Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Clean It Up


Here's the thing. It's great having a Compound, it really is, but they have this tendency to turn into Jungle Warfare Training Schools. Trees fall down, Trumpet Vine takes over, hedges go wild and before you know it the whole thing's a right mess. And that's a bad witness, so what to do?

Thank God a couple of good men from Mission #2 turn up with truck, trailer and industrial grade tools, not least a chainsaw. Slice that fallen pecan wood up, boys, and they did. So on we worked, clearing up the grounds.

One of the men founded Dallas SWAT and subsequently worked in local LE. His method? "Issue as few warrants as possible," ie, sort it out locally. What a good man and a great cop.

Thanks guys, the Compound's clean now,



LL said...

It's a much nicer paint job than when I was there last.

Beans said...

It's always nice to clean up the grounds and have things neat.

Wild, wild west said...

Had a dead cottonwood I've been meaning to take down come down on its own, thankfully far enough away from anything no harm no foul. So last weekend I went out to saw it up and cranked on that miserable chain saw for half an hour. Swapped old gas for fresh, put in new air filter and spark plug, even tried starting fluid, no bueno. Swear it was snickering at me.

Gave up and was putting the infernal contraption away when I noticed the switch had been in the stop position all the while.

I confess to saying several unfortunate words...you learn things in the Army you can use your whole life...Forgive me Father, etc., etc.

Jules said...

Now you need some pretty flowers, LSP. Get to it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like doggie approves! Bet he was a big help supervising the cleanup!

Dad of Six said...

Good doggeh!

drjim said...

Very nice clean-up, parson! You're tending your flock well when they show up to help!

LSP said...

We've tightened the place up, LL, I think you'll approve.

LSP said...

Right on, Beans, and these guys did a great job. Place looks good.

LSP said...

Dammit, Wild, we try.

Speaking of which, a cottonwood crashed down on a neighbor's house a few years ago and Maria came out hysterical and looking for insurance. A farmer was there with his Mexican crew clearing the churchyard and had a few words. She withdrew, chastened by El Senor. In fairness, her house wasn't badly dinged. So.

Bad language? Te absolvo.

LSP said...

Juliette, I'm thinking of a VICTORY GARDEN.

LSP said...

Such a good boy! DOS.

LSP said...

You know what, drjim, I felt really blessed that those guys turned up.

Wild, wild west said...

Gracias, Padre.