Tuesday, December 17, 2024

O Sapientia


Typical Truckery

O Sapientia, O Wisdom, teach us the way. The way being discernment viz a 2018 F150 XL 4x4 V8 5.0 engine. The Waxahachie Ford house "recommended" a new long block, stating that cylinders 5, 6 and 8 were losing compression. Waxahachie stated on the phone that the "block was cracked."

OK, if so, get a new motor or a new truck. But here's the thing. Local mechs have swarmed around and don't see any evidence of a cracked block, of catastrophic engine failure. They do feel there's an oil issue, apparently a thing on 2018-20 F 150 5.0 engines. So Thursday beckons a new diagnosis to find out the root of the problem. 

Kitchen Glocks. Go On, Shoot The Food

Let's see how that goes, it'd be a relief to not have to buy a new, reman, refurb engine; they're pretty pricey. Seriously, new ones come in at around 10k, refurb at 7 and reman at 4. Cheaper than a new new rig, but still. Stand by for further news in this exciting and developing story.

In the meanwhile, here's the O Sapentia antiphon (sing it this evening if you can before and after the Magnificat at Vespers/Evening Prayer):

O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi prodiisti,
attingens a fine usque ad finem,
fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:
veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae.

O Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High,
reaching from one end to the other mightily,
and sweetly ordering all things:
Come and teach us the way of prudence.




drjim said...

Ask the local mechanics if they know of any low-mileage engines in the junkyards.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

If the frame and body on your ride are rust free, if rodents haven't gotten into the wiring, fix and keep it. Newer trucks have lost their reliability do to cheap parts and questionable electronics. Google recalls on all manufacturers (Ford is the worst). You can re-engine your truck for less than the first six months depreciation of a new one.
During 2006 my employer had me promoting ATK Vega re-manufactured engines. I found them to be a quality product. The other big name is Jasper. Bluntly, I wouldn't trust any other re-builder. Local shops? Due diligence - ask questions!!!
The Ford 5.0 is one of the better engines ever (sorry, LS lovers), bettered only by Ford's 300 inline 6 and Buick's 3.8 V6, IMO.
The Ford dealer is constrained by legal and franchise requirements and will always take the safest route. Local mechanics are less constrained.
Have you tried local shops catering to the oil field fleet operators?

Beans said...

If you don't have a cracked block, or even if you do, getting it remanufactured or replaced locally and not by the Dealership is the way to go.

Most likely it's something rather simple like a slightly warped head or something that is 'easily' dealt with by a good machine shop. Now figuring out what the problem is, well, that's the ticket. And that's where having a talented mechanic who actually knows what he/she is doing matters.

Good luck. Any way you look at it it's gonna be some serious cheddar, but unless the engine swap is covered by dealership-only-warranty, an outside mech is the way to go.

Been there, done that on my old Ford E-150 sex offender van (contractor model with no windows in the back sidewalls, and, yes, white...) Good vehicle, until it wasn't, and it got to the non-repairable point.

LL said...

Does this mean that you're not buying a Raptor?

Wild, wild west said...

Once again, the pro speaks.

Dealers have access to all kinds of stuff but only "their" stuff. Had to replace a catalytic converter in a Buick some time back (due to bad gas) and got it done using an aftermarket cat recommended, furnished and installed by an independent mechanic for a third the price the dealer wanted. There was a screaming fit at the dealer's shop when the service manager flat out accused me of just "punching" the cat instead of using his service and supply. That was just a little outside, as Bob Euker so aptly described it. I tried to be nice, but then he said something about punching the cat being illegal and things escalated quickly and I did not darken their door again. The aftermarket cat, by the way, went well over another 100-K and was still good when I eventually traded the car at 275-K.

The engine was, by the way, Buick's 3.8 V-6 and that thing was a screamer.

Paul M said...

I say he installs a new motor and adds the 'Raptor' ['Rapture'?] decals.

Zendo Deb said...

All dealers want to do is replace an entire system. It's easier (and more cost beneficial) for them, and they get to say "we can give you a warranty!"

about 8 or 9 years ago, there was a problem with my then SUV's air conditioning. The dealer (and a couple of other places) wanted to just replace everything. For something like 2 grand or more.

I decided to learn a little bit about AC before shelling out that kind of money. In the end it was a bad Schrader valve. It took a can of dye, to figure that out, and I had to buy a vacuum pump, an AC gas manifold, 2 Schrader valves, and a few cans of refrigerant. Total cost to fix the AC - which worked for the following 8 years I owned the car was about $250. But I couldn't give myself a warranty.

LSP said...

Good call, drjim, I will.

LSP said...

Thanks, WSF. Frame and body are fine, so we're going down the further diagnosis route. Valves and timing tomorrow. The thing started this afternoon but wouldn't idle, grrrrr, and Waxahachie Ford deleted the codes from their bizarrely lacking in detail diagnosis. So, let's see what comes up.

Worst case? New/used engine. So.

LSP said...

Wild, I feel there's a moral to your story, perhaps a parable.

LSP said...

Outside it is, Beans, and let's see where the diagnosis goes. Hopefully not a new block, please.

Feel fortunate in having some good church mechanics around, otherwise I'd have to set up a chapel in the Ford House.

LSP said...

Excellent question, LL. For now, no. For the future? Next year's a different story. I would, of course, like a RAPTOR because who wouldn't. Also, I'd like to give the SERGEANT my old truck. But first things first, get the old beast running.

LSP said...

I might take you up on that, Paul. Mind you, LL's Raptor's pretty much unbranded. I like that.

LSP said...

Zendo, I applaud your industry and thrift! Stay tuned for updates on this V8 5.0 conundrum.

Wild, wild west said...

The parable of the service managed who pithed off a customer comes to mind.

So, if you pith off a customer who then never comes back, is he still a customer?