Thursday, June 16, 2022



It's all about bears these days. Their remote ancestors lived in the Eocene, around 50 million years ago and were small doglike creatures. They have a canine look today, though they're notoriously large.

They're tall too, modern bears can stand up to 11 feet high, and for all their size are fast when they want to be, brown bears being fully capable of running at a ferocious 35 mph. No kidding, fast.

And they're smart as well as tall, fast and deadly. Experts count our ursine friends as the most intelligent land animals in North America. Annoyingly clever number theorists say they're ahead of the game.

Math aside, don't you think bears have a strangely megafauna, prehistoric appearance? Part dog, part something else and, when standing upright, an almost human aspect. Bears are also adorable, as long as they're not tearing you apart limb from limb.

Make of this short nature parable what you will.

Buy low sell high,



  1. 1970's had reasons to be at the village of Angoon on Admiralty Island, home of the most bears in Alaska. The bears and villagers co-exist. If a bear walks down the main street the residents simply step between the houses util the bear passes. The bears ignore the people.

  2. Thanks for this different post, Parson. Be safe and God bless.

  3. Bears are cool. I'll keep my distance. Grizzlies look like junkyard dogs exposed to gamma rays. Plus they can run 23 mph for a good while. They want you, they got you.

  4. WSF, there's towns in E. Europe which have bear festivals where everyone dresses up like the bears which wander through their streets. Primitive perhaps.

    Never been to Alaska, though I'd like to. Last frontier sort of thing.

  5. I've had a mind to post on bears for a while, Linda. Maybe it'll become a theme.

  6. I agree Kid, very cool. Like these super powered dog creatures. You can imagine the SciFi. Bears, in space.

  7. I've always been intrigued by reports of bears sitting for hours looking out at scenery, like they have a sense of beauty.

  8. They might well do, Blue. Then again, they could be trancing out in ursine contentment. Hmmmmm.
