Showing posts with label Blue Heeler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Heeler. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2021

Another Day - In Texas


The sun's shining, a pair of hawks circle overhead seeking whom they may devour, and a Heeler prowls through his territory. It's another day in Texas, and thank God for that.

Less happily, the Virtual Mirage DNS server's down and LL says, "Sorry it's down, I'm working on it." Good luck, Mr. Wolf, let's see that tech behaving and back in the fight.

In the meanwhile, everyone's favorite crypto is on the runway at a around .045 and some predict a breakout to .09 if the peoples crypto powers through sell-off resistance in the .05 range. Come on, pup, fire up those engines! To the moon? u/International_Club95 thinks so:

After that, it will swerve between £21-34 with 29 as a frequent picnic area. Reason being, it has a unique nature in that it will more frequently permit others to catch it's price uplift. Then circa 2027, it will attempt a further sweep upwards. This will turn out to be a very playful coin for the masses.

This new decade is one of curveballs and kismet.


Curveballs and kismet?  

You bet, 


Monday, February 1, 2021

What A Beautiful Day!


What a beautiful day! The sun shone, birds sang, the church persyns were happy and all was well with this rural slice of paradise in Texas. I even bought some of the best crypto on the market, the lovable Shiba-faced $DOGE. It wasn't hard. Simply download ANCHORUSD, get verified, link an account and off you go. Which I did.

Mission accomplished, I texted a pal:

"Just bought some Doge. Feel pretty good about it."

"I hate cryptos, but I love that dog!"

"Maybe you should buy some. It's pretty cool."

"Tell me, how much... did you buy?"

"48 bucks worth at .037."

"Phew, I thought you'd gone all in."

"Hmmmm. Maybe I should, maybe let's take this pup to the moon."


Woof. So that was fun, let's see how this dog runs, and in case you're wondering, here's my investment strategy. Analyse volume, inspect price differentials, buy the dip as opposed to eating it, and then... buy MOAR $DOGE. 

Will this famously attractive crypto fly into orbit and achieve dollar status? Let's hope so, Blue's trust fund's depending on it.



Sunday, January 31, 2021

Random Thoughts From The War on Weather


Here we are, fighting the War Against The Weather, again, as our new ketchup fortune Climate Czar unironically flies around the world in his private jet, urging you, the peasant, to pay more tax. But speaking of war, thank Gaia the Military has to get down with trans diversity training, again, because that'll help us win wars. Yes, make us more secure.

Well they're not wrong, imagine the scene as a CCP human wave launches over the top only to be met with a camo variant of RuPaul's Drag Race, which is entirely normal, haters. Seriously, the enemy'll die laughing. A good, if eccentric, tactic.

Old But Gold

Back to the War on Weather. We've reopened another front and there'll be no more drilling on Federal lands, no more Keystone pipeline, but yes to more Warren Buffet profits (he owns the rails that ship the oil to the tune of several $ billion a year), and guess what? It's all cool coz we'll beat the weather and racist Orange Man Bad!

Or to put it another way, hide your asset-stripping plundering behind a smokescreen of green chicanery and Cultural Marxist identity politics and hey presto! Make billions of dollars, impoverish the peasants and live large on your yacht because hey, men can use women's toilets. Justice Awards all 'round.

Clearly a Blue Ice Extremist

What risible, evil, canting, self-serving, satanic hypocrisy. Maybe it's time for the return of Blue Ice.

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, January 2, 2021

What's Up?


What's up? In England everyone's in some kind of weird lockdown, in Canada people are getting arrested in their homes for having six people over, but in Texas the lights are on. So that's all good, unless you're in England or Canada.


New Year's day was fun, and we all went to Gloria's for south of the border food on a Guatemalan tip. That meant chicken flautas and an great plate of nachos, tasty. 

An old pal called in from England later and we talked away on Ma LSP's back deck. "Come to Texas, fella," I urged, and hopefully that'll be possible when and if the English are ever allowed to leave their country again.


But today was down to business, with a trip to Home Depot to get some wood to fix a parental fence. I thought, foolishly, that there'd be premade panels which you could buy as a kind of turn key solution. 


That didn't seem to be the case unless you went down a pricey, labyrinthine, delivery and installation order. So, I guesstimated and we bought some wood. Lo and behold, the guesstimate worked and several nails later the fence was fixed. Result, unlike, say, the Anglican Non-Communion.

Dog on a Moslem Rug

Speaking of, Mass in Dallas with the team tomorrow and then back to the country. And so, gentle and not so gentle readers, the adventure unfolds.



Friday, December 25, 2020

Adeste Fidelis


Adeste Fidelis from the Front, and from KCC, which somehow still allows Christian music in its midst, bizarrely.

Hope you've all had the best of days. Here at Dallas HQ it was all about roast beef, Yorkshire Pudding and General Merriment.

Speaking of ranks, the PFC called in from Korea and was having fun, his team had a Christmas BBQ, involving ribs, and all was well.

God bless,


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Just Another Sunny Day in Texas


The day dawned clear and bright, yet another victory in our ongoing War Against The Weather (WATW). And praise God for it, Texas shouldn't be blessed with clement weather because it's failed to pay its Carbon Tax. 

Foolish rednecks, don't you know the sea will rise and Obama's mansion be flooded out if you don't cough up, cough up and play the game? Apparently not. That said, I made it safely through the rising floods of Global warming to the Compound.

Where pork hit heavy metal, and all was well, Iron Skillets forever. Well? Yes, but then there's the election which isn't well at all. How many of our Elite Millionaire Overlords are bought and paid for shills of the CCP, and who finances them?

Well, duh, no one, just a weird conspiracy theory, said everyone who bought and sold Solar Wind stock. Speaking of which, one of the many great things about today's Progressive Left is the way they back billionaire capitalists and war, all in the name of the "working man." Sorry, tranny.

Better get that right, you intolerant Nazi, and while you're at it, don't look at us getting fabulously richer than we already are as we bomb whoever into the ground. Speaking of which, the Left, which loves war and hates our country's workers, calls Trump a Nazi.

He's clearly not a National Socialist, despite having an ego the size of a Golden Tower, but what does that make you, his sworn, vote rigging enemies? Bolsheviks, and I'll fight that till the sun sets and the stars align.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Back The Blue


We back the Blue at the Compound, there's no talk here of cutting budgets and reallocating funds away from Blue towards, say, LGTBQI interpretive dance troupes and COVID compliant trans bathrooms.

No, we're firmly behind our brave protector, which is good, because if we weren't he'd run off. Then crime would soar, people would move out, the tax base would be gutted, and lo and behold, the Compound turns into a ghetto slum. Like St. Louis, Detroit or any one of our numerous urban, Democrat run hellholes.

In the meanwhile, a gang of millionaires backed by billionaires are trying to tell you they won an election because if the steal's big enough, you, the ignorant serf, won't notice.

I ran this by the Blue and he barked for a "treat." Entitlement? I suspect my dog of being a dangerous 5th Columnist. Pitchforks and Nooses down the Mall, please.

Your Friend,


Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Roast Beef Of Olde Texas


We didn't go for turkey this year at the Dallas Collective, we went for beef, a rib roast, the roast beef of Olde Texas. And yes, it was delicious.

The Left, I've discovered, hates Thanksgiving and attempts to rebrand it with snappy new titles like "Friendsgiving" and "UnThanksgving." That'll catch on. "Hey man, wanna come over to my place for Friendsgiving?" Awkward silence, then, "What? Why did you masculine profile me? Like, WTAF? And anyway, it's 'UnThanksgiving, Nazi.'"

Blue Menshevik agreed and accused us of being "white patriarchal oppressors," wedded to "hate food." He/Xe didn't get any beef. As ye reap, so shall ye sow, dog.

God bless,


Sunday, November 22, 2020

So What Next?


OK, we've all had a good morning celebrating the sovereignty of Christ, well done, and fresh from that we look to the future. Dangerous, I know, because it hasn't happened yet. Still, and with all gospel charity, what's the score? Here's a couple of scenarios:

If Trump's legal team is right and can prove their case, then the lid's blown off the electoral crime of the century, we move into 12th Amendment territory and the election goes to 45. Deep State Uniparty corruption is exposed and fights back with shrieks of rage, Dem cities explode. Minneapolis-style but on a far bigger scale. That's one timeline, and the second's like unto it.

If the lower courts and SCOTUS brush off Trump's allegations and Biden's sworn in as 46 in a fit of establishment elite skulduggery, then all the millions of people who feel cheated of their vote don't accept the result. Patriots, backed into a corner, go hot when pushed. By, say, yet more lockdowns, hated taxation, BLM/Antifa shenanigans or a gun grab. Then there's a third way.

Everyone just rolls over and dies in the face of either party winning. You know, hey, just get over it and get on with life as best you can, like an obedient serf.

For what it's worth, I don't see option three playing out, people are too politicized and the stakes, at this point, are too high. The evil, corrupt, cheating, deceitful, elitist donkeys can't lose or they hang. 45's people, I don't say the GOP, can't lose either. If they do, there goes the Republic they say they love.

Where does this leave us, with civil war? Possibly, but perhaps naively I don't see the Forces or LE getting into an internicene gunfight. Like what, Hell on Wheels is going to go against Big Red One? No. 

That said, we can imagine balkanization. Wayne County, Detroit, sets up on its own along with Philly and other centers of excellence. Same on the other side. The Union and Federal power breaks down.

If that plays out we begin to enter the world of Late Antiquity. The center cannot hold and rival millionaires and their armies vie for power.

But what do I know, just a simple country parson.



Monday, September 14, 2020

Cooking With LSP - Chicken Pot Pie

What? Cooking with LSP, that's both dangerous and stupid. Not so fast punters, here's how it's done.

First up, get some chicken thighs (4) for around 5 bucks at Walmart, or wherever. Boil them with salt and pepper, maybe a bay leaf, in a pot for around 30 minutes. Then remove the boiled thighs to your fridge in a bowl to cool down. Keep the water they were boiled in, this is your stock, chicken stock.

In the meanwhile, melt 1/4 cup of unsalted butter in yet another pot. Add 2 sliced carrots, a small chopped onion, a sliced stick of celery, and maybe some garlic, your call. Simmer these in the butter for 5 minutes or so. Wow, look at that, vegetables. So very healthy.

Next step, add 1/3 cup of flour to the simmering veg. Stir it about, then pour 2 cups of your homemade chicken stock into the mix, followed by a cup or so of frozen peas. Stir that too and watch in wonder as it reaches creamy consistency. If it doesn't, add more flour, if it's too thick add more stock. While you're at it, apply salt, pepper and a dash or two of Worcestershire Sauce.

Let it all combine and simmer for around 20 minutes, stirring. In the meanwhile, you've removed all the chicken from the bone, fed the dog with chicken skins, chopped up some mushrooms, washed up and... added chicken and mushroom to the pot.

Stir it up. Let it simmer. No need to rush and freak out, have a glass of wine and admire your pistol, or kukri. Bull up a shoe, a gas mask, clean a gas regulator, shine a cap badge or whatever comes to hand. Reverie over, unfold some unfrozen puff pastry, roll it out on a floured surface and stand by, you're almost there.

Pour the pie mix into whatever counts as your pie dish. Cover the mix with a rolled out sheet of pastry, maybe add some leftover pastry bits to the thing by way of fun. No matter, your call, then put it in a 375* preheated oven for around 30 minutes.

At the end of which, take the pie out of the oven and fall upon your scoff.

Like a warrior,


Monday, September 7, 2020

Prowl To The Light

Yesterday was good, our new(ish) bishop, Ryan Reed, visited the Missions and all went well. No mask skulduggery, no hand sanitizer malfeasance or anti-social distancing. We just worshiped God and had a good time during and after. You know, like Christians.

Church People Having Fun

Speaking of which, I briefed the bishop, a retired infantry officer, before the Masses, "Just so you know, these are MAGA congregations and not into Covid panic." He liked that, "I figured," and went on to confect the Sacrament of the Altar not once but twice, there being two Missions separated by a horse ride, 20 miles appx., to see to.


At the reception afterwards, I amused myself by giving the black power salute along with the popular chant, "Black Lives Matter!" and "I can't breathe!" The church people, an educated crew, responded in kind. Big fun.

Ahem, lose the 12 for dove, fool

But that was then, this is now. Labour Day sees us prowling the Compound and walking to the light -- planning dove hunts, fishing on the lake, long range shooting and frying up steak. Yes, steak. Such is privilege, white or otherwise.

Have a great Labor Day and God bless you all.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

International Dog Day - Kenosha Boogaloo

It's National Dog Day, so here's Blue Boogaloo doing his thing.



Enjoying his Dog Day scoff

Protecting the Mess

And being, well, a dog. He's been a good companion over the years since he took up residence on the porch in a bid for rescue. Speaking of which, why would anyone abandon their dog, much less a well disposed, affectionate, loyal Blue Heeler? Beats me.

In other news, Kenosha went roof last night as people decided to protect their businesses from Anarcho-Marxist cosplay revolutionaries. Of course the cosplay verdict swings both ways, though I'm in sympathy with the boy who shot the commie role players. 

Dam straight, rampage through town chimping out, burning, looting, setting up AK roadblocks like you're living the Durutti Column dream and guess what, people are gonna shoot back, go roof. I would, if I was rushed by some faked up "paramedic" with a Glock. 

To put it another way, it's all a larp till you wake up and your buddy's bicep's blown off, and you're facing murder charges. Tragedy all 'round, in my opinion.

And that's just it. To set the record straight, as if anyone cares what I think -- the real blame here, in Kenosha, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Atlanta and on is with the people who let and encouraged the violence. That wouldn't be the police, it would be Democrat Mayors and Governors looking for votes, and it'd be the corporate sponsored Marxists who whipped it up.

Blood is on your hands. You evil demons. And be warned, do not push this any further. A lot of people aren't happy right about now, and guess what, we know how to shoot. Don't push it.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Just Strolling About in The Plague Year

Blue picked up a Shadow Wolf on the way to the Pick 'n Steal this morning. A ferocious beast and I'm glad he's an ally.

And I wasn't complaining about the trees either, takes the edge right off the heat.

Not that it matters at First Methodist because they're shut, for fear the Bat Bug will kill them all. Which it hasn't, fortunately.

Blue enjoys his spot at the PNS, where he sits tethered to the always empty Star Telegram box. Why is it empty? Because no one wanted to buy the rubbish newspaper so the order wasn't kept up, but the box remains, a dusty, dystopic warning to the "press."

Behold the misbegotten debris of the modern age!

And needless to say, First Baptist decided to make war on their ancient enemy, the trees. And now a once leafy boulevard sits baking under a harsh Texan sun. Good work, guys. Get rid of all the shade.

We detoured around the Meth Shack to visit Genius Patrol. GP are two dogs who live in someone's back yard and bark insanely at anything which goes by. Sometimes I talk to them, they bark back.

Then it was back to the Compound, mission accomplished. And that, fellow boulevardiers, is the story of that.

God bless,