Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Is Taylor Swift A Devil Clone?


note devil horns

Readers of this low-level kebob stand on the Information uperhighway are no strangers to pop icon, super celebrity, smash hit wonder Taylor Swift. But is Tay-Tay really Tay-Tay or is she a devil clone of notorious Satanist Zeena Lavey?

Zeena Lavey and Tay-Tay

Photographic evidence shows Swift and Lavey looking eerily similar, so similar that pundits claim the two women are one woman, an infernal clone bred on the dark altars of the Satanic Temple. Others are more prosaic and suggest Swift is simply Zeena's secret daughter.

the great replacement

Others again, replacement theorists, believe the billionaire leftist superstar has been replaced by a Luciferian construct who looks like the devil clone of Zeena Lavey but is, in fact, a kind of Illuminati golem.

Devil Clone? You be the judge

Here at the Compound we believe Tay-Tay's a Devil Clone. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions. But that's just us, what's your call?

Out Demons Out,



  1. zeena doesn't appear to have an adam's apple the way that other guy does.

  2. Is Taylor Swift evil clone of Zeena Lavey an Illuminati golem?

    The camera doesn't lie.

  3. We lost interest in her a long time ago when she seemed headed the Ditzy Chicks route.

    Hope you're staying warm, Parson!
    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. Regarding 'Pancake Face' as Kenny at knuckledraggin calls her, the variations in her photos can easily be explained by a combination of factors, least of which is lighting, then makeup, then her constant semi-bulimia and almost anorexia and her veganism.

    Similarities to the other person? Some, not enough photographic evidence to draw a true yes/no conclusion on whether they are the same person or not. Which is my favorite way to peeve off my wife when she asks for my opinion on something based on what we just watched on tv. Not enough evidence either way.

    Is TS a twit? Yep. A rich twit, but a twit. Her songs aren't that good, not even reaching Mariah Carey levels of complexity from what I've heard of either of the musical idiots' works.


  5. Anyone who has spent a little while on the information turnpike can see that the camera can be made to say a great many things. Done it myself, and it doesn't even need digital um, witchery.

  6. Well, you're no longer talking in proverbs, LSP. ;) It is something to put in the hopper.

  7. Yes they are close in appearance - what makes them look eerily similar is their demonic oppression. There is a look in the eyes, a tilt to the head, mannerisms etc. that approach reptilian. Underneath her oppression there could be a child of God pleading for deliverance. I have seen this, and an excorsism is warranted after a qualified priest visits with her.

  8. It's cold here, Linda, and we're not used to it! Also the heating decided to break, annoyingly, but them magically fixed itself. Thank God for that.

    Bless you too.

  9. Beans, I've run the survey and crunched the data. You're in the "Not a Devil Clone" category. Hope that's ok.

    But hey, the team behind Tay-Tay's rocking all the way to bank. Powerful if wicked juju, imo.

  10. And stats can lie, Ritchie.

    According to recent polling a full 77 of respondents believe Swift's a Devil Clone.

    Me? I just follow the science.

  11. Hey, GenX, sometimes we have to face the truth head-on.

  12. Whoa, Seamus, VERY good call.

    The minister in question better make sure he's been to confession 5 minutes previously, just saying.

  13. I meant parables - parables.

    (Tired at ends day.)

  14. GenX, proverbs works too and hey, we all need more and better copy editors. I know this :)
