Sunday, April 28, 2024

Behold Devil Witch - Big Sur


Devil Witch

See what I'm saying? Speaking of which, an old pal asked me, at the NatLib no less, "How could you possibly support Putin?" I looked him straight in the eye and asked, "Do you support Pussy Riot? Jarvis Cocker? The LGTBQ+ rainbow agenda?"

He told me he supported none of those things, and I replied, "P Riot, Cocker, the Rainbow, all going down,  Cossack style. What's not to like?" He replied a few bites later into a NatLib bar snack, "I think, LSP, it's time for you to grow up." I thought about that for a second, "I'm afraid, old boy, that that boat's already sailed."

Speaking of which, Ma LSP had a fur coat, seal fur, which everyone called Big Fur. You get the point.




  1. "This is your brain on drugs." Gatsby, Steele and Gnash join Joni to do a public service spot highlighting the dangers of narcotics. Looks like Gatsby had a tooth knocked out. Peace, out.

    RE: Crocker. Who? Never heard of him. But I found this at Wiccan-pedia:

    "For much of the 1980s, Cocker lived on unemployment benefits in a derelict factory. In his twenties, Cocker squatted in London."

    Solid citizen type, that one.

    Oh, yes, welcome back. Glad you weren't kidnapped and sold into involuntary servitude in Tunisia or someplace that would equally suck.

  2. My dear Wild, all I did was GO TO LONDON, yes, it's a thing. And kind of a nostalgia trip, tbh. Not bad for that, tho.

    Then there's Crocker.

  3. In line with your NatLib experience, I was at a medical conference. At dinner I happened to sit next to an ER doc who went off on a bit of a rant about how terrible our modern processed-food diet is. (This is true.) Then he went on about how people make foolish choices. They should be buying quality fresh vegetables and cooking everything from scratch. I pointed out this is not economically feasible for many people these days. I then disparaged Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland.

    My dinner companion looked disapproving, then said, “I think you’ll find that corporations are not nearly as bad as you’re implying they are.” I looked silently at him for a second, then: “You’re absolutely right. Multinationals are NOT as bad as I’m saying. They’re FAR worse.”

    He recoiled, gathered himself, and was about to retort when I added, “If you think I’m some sort of leftist for saying that, I’m not. I’m to the right of Adolf Hitler.” That is a stupid expression, I know, but I was annoyed enough to be provocative. (FTR I don’t particularly mind disagreement, but I do object, essentially on an aesthetic basis, to obviously high IQ persons being so willfully blind.)

  4. Mike, to your point, I recall a drinks party in a rather grand house years ago. There I was, sipping a G&T when a woman comes up to me, a social worker no less, and says, "What are your politics?" Resisting the urge to say, "Dam your impudence, my money's on the monkey," I remained silent. Then a senior priest leaned over, "I shouldn't ask him, dear, he's Hitler's chaplain." And off she went, into the night.
