Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day


Just hanging out, club style, in Dallas. Stay frosty, right? In other news, my niece from the UK, who is a lovely person, asked if gender was somehow "fluid." I replied, "No, darling, don't be stoopid."

And  all was well. Boxing Day.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Lookin' like a sharp dressed man there...add the Stetson and yer all set.

    "Gender" (vs. the proper "sex", hence why the Left uses gender to gray out the lines) may not be fluid but it does involve flesh and blood...which oddly (or not so odd per God's design) does include hydraulics in a few ways unique to XY/XX "assignment" maybe some sort of fluidity is true.

    1. Paul, for some reason I chose a central London rig to appear in Dallas. Huh. Went down well, btw.

      Then there's gender fluid. Deal with that as you may.

  2. Gender “fluid”: A few years ago a friend was telling me about a conversation he overheard. His youngest daughter, then 15, had a bunch of friends over for the evening. A boy said, “I think I’m 50% straight, 30% gay, and 20% asexual.” This statement was received by the other teens as perfectly rational (instead of the utter batshit legacy of the oh-so-German Frankfurt School) and sparked a discussion about their individual percentages. “I’m 50% bi-curious and 50% asexual,” that sort of declaration.

    Later, my friend asked his daughter what that was about. Turned out the kids were continuing a discussion that the teacher began in biology class. Seems the message the kids were supposed to take away was that “no one is 100% straight.”

    My friend was appalled. He’s a devout Catholic who is a devoted family man. As to the daughter’s school, it’s a public school known for academic excellence in a town with an average household income >$350k per annum.

    Now the thing I found funny (in a not haha way) was that my friend led an orderly, Christian life and had a lot of traditional values, but he despised conservatives and Republicans. (Though he had the good grace to keep it in private conversation with friends. An equally senior woman used to talk loudly about how conservatives were evil at company-wide meetings while we were waiting for everyone to trickle in. Not cool.)

    I’m noticing this sort of thing increasingly among the people I work with. Now academics are notoriously leftist, but many of the ones I know are privately appalled by the lunatic levels of sex deviance, and not uncommonly unhappy about the crappification of American demographics (my snarky way of saying “getting browner”) but they consistently support the politics that unerringly and obviously lead to the very things that make them uncomfortable, and that they don’t want for their own kids.

    1. A micron portion of society has been working full court press overtime to normalize aberrant behavior, it’s showcased everywhere nowadays. Time to call it what it is: Sinful as it is fully against God design and prescription.

    2. Mike C. I recall a gang of profs who really. really thought 45 would lose the election, they really did. When it all panned out I asked, "Maybe you need to rethink?"

      Baylor Pol Science agreed with me :)

  3. Ah, come on, LSP, of course gender is 'fluid.' Male fluid is sticky stuff often found in teenage boys' socks, while female fluid is white and nutritious and goes under the label 'Milk.'

  4. Gender and race are fluid. How could I claim to own a minority-owned business if they were not?

  5. I spent Boxing Day in Waterloo Ontario. Unfortunately most of the restaurants were closed.
