May God bless you all in this new year, which will surely be better than its wretched precedent. We're just about ready to launch SERIOUS fireworks. You know what it's like.
Your Old Pal,
May God bless you all in this new year, which will surely be better than its wretched precedent. We're just about ready to launch SERIOUS fireworks. You know what it's like.
Your Old Pal,
Please, dear readers, ignore Bob Wier's shorts, but do psych up for a grand New Years celebration. That is all, for now.
Keen-eyed readers, all four of you, might remember that the Compound's motor pool took a serious hit when a 2018 F150 went badly wrong on its way to Dallas for Thanksgiving. No joke, the malfeasant rig juddered and quaked on I35's fast lane into the 'sprawl. Pull off the road, LSP, park up at a sketchy Motel 6 and... the 5.0L V8 beast wouldn't restart.
Long story short, the Waxahachie Ford House wanted to charge a whopping Merry Christmas 16k to swap out a busted long block. Huh. No. Tow the broken offender back to base and hand it over to local mechs. They duly turned up and ran a diagnostic, hoping that 1. There was an easily fixable problem, like a bad fuel pump control module, or 2. The old engine was salvageable.
No to 1 and 2. A rocker had busted and fallen into the body of the engine, the timing chain had snapped and catastrophic failure ensued. Not unlike the Church of England, when you think on it. Solution? Pull out the old engine via tractor and chains, drop a new/used one in. And that's exactly what happened.
Everything back together, we took the truck for a test drive through the sylvan boulevards of pleasantly sunny rural Texas and, lo and behold, the beast purred along with its newly installed engine, which came from a vehicle with 77k on the clock. So it's a young engine, let's see how it pans out in the New Year.
Ah, but LSP, I hear you think, trenchantly, what happened to the RAPTOR? Good question, and here's the answer. If this year of our Lord, 2025 A.D., comes in golden, then a jolly old Raptor's on the cards and a Sergeant can have the refurbed One Fiddy. That's one timeline, we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Here's the deal. An ebullient Sergeant's walked through the door, a couple of Churchmen have dropped a new/used 5.0L V8 motor into the rig and all is well, so far. And guess what, the new engine even works, and didn't throw any codes when fired up. Yes, it married the transmission.
That in mind, hope you all had a beautiful Sunday, worshiping God who is Word from Word, Light from Light, very God of very God. Yes, ET INCARNATUS EST. And we beheld his glory, full of grace and truth. Is there, per St. John's Prologue, a more majestic piece of Scripture? I doubt it.
All OK? Of course it is, just Hawkwind.
Yeah, whatever, I see your so-called "Baron Brock" and his familiar, Moorcock, in some kind of second hand car dealership in Monmouth. Uh Huh, seconds of forever.
Just hanging out, club style, in Dallas. Stay frosty, right? In other news, my niece from the UK, who is a lovely person, asked if gender was somehow "fluid." I replied, "No, darling, don't be stoopid."
And all was well. Boxing Day.
Your Old Pal,
WHEN Mary laid Jesus Christ upon her knees, when she searched him with her eyes, when she fed him at the breast, she did not study to love him because she ought, she loved him because he was dear: he was her Son. His conception had been supernatural, perplexing, affrighting; it had called for faith in the incomprehensible, and obedience beyond the limit of human power. His nativity was human and sweet, and the love with which she embraced it was a natural growth, inseparable from the thing she loved. She was blessed above all creatures, because she loved her Maker inevitably and by simple nature; even though it needed the sword—wounds of the Passion to teach her fully that it was her Maker whom she loved. The Son of Mary is the Son of all human kind; we embrace him with the love of our kind, that we may be led up with Mary to a love beyond kind, a selfless love for the supreme Goodness, when we too shall have climbed the ladder of the cross.
His nativity was human and sweet, yes indeed.
God bless you all,
Have you recovered from Space Rock? Perhaps you have, and people ask me, they say, "Are you a Royalist?"
Here we are, on the very verge of celebrating the birth of Christ, of adding our Magnificat to Mary's. That in mind, I called up Ma LSP from the lit up front office of the Compound, aka "porch" to see how things were progressing in Dallas. Well, apparently.
"We had a lovely evening at the neighbor's yesterday, they have a golf cart which is illumined by lights and went for a ride around the neighborhood to see the Christmas decorations. They seem so much better from the cart than when I take my walk." I reflected on that.
"Touring around a lit up area in some kind of cart is pretty much always a good thing to do, perhaps you would've enjoyed a rikshaw ride around Soho, London, back in October?" Always practical, Ma LSP asked, "How much does that cost?"
Good question, "I think we paid around 20 bucks. It just seemed right after dinner at the Club. But yes, neither you nor anyone else has any business climbing into a Soho rickshaw at midnight. Not to worry, we waved at all the street revelers as we passed them by."
My partner in rickshaw crime sent a message the following day, "It would seem, my dear LSP, that you led us on a kind of reverse Dante of an excursion." Well he had a point, but it was fun, no doubt about it, and you're all welcome to join in when we all descend upon WHITEHALL to liberate the once United Kingdom, our Mother Country.
Speaking of which, 47's on a (t)roll, have you seen? First we annex Canada, freeing its population, then we reclaim the Panama Canal, about time, and then we BUY GREENLAND. Whoa. Manifest. Destiny. Rock on, Mr. President.
All lit up and time for some Space Rock, don't you think?
Ladbrook Grove forever and, "Is there something wrong with the juke box?" I pause, "No, darling, it's just Hawkwind."
PS. Lemmy made that band, imo, feel free to disagree.
There's a new addition to the Compound's motor pool, a tractor. Why? you ask in that bewilderedly exasperated tone of voice. Because of course there is. Rumors of impromptu engine block hoist are entirely that, rumors.
In other news, this Democrat freak from Connecticut is a member of Congress, a "law maker," no less. Here, have a look at Rosa.
Zhir socialist net worth is a paltry 3MN$, which makes her one of the poorer members of our Beloved Ruling Elite. Too bad she's not getting that vaunted 40% pay raise touted in the dismally failed porculus CR Bill. I know, we all want to pay our dear rulers moar but sometimes patience is a virtue.
Speaking of which, Germans in Magdeburg aren't too happy about the Saudi Arabian doctor who rammed into a Christmas market. Here they are, on the streets.
The German people are out on the streets saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
— God Save Great Britain (@GSGB01) December 21, 2024
They want mass deportations.
This needs to happen for the whole of Europe and the UK
Our future depends on it.
Apparently the car killer Saudi was an apostate Moslem and an AfD supporter promoted by the vile, hated, rude, condescending, deceitful, pugnacious, smug BBC, no less. Huh. What a convenient narrative. Islamophobia kills Christians at Christmas market! If you believe that you'll believe anything, as in "men can have babies."
In the meanwhile, Magdeburg's people are taking a stand against their country's suicidal empathy for Jihadi savages who hate, despise and want to conquer their formerly Christian hosts. Imagine the same thing in Two Tier Kier's England; all those guys would be locked up. Well you know the saying.
This morbidly obese and ugly persyn is, according to San Francisco, all about health. Not unlike, when you think on it, those Mengele doctors who chop off young women's breasts to promote sanity, all the while collecting fat paychecks. Of course our current insanity has nothing to do with money, just ask the UK's Net Zero industry.
Your Old Pal,
Maybe this utter, tin ear, deaf as a post, wrong side of history mountebank needs to think twice again. Well he should, the corrupt buffoon. As we ponder this heady equation, and its malfeasant quotient, here's USMC:
See what I'm saying? Maybe we can spare a carrier group and expeditionary force to liberate the UK from the tin-pot, corrupt, we-hate-our-people Maoists who've colonized it. Call it de-colonialization if you like.
In related news, rumors that we're taking over Canada and the UK as the 51st and 52nd states are just that, rumors. Bring it on? Well it's not as though we couldn't. Do those places even have armies?
Imagine being there in the golden summer of pre-war Europe, before 1914 and the slaughter of your generation. Quite a thing, and how different from the way we live now.
Beautiful buildings: Architecture reflects the spirit or soul of a culture, now unspeakable concrete and steel ugliness. Butchers, bakers, tailors, things made for you by real people. Communities, not today's ersatz online fellowships, but real people being with each other for good or ill because they met, in person, all the time. As opposed to our fake electronic equivalent.
In short, our quality of life has decreased. What we see, what we get, is worse than before, we've devolved. In 1910, a middle class family could afford servants and a house with ceilings higher than you could swing a cat in. Today? Good luck, maybe you can afford a two bedroom flat in outer London.
In the meanwhile, the people who would have been staff in a house, and by extension were part of the family, are now reduced to flipping burgers or stacking shelves at the local "don't give a dam about you" hypermarket.
You get the point. Was my town better or worse 120+ years ago? Worse. It was way less attractive, not being a truck route, way more prosperous, because it hadn't been asset-stripped, and was way more attractive, you know, to look at. It even had all these small shops selling meat, bread, produce and, doubtless, fake whiskey. Don't say Wesley Hardin.
See you at the Club,
Europe, said Belloc, is the Faith. Both are under attack right now, egregiously. Rise up and reclaim your homeland as you, with the Immaculate Mother of God magnify the Lord.
Good question, and I say no. Back in the day you could blaze away with readily affordable ammo, but not so much today. And, let the reader understand, you want to arrive at a backyard plinking solution. OK, subsonic .22 is a way forward. But maybe air's better?
Maybe so. My brother, who lives in "ban all guns because commie" Wales shoots merrily away with .177/.22 canister air guns and's fixing to upgrade to a Kral Empire. Nice, at around $700 (!). And especially nice in the UK, where you're not allowed to shoot real guns but you can shoot these. OK, good for my brother, the Kral looks great, if pricey. But here in the States?
We don't need to rely on air guns to shoot because we have a constitutional right to own and bear arms, much as the Left wants to take that away from us in their drive towards a corporate sponsored neo-Maoist dictatorship. Granted, but what if you live in a vaguely built up area, where you can't shoot that AR for practice?
Again, good question, and I don't see anything wrong with going down a backyard plinker air gun solution. Some people go further and get air compressor hunting rigs marching up to something like .50 Cal. Far out. Me? I'd settle for a Walmart Special, twice as powerful as the attractive Kral and way cheaper, seemingly.
Shoot on,
O Sapientia, O Wisdom, teach us the way. The way being discernment viz a 2018 F150 XL 4x4 V8 5.0 engine. The Waxahachie Ford house "recommended" a new long block, stating that cylinders 5, 6 and 8 were losing compression. Waxahachie stated on the phone that the "block was cracked."
OK, if so, get a new motor or a new truck. But here's the thing. Local mechs have swarmed around and don't see any evidence of a cracked block, of catastrophic engine failure. They do feel there's an oil issue, apparently a thing on 2018-20 F 150 5.0 engines. So Thursday beckons a new diagnosis to find out the root of the problem.
Let's see how that goes, it'd be a relief to not have to buy a new, reman, refurb engine; they're pretty pricey. Seriously, new ones come in at around 10k, refurb at 7 and reman at 4. Cheaper than a new new rig, but still. Stand by for further news in this exciting and developing story.
In the meanwhile, here's the O Sapentia antiphon (sing it this evening if you can before and after the Magnificat at Vespers/Evening Prayer):
You only get one shot. Well he ain't wrong, eh? Trigger pressure and muscle memory forever. See you on 8 Mile, on the top floor of the Caddy and at the Club. So.
All Best,
Especially in New Jersey, which is near New York. OK, nasty, but like no kidding, everywhere you look in New Jersey there's a UFO, coming outta the sea, going inna sea, hovering around subdivisions, truck stops, strip malls, military bases, you name it, there they are. UFOs, everywhere.
Some appear to be orbs of fluid, shifting light. Others morph into various shapes, cylinders, triangles and the like. Some appear technical, others almost organic. So what are they, drones? That's what we're being told, with the Pentagon caveat that they're not ours, not our enemies' and, in fact, don't belong to any known earthbound agency. So what are they? Aliens, obviously. Here, have a look.
🚨BREAKING: "We Have No Idea What It Is"
— Jay Anderson (@TheProjectUnity) December 14, 2024
A film crew for ABC news were shocked by the appearance of this glowing 'Energy Orb' of light in New Jersey. These are the ones that interest me more than the drones.
Why are the orbs in play?
Here we are, in the most powerful country of the world, capable of sending billions upon billions of dollars to Ukraine and millions to sex-change experimentalists in California. Good luck, Olson lawsuit, sue those satan Mengeles into the ground. But here's the thing.
No better atmosphere in Sports than Army/Navy Day
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) December 14, 2024
Oops, but what about Wendy Davis, the attractive Abortion Barbie who was gonna sweep the Lone Star State? What about her? Let's see, here she is en Vogue:
Abortion Barbie lost, so did fake Mex Beto in the Dem's relentless push to turn the Lone Star State into a Corporate Maoist autocracy. Check it out, on Vanity Fair, no less.
What a rich kid Dem fag. And guess what, Texans didn't vote for this super rich, faux Mex, fraudulent, no one liked you anyway, faker leftist rich kid. So.
You may not, but I've got an issue with this song, in which our imaginary Wild West Hero is this big friend of the Indians. Nice vision, right? Rock on, ELO, but really? You wanna be friends with the torturing, savage, cruel, demonic Commanche? Hey, even the Apache feared those twisted killers.
So, ELO and confederates, you want to be friends with that kind of people, and I use that word lightly, who would peel the skin off your wife's head and slow roast your husband over a fire? You want to be friends with that?
No. When the War of Northern Aggression settled we were able to turn our Cav to the untamed Comanche, and beat them, utterly. Did they deserve it? They were evil, so yes. Was there a loss involved? Yes, there was. The finest light cavalry in all the world were reduced to welfare status, to say nothing of what's followed. Strip malls, anyone?
Regardless, Wild West Heroes fought in the Indian wars, along with malfeasants, and we honor the former.
A few weeks ago my brother, who lives in the bustling Welsh port of Aberystwyth, sent me an Opinel No. 8 knife. What a good gift, sharp as you like carbon steel, simple, reliable, aesthetically Old Skool pleasing and just a great knife. I used to carry one in the British Army, back in the mists of time when there was such a thing, so you can add a nostalgia bonus to boot.
Nostalgia aside, these little knives actually work. Created in 1890 by Joseph Opinel, the knives were a hit and went through a couple of upgrades. Here's the marketing:
In 1890, Joseph Opinel turned 18 and worked in the family workshop. With a passion for new machines and innovative technologies, he built his own camera and soon became the photographer for weddings and special events in his area. Led by his passion for machinery and the manufacturing process, he decided to invent an object which he could manufacture using modern technology. Against his father's wishes, he spent most of his free time refining the shape and manufacturing of a small pocket knife: the Opinel No.08 was born!...
Originally, the Opinel knife had four components: the blade, the fixed ferrule, the rivet and the haft. The fixed ferrule was needed to firmly rivet the blade to the haft. In 1955, Marcel Opinel, who had been working on improving the safety of the knife, invented the Virobloc®system. He added a rotating ferrule which slid onto the fixed ferrule, closing the groove and thus locking the blade in the open position. The idea was simple enough but hard to achieve. In the 90’s, the Virobloc®system was modified to lock the blade in the closed position. This feature was added to all models in the early 2000's.
Well that's good to know and not wrong, the trademark rotating ferrule does do the business, no doubt about it, and the blades are keen. That in mind, Opinel knives were recognized by the UK's Victoria & Albert museum as "one of the most successful designs of all time," along with Rolex watches and the Porsche. 911. So now we know. Quite the classic, and the product lives up to its marketing, for a change.
Sharp, I say again, handy, functional, no BS knives. For example: Maybe you carry a Spyderco, and they're great, I love them, but what happens when all those little screws fall out? Amazon Prime nightmare. You don't have that kind of issue with an Opinel and that's a plus, they're cheap, too, at 17 bucks for a No. 8. I liked mine so much that I bought a #9 and a #10.
Do women like them? Of course they do, we all do. Get one if you like or better yet, get a couple. Not pricey and they're the real deal.
Haley, apparently, ordered the Confederate flag to be removed from South Carolina's state capitol. What a total traitor. Now look at her, does she look like a human being or someone possessed by an unclean neocon spirit?
Is Nikki a Satan Witch? You be the judge.
You may remember, because utterly fascinating, that my rig shuddered and broke on the way to Dallas for Thanksgiving. Long story short, I made it to Dallas and the truck made it to Waxahachie Ford. OK, good thing Texas Farm Bureau Insurance covers a tow.
One expensive diagnosis later, I learned yesterday that cylinders 5, 6, and 8 were losing compression and the "tech" recommended a new long block. Cost? A mere 16K. Whoa, the truck's not even worth that, so I said "no, I'll get it towed back to the Compound."
Where, let the reader understand, local mechs can drop in a new/refurbished engine at a fraction of the cost of Waxahachie Ford. Let's see how that goes. My instinct? Get the vehicle fixed, courtesy of Hill College Mech School, and then trade the beast in for a RAPTOR.
But perhaps you think a RAPTOR is inappropriate for a priest? Perhaps you have a point, though I urge you to think again. That aside, one reputable GeoStrat consultant offered this, "Buy new or, if you want, keep driving beaters. It's up to you, but if you buy new you're not inheriting someone else's problems. Think about that."
Well yes. Then again, getting a refurbished engine for around 4k and minimal labor, and then trading on makes sense to me, maybe give the rig to a Sergeant. But a new Raptor? They're beautiful, no doubt about it, and at >100k they'd better be. Huh. Instinct says get the thing fixed and buy used, but used well. Know what I mean?
Of course Bark-Bark was a great help, and added to the luster of an ancient Moslem runner. I think it's Caucasian, but know nothing of rugs these days so perhaps it isn't. Ruggery aside, the dog was fascinated, and who can blame him?
In other news, rumors that Prince Harry is being deported to Net Zero, Bonkers Britain are just that, rumors. Not unlike photos of Obama et al at Diddy parties, when you think on it. And there you have it, Christmas is up in Dallas.
Mission Accomplished,
The Rainbow Left Neocon Powers want to destroy this. They hate it and as we put finger to keyboard are spending billions of dollars to ruin it. Just as they've ruined it in their homelands. Amoral asset-stripping, anyone? But here's the thing.
So be it. Then there's Ukraine. That plucky little proxy. You tell me, why should hundreds of thousands of Slavs have died to make the Bidens and their friends even moar richer than they already are? Just throwing it out there.
OK, it's the second Sunday of Advent and you're probably reflecting on John the Baptist's voice in the wilderness crying out, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord." In other words, repent. Speaking of which, what's with Syria?
It seems Assad's regime has fallen with barely a fight. Some kind of deal between Turkey, Russia, the US and Israel or what? I'm at a loss. All of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, a resurgent ISIS/Al Qaeda rises from the sands and topples Assad without, apparently, any real opposition. So what's it all about. Help me out here, punters.
Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, has banned the repellent Satanic Temple in Russia. In case you wondered, the Satanic Temple are a crew of US based cultural Marxists who exist to make fun of, enrage and destroy what's left of Christian civ.
Their method? Pushing rainbow degeneracy and abortion in the name of freedom of religion, Satanic religion. Ha, ha, ha, what a larf. Just look at you, bewildered and confused trad parent while we teach your kid to pronoun zhirself prior to puberty blockers and Mengele surgery. Take that, oppressors!
Well, Putin's banned the Satanists and power to him. On topic, the Russkie FSB raided several rainbow discos in Moscow, cracking down on gaily hued degeneracy. Good for them. You'll recall, if you're old enough, that this kind of hedonist wickedness used to be known as the "love that dare not speak its name." Now it's the love that won't bloody shut up. Except in Russia. Check it out:
Good work, FSB and Vladimirovitch. Take note punters. It's all a larf 'til you're in someone's basement in Clerkenwell and a demon's gnawing on your buddy's inner thigh. Just remember, Baphomet is trans and our rulers are 100% onboard with this. Perhaps that's part of the reason they hate Russia so much.
Good work, Vladimirovic,