Wednesday, August 30, 2023



That is all,


Behold Your Rulers


What can we say? Behold our rulers and obey them, because we love them, in this case Mitch McConnell. Perhaps you remember when we reviled the Soviet Union as a defunct gerontocracy? Here's the video:

It's like wow, this whole risible, failed, abominable deal is so utterly broken that it's beyond a joke; go ahead, John. Mitch is net worth a paltry $34,137,534. But readers, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and end up like Mitch? Just a thought.

Your Best Pal,


Tuesday, August 29, 2023



Some ridiculous conspiracy theorists are speculating that demons, literal demons, are amongst us. How could they say such a thing? I mean, in the face of all the evidence.

But there they are, in full display

Demons. And yet you still vote for them. That makes you part of the problem. Look, here's America's top witch with a fiduciary necromancer:

Out Demons Out,


Tucker & Orban


Check out Tucker and Orban in the circle of truth. It's a little long but value. Here:

Gentlemen and women, we stand against Hell.




Monday, August 28, 2023

First Day Out


Looks like arrest orange man raysiss isn't going so well. First Day Out by Trump The Don is going viral, via Zero:

A new parody rap of a fired-up former President Donald Trump after his release from his Atlanta, Georgia booking has been rising up the charts. As of Monday morning “First Day Out” by Trump the Don had shot up to #3 on the iTunes Hip Hop chart, #34 overall, and has garnered 2.8 million views on social media since its release on Friday.



“I’ve been blown away by the response. It’s gone completely viral,” Jessie Friedman, 29, the alter ego behind Trump the Don, told The Epoch Times. “Like so many other Americans I was disgusted and felt like fighting back in a comedic way. I never expected it to blow up like this.”


Just remember this, Joe Biden's the most popular president in the history of history. Here's the song:

Short and to the point, what?

Your Pal,




We certainly live in an age of miracle and wonder, it rained yesterday evening. One minute a blazing hot sun in a clear blue sky and the next, dark clouds rolling in from the West. There they were, overhead, above the Compound, but would it actually rain or was this some kind of cruel joke.

No, it was not a joke. Slow, fat, drops began to fall from the sky as the temperature went right down and then more, faster. Not with the full fury of a Texan storm but not bad either, so I went out onto the front porch to behold the sheer bliss of the thing. Rain. Beautiful.

typical Texas street scene

Then, all too soon, the rain stopped, but I'm not complaining, everything cooled right down. Let's see more of this climate change.



Sunday, August 27, 2023

War-Master Lady


The GloboHomo West is fighting against this. No comment but, word to the wise, think twice you rainbow fools.

Don't say Kursk and Berlin,


Mad John Boyd - A Sunday Sermon


Because this is a military blog, we have to ask, have you heard of Colonel "Mad John" Boyd? He was a fighter pilot in the Korean war, flying Sabres, then went on to become a "Top Gun" instructor and more than that, a tactician who wrote on aerial warfare and a strategist whom some liken to Sun Zhu or Clausewitz. Others disagree.

Regardless, he was hated by the military establishment of his day and never made General, doubtless because he called out paper-pushing, careerist, establishment cipher drones for what they were, paper-pushing, careerist, establishment cipher drones.

He had, apparently, a "fork in the road" speech which he invariably delivered to the people who worked with him. You have a choice, you can go this way and get promotion, money and all of that, or you can go that way and do something for your country and Air Force at the expense of preferment. Free will, you see, be somebody or do something:

“And you’re going to have to make a decision about which direction you want to go.” He raised his hand and pointed. “If you go that way you can be somebody. You will have to make compromises and you will have to turn your back on your friends. But you will be a member of the club and you will get promoted and you will get good assignments.” Then Boyd raised his other hand and pointed another direction. “Or you can go that way and you can do something — something for your country and for your Air Force and for yourself. If you decide you want to do something, you may not get promoted and you may not get the good assignments and you certainly will not be a favorite of your superiors. But you won’t have to compromise yourself. You will be true to your friends and to yourself. And your work might make a difference. To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That’s when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?”

There you have it, that's the sermon.

Boyd's credited, with others, of transforming the US Military into the force which triumphed on the battleground in the Gulf. No small thing. What would he think about our preparedness today and, more importantly, would such a man even be allowed in the gilded corridors of our beloved Pentagram Pentagon.

Thanks, Wild, for the tip and God Bless,


Saturday, August 26, 2023

All Hail The Phantom


This isn't a military blog, far from it, more of a family thing, but all hail the Phantom. Just a shot away? You be the judge.

What a plane.

Your Buddy,




After a hearty and delicious men's breakfast at Mission #2 I drove 'round the corner to Lake Whitney's dam spillway for a recce. What would the fish be doing? Answer. Nothing at all because the water had turned into a kind of murky, algae bloom disaster.

Fair play, there  were a couple of turtles, but the whole thing looked like a fishing eschaton, so I turned the rig 'round and headed for home, for the Compound. So, that was that and seriously, I've never seen the water look this way over the past 15 years.

clean the dam floor, LSP

Clearly someone's forgotten to pay their Weather Tax.

Ad Solem,