Tuesday, July 30, 2024

JD Vance Is So Totally Weird


JD Vance is so totally weird, it's like, he's got this family, with children, a wife and all these flags. So weird and creepy. Democrats, do you really want to say this? Well they all are, it's like a universal trope, JD Vance is "weird." Unh hunh.


Look, there's even a video. How very normal.



And by way of compendium


But don't forget the entirely, utterly normal Dog Handler.


Or the nekkid staffer getting rainbow down in the halls of power. Remember he/his?


Unlike JD Vance, who is so very weird, said the Party who went Spirit Cooking with Marina Abromovic and who knows what else. How weird, just look at his absurd little family, with its bizarre children and some kind of "wife" figure. He even flies American flags, how weird, what a cis-normative oppressor weirdo.

I tell you, these people are off the hook.

Your Pal,



The Night Wind said...

Vance really is a pretty weird guy; but compared to his critics he doesn't seem so strange. He reminds me a lot of Elon Musk: in normal times Musk would be a fringe character but these days he taken as the voice of stability and reason.

LSP said...

Good call, NW.

Beans said...

Oh, no, having a family, faith and responsibility and not whoring around with other people or animals and not worshiping Satan or whomever makes you weird?

Geez, wonder what they'd think of me if I ran for political office? Not that I'm gonna, as I have enough crap in my life already.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Let us hope, the more they rally their base, the more they alienate Independent voters.

drjim said...

I just about lost my dinner there, Parson.

Very sad to see this being foisted on the children. Makes me hanker for some Frontier Justice, eh?

Ritchie said...

In the words of the meme, "They're both the same picture."

Undergroundpewster said...

I think they got so much blowback because of the obvious freak show that Biden has in place that the weird label will be retired pretty fast.

Paul M said...

Well then, a lot of us out here...gotta be at least 85%...are weird. Okay by me, rather be called weird by those who offend God at every turn than be in their worldly mentally ill cesspool of the deranged and seriously lost. But what do I know, I'm weird.

LSP said...

Beans, I'd most certainly vote for you.

LSP said...

Bloody outrageous, drjim.


LSP said...

Such degenerate satans, Ritchie.

LSP said...

Kinda looking that way, Pewster. But hey, it's all there, on the internet.

LSP said...

Same here, Paul.

Mind you, that's been evident for some time now.

Paul M said...

I could never entertain that sort of thing, would take too long to get outfitted and made up each day, let alone shopping for all the crazy gear. Who has time for that? Chores have to be done, fence fixed, horses cared for, neighbors tended to when needed, etc…and of course, some time for The Lord. Pretty much keeps me out of that arena.

LSP said...

Paul, they've clearly got far too much time on their hands.