Friday, August 23, 2024



All means ALL,



  1. Do you know what’s up with LL?

  2. He's kind of, sort of, maybe went with Trump.

    Here's the deal. He suspended his campaign, not quit. He's still on the ballot in states, and he's said that if he got enough votes to upset the electoral college and force a second round of votes. Technically he still could end up as President. Technically. Maybe. But he's asking people who won't vote for Trump and would normally select the dem candidate to go ahead and vote for him to pull votes away from Harris.

    Does not sound like he's really behind Trump. Just angling to get a cabinet position or other cushy appointment.

    Though in his suspension speech he sounded tired and aged, more Bidenish than Trumpian.

    I don't trust him. Not one bit. He's a loon who's mostly playing on his family name. Still a full-fledged leftist, just less leftish than the current level of leftyism as found in the DNC.

  3. As I understand the matter (not my circus) "suspending the campaign" is done because of something to do with campaign finance laws.

    1. Something like that, Ritchie. It helps 45, in theory.

  4. I agree with Beans to a point. I've read of brain worms and killing bears in Central Park. Doesn't sound like his second marriage ended well, putting it mildly. However this move has PO'd all the right people, and the thought of him heading up HHS or any of the intelligence agencies warms the cockles of this cold heart. Wouldn't be worse than the first term (Sessions and Barr as AG, Mattis at Defense, Wray at the Fibbies and Haspel at the CIA)

    1. DOS, I think he used to have a Smack issue... huh. Maybe that explains latter years body building, like Iggy Pop.
