Monday, May 8, 2023



Now imagine that was the Metroplex. Of course such a thing could never, ever, ever, ever happen here. So go on, load up the .50s and count yourself a lucky fella.

Your Best Pal,


On The Road


On the road to Dallas, and that's not a bad thing except they drive like maniacs on I35 and, right at the run-in to 'sprawl central there was a cataclysmic deluge of rain. Adventure, and surely a harbinger of apocalypse to come.

That in mind, a couple of people came up after Mass yesterday and said, "LSP, we went to get money out of the ATM in Whitney and not a single one was working, not one, and we tried all the banks." Huh, imagine that, you go to your bank to withdraw some cash and sorry buddy, you can't. What then.

you shoot an exotic goat with a 30-06

Nothing good and it reminds me of a prepper who said, wisely, "When you see lines around the block for the ATM it's time to get out." Good call and you don't have to be a druidic seer to picture the impossibility of getting out of our doomed cities when the SHTF. Kyrie, they're bad enough as is.

In related news, two violent extremist white supremacists, who identify as Mexican, killed some people in Allen and Brownsville, as all the world knows. But question, what's the issue? Were they Mexican Nazis, Cartel gang people, rando crazies or all of the above.

if you're not scared you should be

Terrifying any witch way, eh?



Sunday, May 7, 2023

A Sunday Hypothetical


Here's a Sunday hypothetical for all you gentlemen and gentlewomen to reflect upon in the vesper light. Imagine a person comes up to you and announces they've left denomination X because of its ludicrous and risible slide into rainbow malfeasance.

"Good," you reply, "come to us, we're not about about the rainbow." They nod and ask, "But I'm a Democrat, is that OK?" You answer, "You do know, don't you, that the Democrat party is 100% rainbow and abortion?" Their eyes go out of focus and look into the distance, they typically change the subject. So what's going on?

Clearly their minds are bifurcated, one half Democrat, the other half Christian, and when the two systems collide their synapses shut down and the poor conflicted person goes into a kind of mental stasis. But what does this mean? I called Canada for expert advice.

"The problem is spiritual, LSP, they're partially possessed by some demon, they have a satanic mind block. You need to say a prayer of exorcism over them." 

Good call, perhaps the Archangelic prayer, here it is:

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, in virtute Dei, in infernum detrude satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo. Amen.

Remember, the Devil, like an English schoolboy, hates Latin.

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, May 6, 2023



Thousands of people lined the streets of London for Charles' coronation, overjoyed that the repellent, smirking Meghan Markle and creepy Old Joe Crypt Keeper Biden weren't there. And they welcomed the pageantry, ancient continuity, patriotism, pomp and circumstance of the thing. 

And what a thing it was. The anointing and crowning of a Christian monarch who serves as a national reflection of God's universal sovereignty. And ask yourselves, all you Bible Christians out there, what forms of government does the Bible endorse?

Most certainly monarchy, democracy? Not so much, perhaps not even at all. And why? Because earthly, temporal governance should mirror and be led by the heavenly. I raised this in a Baptist Men's Breakfast a few years ago.

The leader of the group had just gone out on a wing and badly embarrassed the pastor by asking these guys, over sausage, eggs, bacon and gravy on a Friday, let the reader understand, "What party would Jesus, if he were alive today, have wanted you to vote for, Democrats or Republicans?"

They ummed and ahhhd and dug at their breakfasts and didn't say much; embarrassed, you see. So I stuck up my hand and answered, "Doesn't the Bible say kingship is a valid form of government? You know, David, Solomon and all of that."

Well that went over like a lead balloon, but I wasn't wrong. Those old boys, mostly Cold Warriors, were hard and fast for democracy, a constitutional republic, 1776 and all of that. And so am I. You see, when Monarchy steps off its covenant with God to protect the people it's anointed to serve it becomes abhorrent and will be swept away. But because people lie  doesn't invalidate truth itself, whether in governance, religion or any other thing.

Still, Charles III, take note, and with it pay attention all you Godless rulers of what used to be called the Free World. You were elected, ahem, to serve us and if you don't great will be the fall of you. That dark admonition aside...



Thursday, May 4, 2023

In The Navy


Carry on,


Space Reich?


A Space Reich, Nazis on the Moon, Leni Reistenthal and Hanna Reitsch. "What about that, darling, do you not love?" I asked an old and liberal friend of the family who religiously follows the science of NPR. "You do realize, old girl, that they were women, courageous women, perhaps you know that with your background in film."

She paused, "Yes," but perhaps, I suggested, "you scorn these women because they're somehow... right wing?" Uh huh, exactly. And my friend would gladly throw real women off the bus and onto the tracks of trans inclusivity.

Readers, they have eyes, notoriously, but do not see. Leni became an underwater photographer and Hanna went on, I think, to command the Ghanaian airforce. Respect.

Ultima Thule,


Go On - Join The Navy

Lookn good, sister, in the Navy

War drums are beating. Boom, war, war, war pounds the rhythm, China, Russia and wherever else. But here's the thing, to fight wars you have to have people to fight them, warfighters or warriors. So it's a very good thing the US Navy's stepping up its recruitment drive. With a drag queen.

No kidding, here's a drag queen, say USN recruitment geniuses, join our navy and defeat evil! Binary climate evil, obviously. You'll be unsurprised to know Russkie Telegram channels mock NATO and the EU with a trans flag in their posts.

sexy or what

Rob O'Neal, the SEAL who shot and killed Bin Laden, puts it succinctly, "Alright. The U.S. Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter. I’m done. China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bullshit,”

But Mr. O'Neal, surely the enemy will die laughing when they confront our rainbow diversity drag show, all aboard ship to boot.

note East European track suit, defense in depth my friends

Readers, all three of you, remember evil isn't rational.

Out Demons Out,


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Keep Your Rifle By Your Side


You know, just in case you don't.



A Bit of This And a Bit of That


Do you get emotional at funerals? I do, despite officiating at hundreds or even thousands of them over the years. That said, you're no use to the grieving party if you're some kind of weepy emotional wreck, you have to be strong for them. And so it was this morning as we buried a friend and Christian brother at Mission #2. He died too young, at 61. Rest in peace and rise in glory.

That in mind, take note, all you pastors, you're no use if you're a teary-eyed nightmare. Sure, empathy and emotion are very fine things and we applaud your sensitivity. Well done, you have a heart. But what possible use in, say, the hospital room are you if the people you're there to console have to console you? None whatsoever. You're there to be a rock instead of a soggy mess of tofu and soy.

Judging by the current crop of hospital chaplains this isn't taught in seminary. Admonishment aside, the funeral went well and I drove to Dallas to check on Ma LSP, who's recovering well and should be home tomorrow.

not utterly corrupt, not for a second

In other news, Democrat mayors are all upset that Texas is sending them busloads of migrants, New York City's received some 57,000 over the last year and Eric Adams doesn't like it, at all. This "behavior (is) morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of asylum seekers," fulminated NYC's Eric Adams. NYC's mayor went on to accuse Abbott of racism because targeting "black run cities."

Uh huh. All the world thought your city was a sanctuary city for immigrants, Eric, so shouldn't you be welcoming them with open arms? Or are you so morally bankrupt as to be an utter, total, racist hypocrite. Ah, but what happens when Latinos move into areas like South Dallas? The blacks are driven out, notoriously.

so completely not corrupt

The Democrats, when you think on it for a second, have executed cruel calculus. Viz. We'll replace the failing, useless, unproductive, criminal black demographic, who we're aborting and gaoling, with immigrants from across the Rio Grande, all in the name of tolerance and, well, votes. Bad news for Eric Adams, Lightfoot and associates, your hold on power and money is about to be reset, by people who speak Spanish.

Bold LBJ call, DNC, immigrate your way to everlasting power. But here's the thing, do Spanish speaking people automatically vote Rainbow Communist? I leave you with Chile.

how very Latinx



Monday, May 1, 2023

Cat From Hue #2


Again, many thanks to the kind reader who sent me The Cat From Hue, what an excellent book, read it. That in mind, one of its themes is the author's increasing and in the end utter distrust of the MACV establishment account of the war. 

John Laurence came to believe MACV was lying and he was in the right place to know, he covered the war at its sharp end for a solid five years (1965-70). You see, he was being told at press conferences that we were unequivocally winning and he knew we weren't, at least in terms of big picture. 

Plaudit aside, things have moved on and the likes of Laurence, Dana Stone, Tim Page, Michael Herr, Sean Flynn et al wouldn't be tolerated. In fairness, why should the US warfighting hegemon tolerate a potentially subversive element. Then again, the reverse side of the medal says that that same hegemon shouldn't lie at the expense of lives and the enrichment of its pocketbook.

So to what extent are we being lied to about the Ukraine conflict? I'll wager the monkey, and he's a vicious little beast, that we shouldn't believe half of what we're told, and that's a conservative wager. Bets on?

Play Deep,


May Day


It's May Day and this short infovid seems appropriate:

Remember, it's all a larf until you end up in a wicker man

And it's on fire.

Your Pal,