Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Frau Ley


Maybe the most beautiful of NSDAP women, Inge Ley. Blonde, talented and gorgeous, Inge was born in 1916 in Poland and went on to become a ballerina and singer, a mezzo soprano. The talented and beautiful young woman met Robert Ley, head of the NAZI Labour Front (DAF) in 1935 at a concert in Berlin where she was performing.

Ley, a World War One veteran pilot and violent drunk, seduced Inge with flowers, power and NSDAP funded travel, not least to the Baltics. After a year of Ley's power-Nazi courting, Inge fell prey to her drunken, violent, overweight beast.

Was she seduced by power? Wouldn't be the first time and if so she paid a heavy price. Inge got herself addicted to morphine and threw herself out of a window in 1942. Suicide attempt failed, Inge tried again and succeeded, she shot herself on December 29 1942.

Make of this what you will,



  1. She got laid, and it went downhill from there.

  2. Mr. DOS, you make an excellent point.

  3. LL, I get the feeling that Inge didn't marry Ley for his dashing good looks and gentlemanly charm. But hey, I'm no expert. And what can we say, no one forced her to marry that beast, as far as I know.
