Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Fraud Mama

Dasha Kelly, mother of three, got evicted from her Las Vegas home with her children, so Democrat congresswoman Cori Bush launched a GoFundMe acoount for the hapless Dasha and her adorable children. It raised over 200k, all well and good, charity is key.

Only problem being that Dasha isn't the mother of the children, just their babysitter, though she's apparently the kids' bio-father's girlfriend. But now things get complicated. Dasha, who's presently comparatively wealthy, says that the kids who aren't her kids are really her kids coz she's a "mother figure" to them. And that people should still give her money.

Presumably the landlord doesn't get to have any of this money and goes bust because of all the Dashas living rent free with impunity on a CNN, Democrat vote buyer charter. What then? Bankrupt landlord = Blackrock buys the property and all the Dashas get moved to  a section 8 camp as our Rainbow Rulers celebrate Pride Month, all year long. 

Well done! Infinity pools in Martinique and private jets all 'round,



Adrienne said...

Good grief!

Kid said...

Massive land grab. Yep. First the [temporarily] devalued the heck out of the park places - LA, San Fran, Manhattan, etc. bought it up and will turn the lawman back on to float the value back up. Blackrock or whomever will buy the rental properties on the cheap when owners are forced into sale for default on taxes or mortgage.

When I rented as a landlord, the rent paid the mortgage. I would not have lasted long without rent coming in. Boom - repossess and loan company/bank sells it on the cheap. They are not in the house flipping business, and the place is probably trashed from lowlife renters and landlord who isn't going to put money into a place with no ROI.

Massive land grab. Like Andrew Carnegie at a power of 1000.

Dad of Six said...

Had to look up what an "Infinity Pool" is. Guess I need to get out more often.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Show my face shocked and surprised.

LSP said...

It's all appalling, Adrienne.

LSP said...

Kid, this is just outrageous, and it's weird to see the mindwashed Left supporting it.

Ye Gods.

LSP said...

DOS, we all need one, especially in Texas, where it's hot :)

LSP said...

I know, WSF, I was surprised too.

Kid said...

When you see what we are surrounded by and as you say, what the left supports, it's stunning. It's a wonder we still have a country. Maybe we don't. Actually I don't think we do.

Wild, wild west said...

The only words that come to mind about this are ones I learned in the barn yard and barracks. Presumably you have all heard them all before so I'll defer in the interests of good taste and public sanitation.

LL said...

It's about equity, LSP. I think that you're missing the point. EQUITY dictated that she was owed that money by the (white) running dogs of capitalism. Raise your fist in a well-deserved salute to people who proved that there IS a sucker born every minute.

LSP said...

Kid, we're standing on the edge. Maybe free falling over it.

LSP said...

Right with you, WWW. After all, this is a family blog.

LSP said...

But LL, equity is JUSTICE.

And some pigs are created more equal than others.