Saturday, July 22, 2023

Just Look At The State Of That!


This is a US Navy Ohio Class submarine outbound this afternoon. Can you imagine serving on this rust bucket? I'd feel ashamed.

rust never sleeps

Speaking of which, our defense budget is nearly $1 trillion or approximately one year's interest payment on our national debt. And here's the new head of the Navy, Admiral Lisa Franchetti. 

some kind of joke?

Are you filled with confidence in our diversity hiring warfighting capability? Or, on the other hand, do you think we're gambling like Europe on never really having to fight a peer-to-peer war again on an industrial scale, ever?

live rust

Serious questions, and what's up with our mighty and once proud Navy. Our ships are starting to look like the rusting SovBloc hulks of the 1990s. Your call, readers.

Non Sibi Sed Patriae,



  1. Join the Waves and ride the rusty Navy, there's your joke.

    If you look close, there's a sheen gun atop the sub's sail. What? The Navy can't afford escort vessels anymore? I guess that shouldn't be a surprise.

  2. Wild, I look at those photos and worry.

  3. Ugly! A granddaughter's fiancee is on one of those boomers.
    The lunatics are running the asylum.

  4. The sheener is probably just for polar bears. One has to wonder what else is getting deteriorated. Oh, wait, that has a nuke motor doesn't it.

  5. My Navy didn't look like that.

    Then again, queers didn't serve in my Navy - then along came don't ask, don't tell. Then the Rainbow fleet.

  6. LL, I know, and it's beyond outrageous.

    Seriously, can't some Flag Officers put this nonsense right? Our ships are fkn rusting.

  7. Good luck to your girl, WSF.

    This is a total disgrace.

  8. The sub in "Operation Petticoat" looked better...

    You all be safe and God bless.

  9. To work off of LindaG, the sub in Down Periscope was better looking and more operationally fit than a quarter of our fast attacks and probably our boomers.

    Ships are like planes. If they look good they work good. A sloppy looking ship is an indication of sloppy leadership and sloppy followers.

  10. To play devil's advocate - could it be that 6 months under water doesn't give much time for scraping rust and re-painting while giving corrosive salt water ample opportunity to work its magic?

  11. A little work with a chipping hammer and some red lead primer would fix it right up.. but wait! Red lead and most other effective coatings are banned by the EPA! no tin antifouling for you!

  12. Good call, Linda. God bless.

  13. Beans, I'm no expert but it seems there's something wrong with our Navy.

  14. I hope you're right, T, but rusty ships seem to be an issue right now. Part of it's USN compliance with EPA regs.

  15. Nuke the EPA. They've caused more toxic spills in the last 30 years than they've cleaned up. But if you spill, they'll fine you out of existence.

  16. First I've heard of this--
