Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Most Popular President Ever


Joe Biden is head and shoulders the most popular President ever, getting a massive 81 million votes in the last General. And no wonder, look how hard the soon-to-be octogenarian campaigned.

Wow. Get. It. On.

So utterly popular.

Note the literal, brazen, in your face popular groundswell of grass roots support for this faked up puppet of the Deep Stasi State we love so much. Stunning, isn't it. From zero to hero in one 100% honest election.

Why didn't they bother to campaign? Because they didn't have to. What a risible joke. So suck it up serfs while you pay 5 bucks and climbing for your fast disappearing privilege to drive. That aside, here's our beloved leader back in the day, looking like the corrupt two-bit, Starsky & Hutch mountebank he is.

Will this outright crook be brought to justice? Don't hold your breath. He's far, far too popular x 81MM.

Buy low sell high,



  1. Will any prominent demonrat pay? One day.
    Unless they are willing to ask His forgiveness and admit their sins.

    You all be safe and stay hydrated, Parson.
    God bless.

  2. Too big to fail.

    Now suck it up you serfs and Kulaks and render unto Chairman Brandon his righteous 10% lest he smite thee.

  3. He's looked sleazy for years.

  4. The tone of this post does not convey the sort of awe and respect it should for our Glorious Leader. You're walking on thin ice LSP!

  5. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a little miffed that he isn't spending more time grooming his protege, Camela, for his chair.

  6. You gotta wonder - Did the USSR ever even shovel this much bullshit on the citizens ?

  7. It's beyond a joke, WSF. Well, maybe it's just some kind of sick joke.

  8. I fear you're right, Linda. But if it comes this side of the grave things will get ugly. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

  9. Yes Wild, we must pay our tribute.

  10. He sure has, Jim, corrupt outta the gate.

  11. DOS, I honor our Beloved Rulers! We must obey our Glorious Leader.

  12. LL, are you suggesting a lack of confidence in Cackling Camela? That would be strange, given how totally popular she is.

  13. I've been wondering exactly that, Kid, and we're surely right up there. But as everyone notes, in the USSR no one actually believed the agitprop. Here? Different story.

  14. The justice system is not for Democrats. Being our lords and masters they are above the law.

  15. Bike much, Joe? Click the link for video.

    My take? The progs are desparate to improve Joe's image, and so risk a stunt like this.
