Saturday, August 24, 2024

Kebobs - Cooking With LSP


Cooking with LSP? you say in that credulity mixed with scorn voice. But not so fast, punters, it can be done. First up, buy some 80/20 ground beef, if you can  afford such a thing. I know, not easy. Then, if you're rich, put it in the fridge and think yourself lucky that you were actually able to afford meat. 

Far out. What to do with it? Here's an upper middle class option: Turn the ground beef, Brits say 'mince,' into kebobs. Really? Yep, no kidding.

First up, unleash the meat into some kind of bowl. Add 1 tsp paprika, coriander, cayenne, cumin, tumeric. Add chopped cilantro, garlic, grated onion and mix it all up. Stick that sucka in the fridge. An hour or whatever later, pull the meat out of the fridge.

LSP, did you miss an opportunity?

Using a big bowl, perhaps Pyrex, no 'rule,' knead and form the meat into skewer-shaped... lengths. Then skewer them with a wooden or metal skewer. I chose wood, but that's just me. Next up? Put 'em back in the fridge for an hour or so while you fire up the grill.

Grill hot, it should be sizzling, fire those kebobs onto the griddle. 1 minute open flame, 3 minutes covered. Flip, repeat. And then? Serve with Tzatziki, pita bread and fall upon your scoff.

Like a Warrior,



  1. Looks lovely! LL seems to be awol, any word?

  2. LL is fine. He monitors my dog's welfare. His blog isn't fine. Enemy of the state?

  3. You heatheren don't forget to proffer a proper blessing upon this should you try it. Unlike the Cardinal of Chicago who "blessed" the DNC without mentioning Jesus (I found this in LSP's blog roll)

    1. Wild, how any Catholic could get up on stage and endorse those satans is beyond me.

  4. The Chicago Cardinal must have overlooked the verse: "To whom much is given, much is expected."

  5. I never thought of trying to make kebobs with ground beef. I will have to try that. Thanks, Parson.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Have a go, Linda. Don't take my spice recommendations as gospel though, Maybe go more lemon/Greek? Whatev, have at it! Tasty when right.

  6. Since becoming carnivore, ground beef is my number one go-to. The last sale was for the high end 93/7. While we love the fat in the 80/20, I've discovered the 93 shrinkage is almost zero. Fat? I have a tub of Wagyu tallow and add my own. I've just spent two days cooking about 30 pounds of the stuff plus freezing 38 patties. We're set for about 2 - 3 weeks...

    1. Oh... Adrienne, I hadn't thought of the extra fat thing. Good call.

  7. South Chicago Packing Wagyu Beef Tallow, 42 Ounces, Paleo-friendly, Keto-friendly, 100% Pure Wagyu
