found this blog. If you're gonna keep posting gay shit like that, I'm outta here. LOL

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Not really remarkable times, interesting maybe, a period of history that will be forgotten like a bad dream. Though odds are high that I will exit during this fourth turning instead of getting to see what the younger generations build from it.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...


LSP said...


LSP said...

BC, in other news, my eldest, a Sgt. is a right patriot.