Friday, July 26, 2024

Paris Olympics


The phone rang, a Calgary number, "Hey, have you been watching the Olympics?" I replied, quick off the mark, "No, I have not," and was told that maybe I should have been because "there is some crazy evil, satanic weirdness going down, an homage to Marie Antionette, decapitated, a gang of drag queens mocking the Last Supper, and you know what? In the middle of it all, the bells of Notre Dame rung for the first time in like five years. The presenters ignored it. What utter satans."

The Left hates this just as it hates women and children themselves

The bells of Our Lady of Paris rung out, for the first time since that great church was burned down, just as the mockery of Christ and Antionette played across the screens of the world. What contrast. Degeneracy, and the Faith. Blasphemous parodies of men and women and the purity of the Gospel and Our Lady. Who will win?

How Abhorrent

The Faith, obviously, that's assured. In the meanwhile, expect all kinds of turbulence, enough to "deceive the very elect." This too is assured, but have you noticed Satan's puppets are decreasing in value, that they're becoming somehow thin, lacking in substance? Of course you have, just look at Biden, Harris and the so-called performing art of the Olympics.

At some point, perhaps in the not so very distant future, their lies will come home to haunt them and they'll be blown away, like smoke before the wind.

In Hoc,



  1. 'At some point, perhaps in the not so very distant future, their lies will come home to haunt them and they'll be blown away, like smoke before the wind.'

    Or maybe they'll re-invent themselves as Churchians and Neoreactionaries and ply their deception from another angle.

  2. There is that, NW. I was being apocalyptic.

  3. The spectacle of abomination suits a French Olympics.

  4. TNW: you’re doing my work for me! Now I can take the day off from Noticing. (Noticing is hate crime. ☹️)

  5. And the Olympic Flag was brought in by a rider on a pale horse.

    Geez, people. How symbolic.

    And nothing surprises me anymore after the satanic Eurovision music festival this year where nice Israeli singers not bowing down to satan were the ones being bood and heckled.

    In other news, railroads, airports and other transportation hubs were attacked with no earthly idea by whom... Yeah, right. Hey, Froggies, it's the same bunch who have been burning your churches for over 10 years now.

  6. Beans - suggesting that the religion of peace is behind the attacks is Islamophobic - and you can be imprisoned for saying that in England.

  7. Didn't watch it either, but heard ALL about it this morning. So, so wrong!

  8. Well yes, LL, but let's not forget that France has greatness too, or at least it did. Charles Martel springs to mind, maybe God will raise up another Hammer to drive them back, even in France.

  9. Mike, nothing to see here, move along.

  10. Apparently, Beans, they arrested a Russian chef over the railway thing. Huh. An undercover GRU asset working as a Michelin star chef. Star? RED STAR!

    For goodness sake, Frenchpersyns, don't name the Moon Cult elephant in the room. That would be racist and transphobic.

    So maybe you'd better report yourself. Immediately.

  11. Exactly, LL. I've told him to report to the nearest reeducation center for a struggle session.

  12. Kill them all. God will know his own.

    Neutron bombs come to mind, that way the cultural icons like Notre Dame de Paris will still be viewable once the stench of rotting corpses goes away.

  13. Well I'm not going to argue with that, Beans!

  14. It's rattled around in my head, that maybe the Templars need to reclaim France, especially Paris, perhaps call it DeMolay's Revenge.

  15. Matttexian, well, France does owe a helluva lot of money plus interest for 800ish years to the Templars.

    And darned sure the Templars could run the place better.
