Thursday, July 25, 2024

De California


Dear Lord, Kyrie...

DLC Scorns This Nonsense, obvs

Maybe Mr. Skullhead wants to take a reality check. Please. 


That in mind, the United Kingdom has maybe enough bullets to fight a war for two days or weeks and the same applies to the rest of, cough, Fortress Europa. So, kids, how we gonna do it against Russia and China? Because that's what we're saying, industrial war against the Kremlin and the Forbidden Palace but whoops, we don't have the industry. We gave it all to Chyna. But we do have gaslight magicke.

Your Very Best Friend,



  1. If you examine the curriculums of the present, you'll note that they decry the past that built what the present generation (I have no idea what they're called) enjoys. The formula for success has been eclipsed for the dire need that DEI addresses. It remains to be seen whether Kamala selects the Butt Guy as her running mate, but it would check several boxes - a woman by another name, etc.

  2. Notice too that these hawks have cooled down considerably about war with Iran, North Korea, or even taking on Yemen other than indirectly. We not only don't have the industrial base or the leading technology any more, we don't even have the manpower. The Pentagon recently reported that nearly 70% of military age American men are unfit for service, even by the Pentagon's already abysmally low standards. The officer corps too has shown that they owe their positions more to politics than to ability.

  3. How many reloads for a used jet?

  4. The Europeans can defeat them with their moral superiority. That has worked for centuries, hasn't it? Irish monks with crosses vs Vikings comes to mind.

    We still have our two oceans, much like Russia has General Winter. While knowing zip about naval matters, I do know there are over 100,000 cargo ships plying the oceans. How many can be re-purposed to support invasions? I leave that to the experts.

  5. Mike, I think you're right.

    They'll attempt to rally the troops with rainbows and trannies.

    You can just imagine the hundreds of thousands of young men signing up to fight and die for that.

    What a fkn joke.

  6. LL, I was utterly amazed when I landed back in the US and discovered we'd got rid of history in our schools.

    Far out.

  7. Exactly, NW.

    I say to my eldest, "The whole thing's gonna shake down when we actually go to war."

    I pray we don't.

  8. Dammit, Ritchie, I want a used ME 262.

  9. Mr. WSF, it seems, oddly, that making war involves factories and manufacturing. I know, it's a weird concept, but that being so, how can we fight if all our industry is off-shored to our enemy, China.

    Just saying.

  10. Excellent point, NW, and I have noticed. And guess what, puppet Zelensky's suddenly talking peace, or at least he was a week ago. Maybe with Kamala on the ticket and potentially billions moar in play he'll get all hawkish war. And it's weird.

    He's the self-proclaimed Left doing all in its power to erode our fighting ability, after all, those military virtues are abhorrent to them. Then, at the same breath, baying for war.

    It's the damndest thing. But whoever said evil was rational.
