Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Look, A Fish Is A Fish


You've visited the sick in Whitney, so what next? Visit the lake and try your luck against the piscine adversary in triple digit climate change. No joke, it's like an oven out there. Unsurprisingly, you're the only man standing on Soldiers' Bluff as you cast off into the depths.

And pull out a ferocious little Perch. Slim pickings after that, the fish were sensibly standing offshore, not unlike US manufacturing itself, and weren't interested in worms and the like, *the like including a shad lure which produced exactly nothing, despite schools of shad in the water. Huh.

Then all of a sudden, Bite! Hookset! And out comes a juvenile Bass. A fierce little beast who went back in to fight again another day. And that was that, eyelids sweating, shins sweating, everything sweating, it was time to head for home and the safe haven that is the Compound.

Your Old Pal,



  1. At least you weren't skunked!
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. It wasn't a bad trip, Linda, but sure was hot.

  2. If only you had a boat like Macaroon's, without the excess baggage, of course.

    1. Wild! Boats! You've reignited an anioent controversy.

  3. Off topic, but Virtual Mirage has been a blank page for a few days now.

    1. Alive (or someone is doing a good job posing as him), but other fish to fry for now, I’m guessing.

    2. RHT -- he's had a DDOS attack for a few days now. I advise him, "Well you're obviously over the target."
