Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Laughing Man


The laughing man. Here he is, long but worth the watch:

Congo Muller. There he is or was. Make of it what you will.

Pro Patria,



  1. Well, on one hand you have a Nazi, on the other hand you have someone whacking international socialists in Africa who were doing much worse things than the evil mercenaries were doing to said international socialists.

    Call it a draw.

    Despicable situations involving despicable people.

    As the famous Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz said when asked how he felt about killing humans, "I've only killed communists."

  2. I think, Beans, that many men on both sides couldn't stop fighting, and we see this today, some are pals.

    Congo Muller? All about taking the war to the Reds, I like that.

  3. Yes, there are rough men out there who need to be used, else they'll go dangerous. It's one of the known things about the aftermath of the Vietnam War and the siren song of Mercenaries in Africa.

    Yes, Congo Muller, who was just following orders, was somewhat a detestable man, but he did redeem himself with his actions. Worked for John Constantine, didn't it?
