Friday, July 26, 2024

What You See Is What You Are


That in mind, we see it, but is what we see really who we are? Have a look, here's the coronated Dem contender:

No one voted for her in the Dem primaries because she was so hated, stupid, and hated. Will you vote for this total unelected fraud in November? Or will you even bother to vote at all? I will, just for kix.

But your call, no "rule,"



  1. Living in a deep blue state, my vote won't matter but I will still vote. In her case, I will kiss a blowtorch before I will vote for her.

  2. Assume nothing. Storm the polls like a Fwench beach. Let the fault not be with us.

  3. When I see her face, I think of the back end of a cow. The imagery is real.

  4. WSF, I'm always taken aback by the blueness of your state, surely it should be the other way around, you know, cowboys and all. But I guess the connurbs tipped it the other way.

    Nice blowtorch point.

  5. Good call, Mr. Ritchie. And on point, if the Christians in this country would actually get up and vote against these satanists we might start to get somewhere.

    Evangelicals and Catholics, I'm looking at you.
