Thursday, October 3, 2024


There's this thing, a priestly fraternity bound by a common Rule of Life and by commitment to claiming catholicism for the Church of England and its heirs. It's called the SSC, the Society of the Holy Cross, Societas Sanctae Crucis. It's a good thing, which won its spurs in the slums of East London, still existing today to uplift Anglicanism to Catholicism.

That in mind, we met for a Provincial Synod in Dallas for the last couple of days and guess what, no wymxn priestesses, no guitar playing nuns and, mirabile dictu, no liturgical dance. Far out. No, just a series of Solemn High Masses, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and, what can I say, true religion.

To that end, Fr. JJ was elected Master and Jefe of our province. What a good man, I support him 100%, as I supported the last Master, who was a shooting pal. So what can we say? Dig the pit for the Cross and remember, resurrection ain't far behind.

Your Old Pal,



Beans said...

Glad you are a-okay and alive and such.

So what do you think of the latest proclamation of the Roman Catholic Church that basically allows Anglicans to transfer over to RCC easily and quickly?

Wild, wild west said...

Any possibility of Liz Cheney getting excommunicated by the SCC? I dunno if she be Episcopal/Anglican or not, but somebody oughta do it if the so-called Republican party (spit) won't.

Dad of Six said...

Sounds like a great time LSP! I knew something fruitful was occurring during your online absence.

LSP said...

All's well, just took a break. I'd hold any communion statement with caution.

LSP said...

Wild, please, someone, anyone, excommunicate Liz Cheney.

LSP said...

Most uplifting, DOS. Seriously.