Showing posts with label Blue Heeler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Heeler. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2020

I'm Bored Of Race War

Race war this, race war that, loot a Dollar Tree here, burn a cop van there, board up your shops, stick it to the Man!

But the Man has racial quotas in place, which sounds racist to me but whatever; no one in America is barred from any job on account of their race or the color of their skin. Not a single POC is refused entry into any profession on account of their color. In fact, in downtown government Dallas etc they're given preferential treatment.

So why the outrage over "racism"? Because Anarcho-Marxists are stuck in the old left/right paradigm they were taught by their parents and university professors. Stuck in 1982 and before. They see the world in terms of the defining moment of their forebears, Selma riots, Civil Rights and a grand march to desegregation. They want want to relive the 1960s and capture the glory and excitement of their ancestors.

But they can't. It's not the same world. No one has to sit at the back of the bus because they're black. In fact, no one sits on the bus because of the behavior of the blacks, or goes to their schools, or lives in their neighborhoods if they can help it.

And you know what? I don't blame anyone, of any color, for not living in the urban hellholes the left and its demonic friend LBJ created. Meanwhile, Minneapolis burns and here at the Compound we're pretty much past caring. As ye reap, so shall ye sow.

That in mind, weapons cleaning makes sense. And yes, I'm bored of this astroturf race war but good luck, jogga, if you climb on up the porch.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Diocese of Fort Worth Wins Big - Libs Lose Hard

Perhaps you know the subtext of this frivolous, inconsequential mind blog. Viz. The Compound and its Missions have run the risk of being seized by the Episcopal Church (TEC) for over a decade. Long story very short, our diocese left the rainbow communion in 08/09 and the Dorothies proceeded to sue us for all our cash and property.


This, they exclaimed with a click of glittery heels, belongs to us! We disagreed and so too did the Texas Supreme Court. On Friday morning, the Texan Justices eviscerated the Episcopal Church and ordered a lower court to reverse its ruling, in our favor. 

In practical terms, this means that I get to keep the Compound and its missions, while the degenerates are forced, by order of the court, to wander furiously about with large Ls branded into their foreheads. 

Blue Heeler

That aside, the Episcopal Church has spent at least $12 million on this lawsuit, all funded from its "mission" budget. Think about that. Twelve million dollars for mission spent on lawyers, not one of which brought a single soul to Christ. Ponder the math.

Typical Texan Street Scene

And in the meanwhile, sing a Te Deum. 



Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Just Grilling And Cleaning Guns


After a hard day's editing the genius of North American Christendom, whaddya do? Simple. Fire up the grill, clean some guns.

And congratulate Kayleigh on her top-level lyin' media smackdown this afternoon. Good work, Press Secretary. While we're at it, let's give it up for Texas' Lieutenant Governor who promptly stepped up to the plate for a hairdresser who was jailed and fined because she wouldn't say sorry to an Obama judge. Her crime?

Opening up her salon to feed family and workers. 7 days in jail and a 7k fine to boot for that egregious offense. Thanks, LG, for covering the fine and offering to do the time on Shelley's behalf. Well done, too, everyone who's contributed over 100k to her cause.

Speaking of "lockdowns," have you noticed Pandemic Boffin Nial Ferguson, scientific architect of the UK's quarantine order, was caught sneaking out of shutdown to tryst with his married leftist mistress? 

Look, a Cross. Imagine That Under a Killery Admin. You Can't? Quite.

I don't judge but it's odd, isn't it, how there's one law for our elite and another for everyone else. Like the lesbian Mayor of Chicago, who, against all evidence, went to a hairdresser despite ordering everyone else not to, with the threat of gaol.

Prowling The Eschaton

What's the saying, all animals are created equal but some are more equal than others?

Floreat Etona,


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Storms, adventure, the silvery light, just another April morning in Texas at 3 am, as lightning split the sky, thunder crashed from the heavens and the house shook at the sheer, board-quaking fury of it. Well, it woke me up, I can tell you. A few hours later it was time to walk Blue PsyOp and get the show on the road, Easter Day style.

We strolled by the Meth Shack, the Pick 'n Steal and then back to base and picked up a server. He helped set up for Mass on the front steps of Mission #1. It went well,  the people staying in their cars at the curb of the thing. Next step?

Drive to the lake. No, not on some kind of fishing expedition, this was all about the second Mass, celebrated in the car park of Mission #2. It went well under a pop-up, though the audio part of "AV" was annoyingly imperfect. 

No matter, the Sacrament was confected, the people fed and there it was, Christus Surrexit. We even had a cop to make sure no one got rowdy or outta line. He used to run Dallas SWAT, good man. Carries a SIG, curiously.

Then, mission accomplished, I visited some churchpeople for lunch. What a good crew, descendants of Ranch 101 and rodeo stars to boot. Consensus 'round the table was that China's made an act of war, and that we should kick their butt 'round the block and six ways to sideways. Like no dam foolin. 

Here's the thing. Hitler and the Rising Sun mistook US forbearance for weakness. Big error, right, so watch out, Xi. Keen-eyed readers will note a ChiCom ship caught fire in dock the other day. Sorry, does this lack NYT CCP nuance?

Happy Easter! In Christ we have the Victory,


Friday, April 3, 2020

Walking The Eschaton

It was like a midsummer day in Borth on the Welsh Riviera. Overcast, a drizzling rain, not too cold, not too hot but no, this was North Central Texas and time to take Blue Eschaton for a walk.

The streets were empty, because of the Chinese Virus or because they always are? A mystery, and so was our old friend the Meth Shack. The Shack's under new management, who've been busy gutting the place with a view, presumably, to newer and better renters. Good luck with that worthy project.

Mourning the passing of an age, we advanced to the Pick 'n Steal. It still stands, essential business in the midst of lockdown. I tethered the Eschaton to an empty newspaper vending machine and went inside for a coffee "refill" in an invincible Yeti mug. 

The store's Owl Idol looked down with unflinching eyes on its supplicants, the usual crew of pajama wearin', slipper shufflin', lottery playin', blunt buyin' punters. There they were and there it was. Reassured that some things never change, I walked the furry apocalypse back to the Compound, mission accomplished. And then a curious thing happened.

Within a space of minutes, clouds rolled in from the north and with them a fierce wind. The temperature dropped like a stone in seconds, taking us from Borth in August to Borth in April. Fearing a Polar Vortex, I showed the Eschaton inside to warmth and safety.

Poor dog. You can imagine, centuries later, explorers discovering an elderly Heeler encased in ice, the remains of a fried cherry pie in his mouth, frozen where he stood on the awful day the Climate Changed.

That aside, I hope you've all managed to recover your firearms from the lakes and rivers and sensibly saved on SCUBA by use of powerful magnets and sturdy ropes.

God bless,


Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Beautiful Spring Evening But Don't Forget Detroit

Here we are on a beautiful Spring evening in North Central Texas. Peacocks shriek, roosters crow, fierce robins face-off against marauding squirrels and Mexican music fills the air as Eduardo tends to the neighboring chicken operation. 

All good, nature obviously rejoices at the Kennedy Center's $25 million gift, which you can read about on Virtual Mirage, LL's gentle and tolerant news portal. But of course things aren't so good, Kennedy Center pork notwithstanding, as the Chinese Virus starts to lay hold of the DFW metrosprawl. Then there's Detroit.

A Typical Detroit Street Scene

Detroit, America's onetime thriving Motor City has the highest rate of contagion outside of New York and New Orleans. Who would've thought it? Spare a prayer for the hapless city and its declining population.

Pre-Virus Detroit. Now It's Shut

But enough doom and gloom, it should be dry enough to get out to the range tomorrow for some plinking, or maybe fishing. We must thank God for his many mercies.

This Old Gentleman is Resting

Train hard, think positive, fight easy,


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Buckle Up

Hope you're all prepped up and ready to "bug-in" or go "innawoods" because it's staring to get nasty, in a small way. 

People are getting robbed of their TP in parking lots in Washington state and the UK, so WA shoppers are going armed to the supermarket. UK people aren't because they're not allowed to defend themselves. Find the cost of freedom, eh?

Here in Hill County Texas, a big fight broke out at Walmart as pastoral people set to scrapping over frozen pizzas, bottled water and Ramen noodles. I missed the fight, annoyingly, but you could see the tension building before Noon.

Over in Aberystwyth the shelves were bare of pasta, "Andrex," and assorted everything else. Calgary, as of today, had run out of milk.

Message to market? Bring the supply chain home. Have a month's supply of food so you don't have to get into a fight at Walmart. Don't hoard loo-roll, the Bat Bug isn't dysentery. Don't hoard water, the Kung Flu isn't Cholera. And on. 

Above all, STAND STEADY. You're no use to man nor beast if you don't. Go armed to Walmart if you aren't already. And on a spiritual note, pray for our country tomorrow, it's a National Day of Prayer. Do not ever downplay the efficacy of that.

God bless,


Sunday, February 16, 2020

A Sunday Meditation

Mass at Mission #1 was over insofar as the Mass is ever over, which it isn't, and we fell back to the church hall for coffee. 

Time, eternity and the Sacrifice aside, conversation was mostly about getting milk from your cows, these being Polled Herefords, chickens getting picked off by Buzzards, an issue, and the usual stories about coyotes and bobcats. Then things took a turn for the spiritual.

"Padre, can you say a prayer."
"I'd be glad to, what for?"
"Well, I bought tickets for the Rolling Stones as a Valentines Day gift for T."
"Thing is, need you to pray they'll still be alive in time for the concert!"

Some argue Keef and Mick have no business remaining on this mortal coil, others say "let him that is without sin jail the first stone." And not before time, either.

Here endeth the Lesson,


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Strolling The Deluge

Darkness, thunder, rain. No, this wasn't downtown Aberystwyth in July, it was Texas in February. Climate change experts tell us that if you collect the rainfall here you'll have enough water to last the year, and I believe it. Undaunted by the deluge I left the Compound for a morning stroll.

Stairway To Heaven

Only to see that the Meth Shackers have cleverly built a stairway to heaven; there it is, a ladder to paradise. What happens when you get to the top of the ladder, I asked myself as I gazed at the floral tributes in front of the shack. Who knows, perhaps you ascend, higher.

Meth Shack, Note Beautiful Floral Tributes (stop using "filters." Ed.)

The Pick 'n Steal was open for business but eerily empty apart from an elderly POC playing a slot machine. He's a Nam vet and plays that machine every day; I like him, though we've never really talked. Need to change that.

Pick 'n Steal

One large coffee later I was back on the flooded streets of the bucolic Texan farming community I've called home for the last decade or more, and you know what, I'm not complaining. For me, it beats living in the 'sprawl that is the DFW megacity connurb. You may think differently and that's fine, there's no "rule."

Storm Debris

Back at the Compound, Blue Dog-Faced Pony Soldier curled up on a Moslem rug while I said the Office. He's not buying the "religion of peace" thing. 

"It's obviously not a religion of peace," he tells me, "It was started by a warlord in search of loot, rape and plunder." I accuse him of racism but he just snores. Typical. Next thing you know he'll be banging on about "replacement strategy," asymmetrical warfare, the Kalergi Plan and trying to make me read Mark SteynBut what does he know? He's just a dog. 

Dog-Faced Pony Soldier On A Moslem Rug

In other news, Juicy Smollet's been indicted, 4 prosecutors have fled the Stone case, 45 held a massive rally in New Hampshire, and Biden's campaigning in Iowa again, or something like that. And Britain's deported a load of Jamaicans for being thugs, much to the disgust of the self-loathing white left and their POC friends.

All About The Hat

So there it is. Rain continues to fall and the clay ground of the Compound is pretty much flooded. Blue Deluge is sleeping, God is in his heaven and the Democrats flounder like beached fish after a storm. Is 45 anointed, by God?

Stand firm against evil,


Saturday, January 11, 2020

Wake Of The Flood

Everyone's asking, did this pastoral Texan haven survive last night's sound and fury, did it survive the flood? Yes, by the grace of God it did. 

You could see the after effects of the storm this morning. Pecans and the broken debris of modern life lying in the gutter where they'd been swept by the floods. Want a weave or a styrofoam Whattaburger cup? Take your pick, there's plenty.

Regardless, POCs were scavenging the detritus as I walked Blue Eschaton to the Pick'n Steal. Good for them, big money in pecans. And that was that, we survived yet another raid by our Old Enemy, the Weather on the brave Republic of Texas.

I know, you're cautioning against false complacency. A battle won is not the same as a war won and that, all of you ten readers, is why we're prepared. 

Come and take it,


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

K9 Genius

Do you get the impression that the Persian business is a kind of political theater? Speaking of which, some idiot savant's declared that America would need a million troops to invade and conquer Iran.

Really? A million soldiers to take out Iran? I put the question to Blue Battlegroup, who replied by way of snatching up a tennis ball and savaging it with his fangs. A message to Tehran, perhaps, which has wisely stood down to the tune of President Trump's message of peace and love.

Some call it the shortest World War in history.

Your Old Friend,


Friday, December 20, 2019

Welcome Home!

The Private flew in from the Army in Georgia today, where he's doing AIT at Fort Gordon. He likes the Army a lot and finds it better than being a bassist in a Scandinavian Death Metal band, awesome as that is.

On the way from the airport to an RV with fast food, the youthful defender of the nation's freedom regaled me with tales of training and poured scorn on our country's enemies in Congress. Seems like the Army's for 45, unsurprisingly.

Then, multiple dollar menu items later we fell back to Ma LSP's redoubt and the kid took a well deserved sleep. The Blue guarded.

I tell you, I'm proud of my eldest son, he's come a very long way. We'll be flying to the land of the ice and snow, Canada, on Boxing Day.

Go Army,


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chow Thief

Note the Thieve's Claws

Yes, he may look innocent but this Blue's an inveterate chow thief. Ask LL, who witnessed Blue Voracious steal a delicious fried cherry pie from the Compound's dining room table. Ask Ma LSP, who saw the aftermath of a raid on a couple of fine New York Strips.

Not Innocent

Go right ahead and ask the neighbor's chickens, who mysteriously vanished without trace apart from a few small feathers which somehow, strangely, found their way onto the muzzle of Blue Eschaton. Yes, a chow thief.

What's The Difference Between Hillary And a Ham Sandwich? You Can Indict a Ham Sandwich

And that's why I hesitated to put a tasty ham sandwich on the kitchen counter. Sure enough, a ravenous, unprincipled someone was looking for targets of opportunity. Only to be thwarted by the watchful eye of his Commander-in-Chief. Still, he got a consolation prize in the form of Alpo Variety Snacks. Ahem, yum.

So Close Yet So Far

Speaking of chow thieves, why is LTC. Vindman still working at the White House? For that matter, why's US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer still employed? Or any of the other thieves, crooks, knaves and placeholders responsible for locking up soldiers for killing head-chopping savages.

Your Old Friend,