Friday, June 21, 2024



"Cheap Fake:" A low-quality, easily-discernible fake image that is deliberately created or manipulated to appear authentic. But we have to ask, is this Cheap Fake all that cheap? Apparently not.

According to Yahoo Finance, this Cheap Fake's worth a solid and very conservative 10 MN USD. Not shabby, when you think on a lifetime's work as a civil servant. But let's return to definitions.

Cheap: Devalued, as in buying power. "Cheap dollars." Achieved with little effort. "A cheap victory; cheap laughs." Of or considered of small value. "In wartime, when life was cheap." Of poor quality; inferior. "A cheap toy." Well said, Websters.

Fake: Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent. Noun: One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham. A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team. intransitive verb: To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit, "Fake a signature."

Two-Bit Huckster: [adjective] Cheap or trivial of its kind. [intransitive verb] To sell; peddle. See "fake."




Well Seasoned Fool said...

Elected Senator from Delaware from some trivial office. One of the smallest states in the country. Owned by those who paid his way into office. Total fraud.

Wild, wild west said...

The 10 mil net worth is unbelievably laughable. Or laughably unbelievable, your call and pick one. But fraudulent, just like him and all them sumbitches he calls friends.

Sorry. Feelzing little off my feed and needing more Covfefe this morning.

LSP said...

Exactly, WSF. What. A. Fraud.

Like some kind of comedy crook in Starsky & Hutch or something.

LSP said...

No need to apologize, Wild, you're quite right.

LSP said...

Herr Doktor, right on target, as usual.