Sunday, April 28, 2024



So just what, exactly, are you back from, so-called LSP? I'll tell you, an explosive tour around the Old Country. In brief: Survive the Eclipse Event, enter a portal and land at Heathrow, set up in Whitehall, take care of business, stroll 'round the corner to the jolly old NatLib and go from there, London's your oyster, and what an oyster it is.

Typical Whitehall Street Scene

Yes indeed, not least the Brompton Oratory where they celebrate the Mass in Solemn High grand style and, let the reader understand, in good time. Yep, an hour and fifteen minutes from beginning to end, concert high. 

NatLib - Shocking Slack

After that, catch a cab to St. James Square and Sunday lunch at the East India, order off the trolley like a pro and then, delicious meal over, stroll across the way to the In & Out (Naval and Military) and take advantage of their beautiful courtyard.

A Brazen Goat

Brazen courtyard goat notwithstanding, catch a fast train to Edinburgh and stay at the Royal Scots, what a congenial club. Ludlow beckons next, an idyllic market town which is rightly famous for the Blue Boar. Stop there for drinks and snacks. Next up? Back to London and Soho.

Get off at Euston, thanking God you're wearing a stab vest, catch a cab to Soho and have fun from thereon in. Maybe that involves multiple Negronis. Last leg of the tour, fly into Calgary and marvel at one gallon of milk costing EIGHT BUCKS. No kidding, something better change. Rock on.

Your Expat Pal,



  1. Whew! I had began to despair of ever hearing the doings in your neck of the woods again. Silly me. Love the photos...Wasn't Brompton in the news lately re: one Candace Owens?

  2. Welcome home. You were missed.
    SP RN

  3. Thank goodness you are back & don't have $8/gal for milk! Now about those loose horses in London ...

  4. So glad you're back. I was afraid you may not return. It made me sad...

  5. Adrienne, I wanted to stay but... need a few moar millions to do so. Mind you, food's way cheaper there than here.

    Anyway, back in Texas, which is no small thing.

  6. Thanks, Anon, I appreciate that.

  7. Mr. DOS, safely back at HQ after a successful recce/fighting patrol, and what a lovely trip it was!

    But I tell you, it's cheaper in central London than it is here, much less Canada, at least viz: clothes/food/drink.

    Wow. I was taken aback.

  8. Welcome home, Parson. You were missed.

  9. And soon to hunt the Brazos River fish.

  10. Thanks, drjim, I appreciate that.

  11. Whoa, WSF, now you're talking (I was thinking exactly that).

  12. Ah. Now I see. Glad you had a good time and a safe trip, Parson!

  13. Glad you had a great tour. I second Adrienne's sentiment.
