Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Is Nikki Haley A Satan Witch?


Haley, apparently, ordered the Confederate flag to be removed from South Carolina's state capitol. What a total traitor. Now look at her, does she look like a human being or someone possessed by an unclean neocon spirit? 

Is Nikki a Satan Witch? You be the judge.

Out Demons Out,



  1. The physiognomy (yes folks, I do know what that means and am using it deliberately) is a case of convergent evolution.

  2. Could be. Haley and Liz Cheney are neocons, and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned by Orange Man. That's two data points in favor of the diagnoses, so........

    1. I'm sensing a consensus, Wild, interesting.

  3. I vote yes. Some of her past 6th commandment issues popped up in the primary. Tie that to her being (as W cubed above pointed out) a member of the Cheney - Miss Lindsay - McCain - Romney cadre makes the case.

  4. Guessing if we had those special sunglasses we’d be surprised how many are Satan’s minions. Give it five years with Haley, like a few others, evil rots from the inside out and head down.
