Thursday, August 22, 2024

Love Your Rulers



Yes, love them, because they are true and care for you. Like Michelle Obama who hates corrupt greed whilst living in a hideous multi-million dollar seafront mansion. You know, because climate change and rising sea levels.

Now look, I'm all in favor of a beneficent aristocracy and monarchy; here at the Compound we're not Levellers, far from it. By the same token, this hypocritical, lying, venal, faked up, deceitful, charade has got to be called out and stopped.

How Utterly Hideous

Michelle Obama, champion of the working class? How can you even begin to be fooled by this? Barak and Michelle have an estimated net worth of 70MN$. Not shabby for socialist public servants, eh?

Your Old Pal,



  1. She lives in two hideous sea-side houses. One in Maaahta's Vineyard. The other one on the former site of 'Robin Master's mansion' from the good "Magnum PI."

    Yet the First Wookie tells us to worry about sea levels rising because of Climate Change something something.

    I like my rulers. I have an 18" stainless steel drafting ruler that I can almost kill someone with.

    As to the Butt-monkeys and Ass-clowns that think they are 'the elite,' well, love to show a lot of them my fine collection of heavy metals, if you know what I mean.

    1. "She," Beans, is very rich. And a socialist.

  2. High crime pays. Two Chicago lawyers who 'gave up their law licenses' and are now obscenely rich.

  3. 70 M we know about. That's what Big Mike's "husband" meant when "he" talked about spreading the wealth around. "She" likes sharing somebody else's pie, too, if-n I recall correctly.

  4. They went to Washington to do good, and have done well indeed.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Try again: I no longer become angry about everything going on now. Instead I am feeling more and more sad. Women dressing up as abortion pills, free abortions, free vasectomies, women's "rights", and even the democrat pick for president dressing like a man? Sad, sad, sad. I'd prefer angry, but I take what God sends me. Jesus weeps...

    1. Adrienne, I don't get angry either. Surely it's more of a laughing matter.

  7. Is LL ok? Virtual mirage is nuked, even the archive

  8. LL is ok - back channel. His blog? Fighting hackers I presume. He will prevail but I suspect the time drain is a problem. He keeps a lot of balls in the air.

    1. Wonder who's doing it? Is it the CCP, which LL really has not nice things to say about them, or the Brits which LL really has not nice things to say about, or the current administration (insert LLrhnnttsa) or the various deep state bureaucracies (again, insert...)?

    2. Beans, it is probably all of the above.
