Friday, July 21, 2023

Try That In A Small Town


Jason Aldean's Try That in a Small Town is being panned by lib critics and got pulled from CMT. His crime? Daring to say that the immensely peaceful George Floyd kickoffs wouldn't be tolerated in small town America. 

Or to put it another way, revolutionary leftist skulduggery ain't gonna fly in the country. Which is true. But here's the song, #1 on iTunes, curiously:

Good call, Mr. Aldean, but what do black people think? I like these two patriots, via Infowars:

Well said boys. And it's true, the systemic race hoaxers tried it here, in North Central Texas (NCT) driving a bus full of green haired malefactors from Dallas to land in front of our Confederate War Memorial.  Excuse me?

Good move, genius patrol. Then police Tahoes arrived, townsfolk patted their concealed carries and the wicked, mendacious, misguided, aggressive, nihilist, ersatz Rainbow got back on its bus and went home. No harm done.

Good work, Mr. Aldean. About time some people stood up and called this wicked Bolshevik evil out for what it is. But that's just me, you may think something else entirely. 

One Love,



  1. Yes, 'let' them come to our small towns... :-)

  2. Some relatives operate a longshoreman service in Portland, OR. A few years ago Antifa staged their one, and only one, s**t show in front of the Longshoreman's Hall. Portland isn't a small town but the waterfront is.

  3. Great song and video, LSP. Thanks for posting it, I hadn't seen it before.
    I think Jason Aldean was on stage when Las Vegas was shot up (by the usual suspects) and dozens of his fans were murdered?

  4. They tried it here, NFO, per post. Didn't work out so well.

    Didn't work out so well in Dallas either. Remember when they all got arrested on the Margaret Hunt bridge? Idiots, should've been thrown in the Trinity.

  5. WSF, it takes a right fool to mess with the honorable company of longshoremen. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

  6. I didn't know about the Vegas thing, Anon. And my, wasn't that story memory holed by our honest as the day's long media?

    What a massacre, historic even, and then... nothing.


  7. A conspiracy theorist might posit that a certain government so-called law enforcement agency had the shooter set up but the project got away from them. Hence the release of mass quantities of crickets to assist the media in drowning out the noise.

    I'm certainly glad I'm not the kind of loon who might believe something like that could ever happen in these here United States.

    Meanwhile, keep your rifle by your side, in case of, you know, marauding crickets, like they've had in Northern Nevada recently.

    Hmmm, Nevada, hmmm. A mob-controlled city with an extensive shoot-'em-up that got covered up, an atomic testing site, Area 51, resident space aliens and a massive Mormon cricket migration. Certainly, none of those things could be connected, hmmm?

  8. Mr. Wild, these mad conspiracy theorists get errrwhere!

    And yes, as always, keep the rifle you lost in a tragic boating accident by your side.

  9. During the height of the Summer of Not-Love, idiots in Gainesville, FL were 'protesting peacefully' by attacking cars and the people in them. One guy got out and drew his concealed piece and pointed it at the protestors. He was subsequently arrested.

    Even the left-wing idiots at the State Attorney's Office in Gainesville didn't have enough juevos to charge and prosecute the guy.

    I'm to the point of wanting citizen soldiers to line up with heavy battle rifles with bayonets and do a good old fashioned sloshing. Heck, get some Battle of Olustee reenactors to show up with some field pieces and give them a whiff of grapeshot.

  10. Beans, I would never suggest that hicks arm themselves with 12 bore pump shotguns loaded with high-brass No. 6 shot to be skipped off the pavement so as to impact about shin and knee level. Oh no not me, never.

  11. I like the historic aspect, Beans. Then again, let's not forget the Rooftop Koreans.

  12. I would never suggest such a thing myself, Wild. No, not for a minute.

  13. At one point I did not know any bubba rednecks who were preparing to drag chains and cables behind their pickemup trucks that were outfitted with window screens and brush guards.

    Ever seen what a loose cable can do when it parts under tension? Or an anchor chain if said anchor falls off?

  14. Now that, Beans, is a most salutary point.
