Saturday, March 12, 2022


Don't tell me you weren't warned. And so to today, at the Shamrock PNS, Pick 'n Steal, lo and behold:


Such, my dear friends, is the Age of Aquarius. 



  1. Did a quick .www search out of idle curiosity. That there hair is about $40, installed.

    "Vanity. Definitely my favorite sin".

  2. Hair. Seeing the back of my head in the mirror reminds me it once had hair.

  3. WSF, when I came it it was brown and now it is grey. Oh well.

  4. Ain't that the truth, Joe. Take a shower, hippy, said Timmy Leary never.

  5. RHT, what a GREAT movie.

    Pacino's satanic monologue at the end is just outstanding. Wow. Wish I'd written it!

  6. My most vivid recollection of the Age of Aquarius: I was 10 years old in 1968, living in the city of Chicago. When the demonrats held their convention, the SDSS took over our local park for a staging ground for their attacks on the convention. I remember two guys were in the park. Very scruffy hippies. They had about a 10' length of heavy chain--like links made of 1/4" diameter steel. They were swinging it in a circle around their heads and then throwing it at each other. I watched this for about 10 minutes and then decided it was not safe to stay in the park, and went home. Their actions made no sense to me (being 10 at the time). I figured they were strung out on LSD, or something. Of course that night they attacked the Chicago police around the convention hall with all types of weapons. So much for the summer of love.

  7. Wow, Anon. I remember it too, though I was 7 and clustered around my parents' TV/party in Milwaukee, where my dad was UWM etc chaplain. Quite a deal.

    Damn hippies.
