Monday, December 16, 2024

Let's Hear It For Detroit


Imagine this, punters, if you can. I moved from South Ken in London to Windsor/Detroit in '97. (Excuse me, were you utterly insane? Apparently yes) Why? For love and adventure, obvs. That aside, I'd email friends in the UK, yes, we had email then if just, as to what the New MI world was like. I don't think they believed me because so very far outside the UK thing. Hey, I was pulling punches, for what it's worth.

Whatev. I understand from reliable sources on the ground that the Motor City ain't as desolate as it used to be. As in, Downtown and Wayne State zones are being reclaimed for white civilization, by white people. Possibly, hope so, and let's repeat the mantra, "It's coming back, man." Huh. Here's a song:

Huh. Crawled Outta The Trailer And Into The Big Time

You only get one shot. Well he ain't wrong, eh? Trigger pressure and muscle memory forever. See you on 8 Mile, on the top floor of the Caddy and at the Club. So.

All Best,



  1. So, you're leaving Texas? Shocking.

    1. No. I'm staying. I like it here.

    2. LSP isn’t going anywhere until cylinders 5, 6, and 8 regain their compression composure…it’s a coup I say, by the F150, to stay in the beloved Texas hinterland.

    3. Exactly, Paul. OK, I might visit the Motor City and set up at the Caddy but I'm NOT MOVING.

  2. Detroit was once a rich and beautiful city. Those old bones still appear here and there. Prohibition and the after-effects of WWII didn't help maintain that condition.

  3. The City of Detroit is fortunate not to have a woke mayor, police chief and county prosecutor. All are Dems. Soros tried to swap out the prosecutor a few elections back and failed.

    While small chunks of the city are booming with a white yuppie inrush, most areas are reverting back to the forested 1600's. There will be one standing house in a city block, with one working street light where the dog fights are played out at night.

    1. I know, DOS. I was shocked a few years ago to see how much of it had reverted to countryside. Greening of America, huh.
