Monday, December 23, 2024

Manifest Destiny


Here we are, on the very verge of celebrating the birth of Christ, of adding our Magnificat to Mary's. That in mind, I called up Ma LSP from the lit up front office of the Compound, aka "porch" to see how things were progressing in Dallas. Well, apparently.

"We had a lovely evening at the neighbor's yesterday, they have a golf cart which is illumined by lights and went for a ride around the neighborhood to see the Christmas decorations. They seem so much better from the cart than when I take my walk." I reflected on that.

"Touring around a lit up area in some kind of cart is pretty much always a good thing to do, perhaps you would've enjoyed a rikshaw ride around Soho, London, back in October?" Always practical, Ma LSP asked, "How much does that cost?" 

Good question, "I think we paid around 20 bucks. It just seemed right after dinner at the Club. But yes, neither you nor anyone else has any business climbing into a Soho rickshaw at midnight. Not to worry, we waved at all the street revelers as we passed them by."

My partner in rickshaw crime sent a message the following day, "It would seem, my dear LSP, that you led us on a kind of reverse Dante of an excursion." Well he had a point, but it was fun, no doubt about it, and you're all welcome to join in when we all descend upon WHITEHALL to liberate the once United Kingdom, our Mother Country.

Speaking of which, 47's on a (t)roll, have you seen? First we annex Canada, freeing its population, then we reclaim the Panama Canal, about time, and then we BUY GREENLAND. Whoa. Manifest. Destiny. Rock on, Mr. President.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Manifest Destiny is one thing: the New World Order is another.

  2. Replies
    1. I think, Mr. WSF, that we get it for free. And why shouldn't we?

  3. Canada, sans Quebec, would be good. The Cajuns can go visit their newly Americanized relatives in Nova Scotia without leaving This Greater Country.

    Mit Quebec? Oy, we have enough problems with recalcitrant Espanolish speakers from Puerto Rico. Do we really need to add recalcitrant 'We are more French than the French' Quebequois? If we do so, can we mandate they throw the Frog Language away and speak 'Murican like God and George Washington intended? Please?

    Greenland should have been ours as spoils of war from WWII. We built lots of infrastructure on it to support both aerial and naval convoys, weather tracking stations, survival stations, and continued into the Cold War with stuff to track the Soviets and their doings.

    Panama Canal? The only thing I can think is a negative on that is the PRC ChiCom Red Chinese currently 'administer' and 'run' the Panama Canal 'for' Panama. Said Chinese think it's theirs already. May be a point of contention. Still miffed at the Peanut Farmer for giving it back. And still miffed we didn't keep it when we took it during the Invasion to get rid of Noriega. Seriously, we spill our blood we need to get something something back, you know what I mean?

    1. Jammy Cah-tah did one thing right, and one thing only as far as I can tell, during his presidency. He stopped deportation proceedings against Nguyễn Ngọc Loan. The process of "giving back" the Canal was shear Left-wingnut-wacko idiocy. Clearly, he spent too much time out behind the peanut shed or up on the roof of the White House sharing a toke with son Chip.

    2. Good calls, Beans! I'd almost forgotten the Noriega thing. Yes, we should've... kept it, pure and simple.

      Quebec? Give it independence, not least of Albertan charity. Ontario? Same as above, cubed.

      But what am I thinking. Let Quebec and Ontario carry on as is. We neither want nor need them, Alberta? Different story. Let's roll over the border from Montana and welcome those patriots into the commonwealth.

      Sure, Quebec and Ontario can get oil from the tar sands, at a price.

    3. I remember Jimmy Carter, just, Wild. And I seem to recall Hunter Thompson rooted for him. HST wasn't always correct in his... discernment. So yeah, let's have that canal back where it belongs.

  4. The canals here in the United States are in terrible condition. Maybe we ought to fix those before worrying about seizing Panama's.

    1. I won't disagree with that for a second, NW. But do we even have canals here? Serious question. The UK does, and people even live on them, which might be pleasant in a watery way. Rail overtook them, obvs, and then roads, but I like the idea of canal based freight. Maybe we'll revert to that, at least in the UK. After all, it'd be "green" and all the boat hippies would get onside. Not a bad thing.
