Sunday, December 22, 2024

Advent Four


It's the fourth Sunday of Advent and advance to contact, eh? Contact being Christmas and the celebration, our magnificat, of the birth of Christ. With that, with his birth in us anew, we're to bear Christ into the world for the refutation of evil and the salvation of mankind. Perhaps the March of the Templars resonates.

On topic, you might be interested to know that priestly vocations have soared by over 30% in godless, apostate, secular socialist Spain. Let's pray this encouraging trend continues.

God Bless,



  1. Excellent. God is with us. This resonates, LSP. Christ's righteousness fills the earth. Num 14:21

    1. Nice one, GenX. I wondered about this post. Was a Crusader charge appropriate for the last Sunday of Advent?

      Yes, of course it is, we charge headlong into the celebration of the birth of Christ and with that, into the shock of confronting evil.

      That's my 2 cents and I'm sticking to it.
